Digital Stopwatch
Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology in recent years SCMapplications are
constant-depth manner. In this paper based on single chip design ofdigital electronic stopwatch. The main
characteristics of this design timing accuracy of0.001s to solve the traditional result of a lack accuracy due
to timing errors and unfairand is a variety of sports competitions one of the essential equipment. In
addition thehardware part of the set View button on the stopwatch can be the last time to save time
foruser queries. The design of the multi-function stopwatch system uses STC89C52 microcontrolleras the
central device and use its timer / counter timing and the count principles combinedwith display circuit
LED digital tube as well as the external interrupt circuit to design atimer. The software and hardware
together organically allowing the system to achieve twoLED display shows the time from 0 to 99.999
seconds Timing accuracy of 0.001 secondsBe able to correctly time at the same time to record a time and
the next time after the lasttime the time to search.automatically added a second in which software
systems usingassembly language programming including the display program timing interrupt
serviceexternal interrupt service routine delay procedures key consumer shaking proceduresand WAVE in
the commissioning operation hardware system uses to achieve PROTEUSpowerful simple and easy to
observe the cut in the simulation can be observed on theactual working condition. Keyword:LED display;
High-precision stopwatch;STC89C52
KEY WORDS:AT89C51,Digital stopwatch,Display
目 录
前言 3
1 系统总体方案设计 3
1.1 设计内容 3
1.2 设计要求 4
1.3 设计思路及描述 4
2 系统硬件电路的设计 5
2.1 AT89C51 单片机简介 5