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Copyright 2019, Vector Informatik GmbH. Printed in Germany.
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Manual AUTOSAR Calibration Contents
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 2.0 - I -
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose of the AUTOSAR Calibration User Manual 4
1.2 About This User Manual 5
1.2.1 Warranty 6
1.2.2 Support 6
1.2.3 Trademarks 6
1.2.4 Reference Documents 6
2 Introduction to AUTOSAR 7
2.1 Background 8
2.2 Approach 9
2.3 Basic Concept 10
2.4 Architecture 11
3 Measuring and Calibrating of ECU Software 13
3.1 Basics 14
3.2 XCP Driver 15
3.2.1 Measurement Modes 17
3.2.2 Autoselection and Software Version Check of the A2L File 18
3.2.3 Online Calibration 19
3.2.4 Page Switching 19
3.2.5 Bypassing 20
3.2.6 Resume Mode 21
3.3 A2L File 23
3.3.1 Structure 23
3.3.2 Mode of Functioning 32
4 OEM 33
4.1 Objective 34
4.2 Content of the Performance Specifications 34
4.3 Measurement Task 34
4.4 Calibration Task 35
4.5 XCP Features 35
5 Supplier 36
5.1 Preface 37
5.2 Requirements 37
5.3 Definition of Measurement and Calibration Parameters 37
5.3.1 Measuring and Calibrating of AUTOSAR Software Components 38
5.3.2 Measuring of Ports and Variables 38
5.3.3 XCP Events 39
5.3.4 Software Component with Calibration Parameters 39
5.3.5 Calibration Parameters for Multiple Software Components 40
5.3.6 Configuration of the RTE (Runtime Environment) 41
5.3.7 Measuring and Calibrating Without the Support of the RTE 41
5.3.8 Debugging of the BSW (Basic Software) 42
Manual AUTOSAR Calibration Contents
© Vector Informatik GmbH Version 2.0 - II -
5.4 Configuration of the XCP Module 42
5.4.1 DAQ List Configuration 43
5.4.2 Tool-Driven DAQ Timestamp Option 44
5.4.3 XCP Event Information 44
5.4.4 Software Version Check 44
5.5 Configuration of the Memory Management 45
5.5.1 Configuration for Resume Mode 45
5.6 Creating an A2L File 46
5.6.1 Creation of a Master A2L File 46
5.6.2 Expansion of the Master A2L File 48
5.6.3 Working with ASAP2 Tool-Set 49
5.6.4 Working with CANape and the ASAP2 Editor 52
5.7 Fast Access to the ECU Via the VX Module 53
5.8 Additional Topics 53
6 Delivery Test/Quick Start 54
7 CANape Introduction 55
7.1 Creation of a Project 56
7.2 Device Configuration 57
7.2.1 Devices 58
7.2.2 Networks 59
7.2.3 Vector Hardware 59
7.2.4 XCP Features in CANape 60
7.3 Online Measurement Configuration 61
7.3.1 Measurement Options 61
7.3.2 Measurement Signals 62
7.3.3 Recorder List 64
7.3.4 Event List 66
7.4 Working with Parameter Set Files 66
7.5 Dataset Management 67
7.5.1 Tool-Based in CANape 11.0 and Higher 67
7.6 Offline Evaluation 69
7.7 Flashing 71
8 Addresses 72
9 Abbreviations 73
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