Version history:
- #75 set the child display list different when a gradient is set.
- The clip property 'bufferLength' now accepts decimal values, for example bufferLength: 0.2
- #121 XSS fix: Only load plugins and external config from the same domain as the player swf is loaded from
- Made it possible to tab out of the player and into the HTML page using the keyboard alone.
- Change links in the context menu and in the logos to point to
- Pausing a live stream now leaves the video frame visible #81
- Audio plugin is not loaded nor used when the the provider is set excplicitly in the clip to a non-audio value, for
example to 'http'
- Allow playing another instream clip while already playing one. Issue #131
- Fixed memory leaks related to repeatedly starting playback with the play() API method. #163
- new clip event onMetadataChange, dispatched for example when switching bitrate
- Shows logo in accelerated mode #20
- mid-rolls freeze if multiple providers are used #42
- onFire fired twice on replay #52
- rtmp + hw accel + instream clips lose video, or aspect ratio #44
- URL name parts containing semi-colons (;) should pass validation through linkUrl usage #53
- cuepoints fired multiple times with the bitrateselect plugin #50
- fix for dispatching onBegin in certain situations
- if onStart has been dispatched already prevent dispatching many onBegin events
- #15 fixes for #627, handle the display init on startup.
- #615 dispatch begin if in paused mode too early.
- #629 if start has been dispatched already prevent dispatching many begin events.
- #20 for the free player swap the logo with the stage video mask to display underneath not on top.
- #42 pass in stream clips through and close the stream before returning to the parent clip.
- #52 when replaying flag start has dispatched on the current clip.
- #44 fixes for #627 check if the stagevideo dimensions and positioning has changed to update the stage video mask with.
- unbinding and binding stage video events caused issues with instream playlists therefore has to be kept binded.
- unbinded stage video events during seeking to prevent the mask repositioning.
- #53 update url filter to accomodate for pretty urls with semi colons.
- #50 if we have metadata already set it is being updated during seeks and switching, dispatch metadata change events instead.
- #614 when the clip ends if the next clip in the provider has a different provider close the provider stream.
- #627 only detach / attach the display on start events which causes issues in buffering events after a seek in stagevideo.
- #627 re-enable stagevideo state change listeners if stagevideo is available or detach the fullscreen events on first call.
- #9 when replaying from stopping, connection does not receive callbacks anymore.
- Updated to automatically load the latest controls and audio plugins
- #612 add some logging for the stagevideo render state to determine what mode the hardware acceleration is in for various systems.
- #628 opera browsers do not return filesize correctly for latest flash players so require to use load completion instead which may help with gzipped files also.
- new flowplayer.js version 3.2.11,
fixes removing the player in fullscreen mode leaves Android locked in landscape orientation (#511)
- #586 add a bitrate label with a new namespace attribute fp:bitratelabel.
- #583 fixes for handling the fullscreenOnly property better
- #494 with relative filenames with a root path strip the baseurl of paths first.
- new flowplayer.js, now requires Flash 10.1 as the minimum flash version
- #526 allow click through event for flash installation message when using div containers.
- #508 disabling the stagevideo screen mask, canvas is visible without it, this was causing issues with the display list.
- #443 adding accessibility option to the playbuttonoverlay.
- Fixed #514, scrubbing was broken
- new flowplayer.js version 3.2.9, fixes #510
- Fixed #490, controlbar background, buffer bar and progress bar colors were all reset to white
- #503 Update viewport when stage is added to obtain the coordnates correctly. Update viewport when in and out of fullscreen.
- #508 stage video mask was being added to the top layer and hiding all children.
- Added new property clip.backBufferLength, to be used with FMS 3.5
- Adds support for StageVideo. To enable it set clip.accelerated to true.
- Tries to reload two times if the stream is not initially found. Also does 3 connection attempts if the connection fails with RTMP.
- Support for FMS slow motion
- Support for thumbnails in RSS files
- Added onPlayStatus clip event handler on NetStreamClient.
- Added new clip events for stream switching onSwitchFailed and onSwitchComplete
- made it possible to replay a clip using play(<current_clip's_index>)
- fixed to dispatch onStart also when replaying the previous clip, now the JS controlbar again works when replaying
- cuepoints were fired multiple times when there is a playlist with several clips. Issue #150.
