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Data Access: Bind Data to a ComboBox</h1>
This sample shows some how to bind data to a combo box
control .
<h2>Featured Highlights:</h2>
<P>The code demonstrates how to bind data to a combo box from a variety of
different data sources. Data is bound from an array, array list, datatable and
dataview. When the main form loads, the products table from the Northwind
database is retrieved into a dataset using a simple SQL Select
statement. A dataview which provides a sorted view of the
ProductName column is also created at this time. The user can then
populate the combo box control by binding to another array of colors,
an array list of shapes, an advanced array list containing sales divisions
defined with a structure, the products table residing in the dataset, or the
sorted dataview. If the user binds to the dataset, dataview or the advanced
array list of sales divisions, when an entry is selected from the combo box, an
associated value for that entry is also displayed.</P>
Trial or Release version of Visual Studio .NET Professional (or greater).
Access to the Northwind database residing in SQL Server or the Microsoft Data
Engine (MSDE). To install MSDE, do the following:
<DIV align="left">Open the Start menu, then click Programs, the click Microsoft
.NET Framework SDK, and then click Samples and Quickstart Tutorials.
<DIV align="left">Click "Step 1: Install the .NET Framework Samples Database".</DIV>
<DIV align="left">Open a command window, and CD to
\Samples\Setup This is typically : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
<DIV align="left">Type: osql -E -S (local)\NetSDK -i InstNwnd.sql</DIV>
<H2>Running the Sample</H2>
<P>Simply press <b>F5</b>.</P>
The advanced array list, dataset and dataview binding displays one set of
values, but also associates a corresponding values that are available when an
entry is selected. For example if the user selects the product entry Chai
from products table bound to the combo box, Chai is displayed as the
selected entry, but its associated ProductId is also available
through the selectedValue property. The ValueMember propery of the combo box
allows an alternate value to be made available.
When the datasource property is used to bind data to a combo box, the sorted
property is unavailable to ensure that the data is displayed in sorted order.
The data source itself must be sorted.</LI>
<H3>See Also:</H3>
<P><A href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbcon/html/vbtskdatabindingcomboboxcheckedlistboxorlistboxcontrol.asp">Data
Binding a Windows Forms ComboBox, ListBox, or CheckedListBox Control</A>,
<A href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbcon/html/vbconprovidersofdatatowindowsforms.asp">
Providers of Data to Windows Forms</A>, <A href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpqstart/html/cpsmpnetsamples-windowsformsdatabinding.asp">
ComboBox Binding Sample ,</A> <A href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemWindowsFormsComboBoxClassTopic.asp">
ComboBox Class</A>