FPM10A Fingerprint Module
User’s Guide
Features :
Power supply voltage: 3.6 V– 6.0V
Power supply current (operating): 120mA
Scan fingerprint image time: < 0.5s
Window size: 14mm * 18mm
Verify mode:
FAR: < 0.008%
FRR: < 0.008%
Interface : UART
Size( L x W x H ):
28 x 19 x 8.5mm
PIN1:VCC(3.5V -6V)
4. Instruction Set
4.1 PS_GetImage
Instruction Code: 01H
Function: Reading images from sensor and store them in the image buffer
4.2 PS_GenChar
Instruction Code: 02H
Function: Generating fingerprint characters according to original images
and store them in CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2
4.3 PS_Match
Instruction Code: 03H
Function: Pattern-matching the character file in CharBuffer1 and
4.4 PS_Search
Instruction Code: 04H
Function: Using the character files in CharBuffer1 or CharBuffer2 to
search the whole or part of fingerprint database
4.5 PS_RegModel
Instruction Code: 05H
Function: Merging the character files in CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2 and
generate them into template to store in CharBuffer2
4.6 PS_StoreChar
Instruction Code: 06H
Function: Storing files in the character buffer to FLASH fingerprint
4.7 PS_LoadChar
Instruction Code: 07H
Function: Reading a template from FLASH fingerprint database to
character buffer
4.8 PS_UpChar
Instruction Code: 08H
Function: Uploading files in the character buffer to the host
4.9 PS_DownChar
Instruction Code: 09H
Function: Downloading a character file from the host to the character
4.10 PS_UpImage
Instruction Code: 0AH
Function: Uploading original image
4.11 PS_DownImage
Instruction Code: 0BH
Function: Downloading original image
4.12 PS_DeletChar
Instruction Code: 0CH
Function: Deleting a character file of the FLASH fingerprint database
4.13 PS_Empty
Instruction Code: 0DH
Function: Clearing FLASH fingerprint database
4.14 PS_WriteReg
Instruction Code: 0EH
Function: Writing SOC system register
4.15 PS_ReadSysPara
Instruction Code: 0FH
Function: Reading system basic parameter
4.16 PS_Enroll
Instruction Code: 10H
Function: Enrolling template
4.17 PS_ Identify
Instruction Code: 11H
Function: Verifying fingerprint
4.18 PS_SetPwd
Instruction Code: 12H
Function: Setting device handshake passwords
4.19 PS_VfyPwd
Instruction Code: 13H
Function: Verifying device handshake passwords
4.20 PS_GetRandomCode
Instruction Code: 14H
Function: Sampling random code
4.21 PS_SetChipAddr
Instruction Code: 15H
Function: Setting chip address
4.22 PS_ReadINFpage
Instruction Code: 16H
Function: Reading contents of FLASH Information Page
4.23 PS_Port_Control
Instruction Code: 17H
Function: Communication port˄UART/USB˅ switch control
4.24 PS_WriteNotepad
Instruction Code: 18H
Function: Writing notepad
4.25 PS_ReadNotepad
Instruction Code: 19H
Function: Reading notepad
4.26 PS_BurnCode⧊in FPM10A this instruction used for burning
external FLASH code⧋
Instruction code: 1AH
Function: Burning on-chip FLASH
4.27 PS_HighSpeedSearch
Instruction Code: 1BH
Function: Fast-classifying FLASH
4.28 PS_GenBinImage
Instruction Code: 1CH
Function: Generating to binary fingerprint image
4.29 PS_ValidTempleteNum
Instruction Code: 1DH
Function: reading the number of valid templates.