- fixed XML parsing error when metadata's keys contains dashes
- backgroundImage css property can now be set to "none" to be removed
- fixed the facts that clips in a playlist were cut off by a fraction in the end
- fullScreenOnly now works in conjunction with displayTime
- JS plugins now handles grouped syntax like flowplayer("a.player" /*...*/ )
- JS function setClip can now be used to add listeners on the new Clip
- different players with the same configuration stored in a variable can now use JS plugins
- using linkUrl now works when calling JS function setClip
- zIndex for plugins works fine now, issue #302
- onLastSecond was fired twice, issue #300
- fixed license key verification on subdomains, issue #318
- fixed XSS vulnerability with linkUrls. Thank you Szymon Gruszecki for discovering and reporting this to us. Issue #329.
- fixed switch stream api support in paused state. #279.
- added switching state properties. #339
- fixed the stopBuffering() API method to close the NetConnection and to clear the screen
- Issue #355 setup targeting for Flash 10.0 and 10.1 to provide support for Flash 10.0 without Stagevideo requirements.
- fixed #364, NetConnection unnecessary closed/reconnected when the netConnection does not change from clip to clip
- xss fix for flashembed #357
- Issue #384 added links support in context menus with configuration { url: "", target: "_blank"} which will work in embedded players.
- #378, javascript method loadPluginWithConfig is unavailable and non existant. Documentation updated required to remove this and updates for loadPlugin like so
this.loadPlugin("content","../flowplayer.content.swf", { html: "test", top: 30 }); or
this.loadPlugin("content","../flowplayer.content.swf", { html: "test" }, function() {
this.css({ top: 30 });
- #191 send the resume event, and no stop event first before reconnecting due to a connection timeout so the player comes out of a paused state correctly.
- #363 pause stream after metadata not beforehand or else no metadata is sent for rtmp clips .
- #363 silent seek and force to seek to a keyframe or else video frame will not display initially when paused.
- #375 clearing the event listeners when adding new video displays prevents new events being added when the playlist is replaced.
- #391 add message argument to connection failure callback required by some connection providers.
- #363 add overridable pause to frame for different seek functionality between http and rtmp.
- #392 possible fix for extensions with no filetypes like rtmp flv clips, require positive index check.
- #395 apply buffer animation status to VOD streams only.
- #375 possible fix when replacing the playlist in onBeforeFinish, move replay button to onFinish.
- #390

- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 8
- AI大模型Deepseek赋能企业数字化转型实践(ERP_SRM_WMS_MES_APS_EMS等系统举例).pptx
- 嵌入式物联网项目_微联智控开源工作室
- 物联网设备数据管理_HTTP接口集成
- 通信技术_VoIP即时消息私有部署服务端
- 基于Matlab相场模拟的热力耦合断裂问题研究-以陶瓷淬火算例为例,采用Paraview实现可视化分析,Matlab相场模型下的热力耦合断裂问题研究:陶瓷淬火算例及Paraview可视化应用,mat
- 物联网_EVM_嵌入式Vue_开发框架
- 工具变量-上市公司实质性创新和策略性创新数据集 (2000-2023年).txt
- 工业物联网数据采集网关技术
- 两级式三相光伏并网发电系统Simulink仿真方法结合学习,《基于Simulink仿真的两级式三相光伏并网发电系统及其MPPT优化研究-整合参数设计与仿真学习》,两级式三相光伏并网发电系统simul
- 【未知机构-2025研报】深度推理驱动的Agent智能体构建研究.pdf
- ,基于STM32F1的线性自抗扰技术(LADRC)改进程序及LabVIEW程序实现,线性自抗扰(LADRC)的stm32f1在原有程序基础上修改后的,另送labview程序 ,LADRC; STM32
- postgresql数据类型转换PDF
- 基于扩展卡尔曼滤波算法EKF的锂电池SOC动态估算:考虑充放电倍率与环境温度的综合辨识,基于扩展卡尔曼滤波算法EKF的锂电池SOC动态估算:考虑充放电倍率与环境温度的综合辨识,扩展卡尔曼滤波soc估算
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- 编程语言_Golang_面试题合集_学习成长
- 计算机知识图书汇编_资源分享

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