【知识点】 1. 英语写作技巧:该材料提及的是一种写作练习,旨在帮助学生提高英语写作能力。在高考英语中,写作部分是衡量学生语言运用能力的重要环节,因此掌握有效的写作策略至关重要。这可能包括如何组织文章结构、使用恰当的词汇和语法、以及如何根据情境进行合适的对话创作。 2. 心理学应用:销售员Miss Brampton以心理学的角度与顾客交流,试图解读顾客购买动机,反映出心理学在日常交流中的应用。这涉及到心理学中的消费行为分析,即理解消费者的心理状态如何影响他们的购买决策。 3. 客户服务策略:Miss Brampton的销售方式并不常规,她试图通过深入顾客的心理来提供建议,但这种做法可能导致客户感到不适。这提醒我们在客户服务中,尊重和理解客户的需求,同时保持专业性和敏感度是至关重要的。 4. 情境对话写作:题目要求学生根据已有情境进行续写,这是锻炼学生在特定场景下构建对话的能力,这在英语学习中是非常重要的一部分,因为它能提升学生的实际沟通技巧。 5. 高考复习方法:“抓纲务本”是指抓住考试大纲的重点,围绕教材核心内容进行复习,这是高效备考的关键。学生需要对新人教版必修5中的知识点有深入理解和应用。 6. 人物性格描绘:通过Miss Brampton和顾客的对话,展示了人物的性格特点,如Miss Brampton的直率和顾客的反应,这在写作中是塑造角色和推动故事发展的重要手段。 续写: Paragraph 1:By this time, the dress shop owner decided to step in. "Excuse me, Miss Brampton," she softly intervened, "while your insights might be interesting, our customers come here for a pleasant shopping experience." The owner tactfully reminded Miss Brampton that, though psychology could be helpful, it should not overshadow the primary purpose of their business—satisfying customer needs. "In retail, we aim to understand our clients without making assumptions. Perhaps, next time, you could focus on their preferences rather than their personal life." Paragraph 2: Miss Brampton looked surprised but acknowledged the owner's point. "You're right," she admitted, realizing her mistake. "I'll adapt my approach and focus on providing excellent service." The owner smiled, appreciating Miss Brampton's willingness to learn. Meanwhile, the shop owner turned to the second customer, skillfully engaging her in a conversation about her preferences and requirements, ensuring a more professional and customer-centric interaction. This incident served as a lesson for both Miss Brampton and the other staff, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balance between theory and practice in their daily work. 这个故事强调了在实际工作中理论知识的应用需要结合实际情况,尤其是服务行业,理解客户需求并提供满意的服务是首要任务。同时,也提醒教育者在教授知识时,不仅要传授理论,还要教会学生如何将知识应用于实际生活。
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