[Sublime Text 3+][] Package. **Install via** an updated version of [Package Control 2][]. Just **DON'T install manually**.
# Sidebar Enhancements
### In other languages
Japanese - <http://taamemo.blogspot.jp/2012/10/sublime-text-2-sidebarenhancements.html?m=1>
Russian - <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0dJTd58kI&feature=youtu.be&a>
## Description
# [Sublime Text 3+][] Package, It does NOT WORK with ST2, DOES NOT; Use Sublime Text 3 Please.
Provides enhancements to the operations on Sidebar of Files and Folders for Sublime Text. <http://www.sublimetext.com/>
Notably provides delete as "move to trash", open with.. and a clipboard.
Close, move, open and restore buffers affected by a rename/move command. (even on folders)
Provides the basics: new file/folder, edit, open/run, reveal, find in selected/parent/project, cut, copy, paste, paste in parent, rename, move, delete, refresh....
The not so basic: copy paths as URIs, URLs, content as UTF8, content as <data:uri> base64 ( nice for embedding into CSS! ), copy as tags img/a/script/style, duplicate
Preference to control if a buffer should be closed when affected by a deletion operation.
Allows to display "file modified date" and "file size" on statusbar.
## Installation
To install SideBarEnhancements, Install Package Control 2 First. See: <https://sublime.wbond.net/installation>
Then after restarting, with package control Install this Package.
WARNING: Manual installation:
- We don't have time to workaround, provide support and follow threads of all the possible problems that installing manually can cause.
- Most users will clone this repo, with sublime opened, which will Install the version of the package for ST2 on ST3, if you do this with ST3 and opened, the installation is likely screwed up.
- Install with package control please.
Troubleshooting Installation:
If you have problems with the installation, do this:
- First please note this package only adds a context menu to the "Folders" section and not to the "Open Files" section.
- Open the package folder. Main menu -\> Preferences -\> Browse Packages.
- Close Sublime Text.
- Remove the folder "Packages/SideBarEnhancements"
- Remove the folder "User/SideBarEnhancements"
- Navigate one folder up, to "Installed Packages/", check for any instance of SideBarEnhancements and remove it.
- Open ST, with Package Control go to : Remove Package, check for any instance of SideBarEnhancements and remove it.
- Restart ST
- Open ST, check if there is any entry about SideBarEnhancements in Package Control(in sections: "Remove Package" and just in case in "Enable Package")
- Repeat until you find there no entry about SideBarEnhancements
- Restart ST
- Install it via Package Control.
- It works
## F12 key
(Please note that from version 2.122104 this package no longer provides the key, you need to manually add it to your sublime-keymap file (see next section))
F12 key allows you to open the current file in browser.
`url_testing` allows you to set the url of your local server, opened via F12
`url_production` allows you to set the url of your production server, opened via ALT+F12
### With absolute paths
- Right click any file on sidebar and select: "Project -\> Edit Projects Preview URLs"
- Edit this file, and add your paths and URLs with the following structure:
<!-- -->
### With relative paths
Imagine we have a project with the following structure
Project/ < - root project folder
Project/public/ < - the folder we want to load as "http://localhost/"
Project/experimental/ < - other folder we may run as experimental/test in another url "http://experimental/"
Then we create configuration file:
with content:
You can create config files `some/folder/.sublime/SideBarEnhancements.json` anywhere.
#### F12 key conflict
On Sublime Text 3 `F12` key is bound to `"goto_definition"` command by default. This package was conflicting with that key, this no longers happens. You need to manually add the keys now: Go to `Preferences -> Package Settings -> Side Bar -> Key Bindings - User` and add any of the following:
{ "keys": ["f12"],
"command": "side_bar_open_in_browser" ,
"args":{"paths":[], "type":"testing", "browser":""}
{ "keys": ["alt+f12"],
"command": "side_bar_open_in_browser",
"args":{"paths":[], "type":"production", "browser":""}
"keys": ["ctrl+t"],
"command": "side_bar_new_file2"
"keys": ["f2"],
"command": "side_bar_rename"
## Notes on configuring the `Open With` menu:
Definitions file: `User/SideBarEnhancements/Open With/Side Bar.sublime-menu` (note the extra subfolder levels). To open it, right-click on any file in an open project and select `Open With > Edit Applications...`
- On OSX, the 'application' property simply takes the *name* of an application, to which the file at hand's full path will be passed as if with `open ...`, e.g.: "application": "Google Chrome"
- On OSX, invoking *shell* commands is NOT supported.
<!-- -->
//application 1
"caption": "Photoshop",
"id": "side-bar-files-open-with-photoshop",
"command": "side_bar_files_open_with",
"args": {
"paths": [],
"application": "Adobe Photoshop CS5.app", // OSX
"extensions":"psd|png|jpg|jpeg", //any file with these extensions
"open_automatically" : true // will close the view/tab and launch the application
## FAQ
Q: Why the menu is not shown on `Open Files`?
- It should be mentioned that the package's context menu is only available for files and folders **in a project (section** `Folders` **in the side bar)**, and *not* on the open files listed at the top of the side bar, due to a limitation of ST.
Q: Can the package stop "show preview in a **right** click to a file".
- No, I'm sorry, can't figure out how to prevent it.
## Using the External Libraries
(check each license in project pages)
- "getImageInfo" to get width and height for images from "bfg-pages". See: <http://code.google.com/p/bfg-pages/>
- "desktop" to be able to open files with system handlers. See: <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/desktop>
- "send2trash" to be able to send to the trash instead of deleting for ever!. See: <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Send2Trash>
- "hurry.filesize" to be able to format file sizes. See: <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/hurry.filesize/>
- "Edit.py" ST2/3 Edit Abstraction. See: <http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=12551>
## Source-code
## Forum Thread
# Contributors:
(Thank you so much!)
- bofm
- Dalibor Simacek
- Devin Rhode
- Eric Eldredge
- Hewei Liu
- Jeremy Gailor
- Joao Antunes
- Leif Ringstad
- Nick Zaccardi
- Patrik Göthe
- Randy Lai
- Raphael DDL Oliveira
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
5星 · 超过95%的资源 需积分: 14 1.0k 下载量 112 浏览量
评论 13
收藏 31.22MB ZIP 举报
包含的插件有: AndyJS2、BracketHighlighter、emmet-sublime、flatland、IMESupport、jQuery、JsFormat、Package Control、predawn、PyV8、SideBarEnhancements-st3、sublime_alignment、SublimeCodeIntel。
SublimeText3插件打包下载 (1473个子文件)
vector.ai 1.58MB
imesupport_hook.c 4KB
Package Control.ca-bundle 3KB
Package Control.ca-list 77B
setup.cfg 70B
setup.cfg 22B
python3-3.3.cix 13.35MB
python-2.6.cix 10.33MB
python-2.5.cix 8.92MB
python-2.7.cix 8.74MB
python-2.4.cix 7.91MB
python3-3.2.cix 6.01MB
python3-3.1.cix 5.86MB
perl-5.14.cix 3.72MB
ruby-1.8.cix 2.84MB
perl-5.16.cix 2.66MB
perl-5.12.cix 2.65MB
perl-5.10.cix 2.53MB
dojo.cix 2.39MB
ruby-1.9.3.cix 2.18MB
perl-5.8.cix 2.04MB
ext.cix 2.01MB
pywin32.cix 1.78MB
python3-pywin32.cix 1.66MB
ruby-1.9.2.cix 1.57MB
yui.cix 1.29MB
drupal.cix 1.29MB
php-5.5.cix 925KB
php-5.4.cix 833KB
php-5.3.cix 817KB
php-5.2.cix 737KB
php-5.0.cix 712KB
php-5.1.cix 711KB
mozilla_toolkit.cix 581KB
php-4.4.cix 557KB
rails.cix 364KB
pecl.cix 345KB
javascript.cix 240KB
jquery.cix 141KB
mochikit.cix 118KB
prototype.cix 45KB
node.js.cix 30KB
html5.cix 23KB
xbl.cix 3KB
xpcom.cix 1KB
.compat_flag_3067 166B
readme.creole 3KB
readme.creole 1KB
theme_custom.css 11KB
highlight.css 2KB
style.css 12B
imesupport_hook_x64.dll 109KB
imesupport_hook_x86.dll 45KB
vector.eps 1.55MB
image.gif 262B
.gitignore 261B
.gitignore 81B
.gitignore 81B
.gitignore 47B
.gitignore 43B
.gitignore 42B
.gitignore 40B
.gitignore 38B
.gitignore 24B
.gitignore 6B
.gitignore 5B
imesupport_hook.h 390B
SideBar Results.hidden-tmLanguage 1KB
base.html 4KB
footer.html 900B
index.html 12B
Sublime Text 2.icns 194KB
sublime-predawn-round-icon.icns 54KB
sublime-predawn-dark-round-icon.icns 53KB
sublime-predawn-dark-icon.icns 48KB
sublime-predawn-icon.icns 47KB
tox.ini 234B
image.jpg 737B
emmet-app.js 452KB
http.js 17KB
http.js 15KB
fs.js 15KB
fs.js 14KB
net.js 11KB
buffer.js 11KB
buffer.js 11KB
net.js 10KB
crypto.js 10KB
editor.js 9KB
crypto.js 9KB
tls.js 7KB
test-myobfuscate-input.js 7KB
tls.js 6KB
process.js 5KB
process.js 5KB
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