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<span style="font-weight: bold;">[1.3.5]<br />
<li>Fixed an INI bug breaking Skin / Theme compatibility.</li>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">[1.3.4]<br />
<li>Fixed string allocation issues that were causing Runtime Errors on Vista with certain badware scanners.</li>
<li>Fixed a couple of string buffer memory leaks.</li>
<span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><span style="font-weight: bold;">[1.3.3]<br />
<li>Fixed BSOD and random crashes caused by an out-of-date compiler.</li>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">[1.3.2]<br />
<li>Fixed garbled INI files being created on Win2k</li>
<li>Fixed Arguments not being evaluated for Environment Variables</li>
<li>Fixed buffer overflow in the asyncronous ShellExecute code...
This should fix crashing when dragging large amounts of files into the
<li>Fixed incorrect centering when on the Left or Right side of the monitor</li>
<li>Fixed stuck skins when booting in Vista</li>
<li>Fixed a thread handle being closed twice when launching icons, this was throwing an exception</li>
<li>Fixed Docklet bug that was "freezing" the dock with the iCal docklet</li>
<li>Fixed Docklet bug that was preventing docklets from showing the default Icon Settings window</li>
<li>Fixed Docklets losing their character encoding when converting to and from Unicode (hopefully)</li>
<li>Fixed "Open Running" being enabled for docklet settings</li>
<li>Fixed some windows having a problem being restored from "Open Running Instance"</li>
<li>Fixed fonts being improperly clipped</li>
<li>Changed the two "load defaults?" dialogs to be "yes/no" instead of "ok/cancel"</li>
<li>Added some usefull info to generated debug files</li>
<li>Updated the CC license to 3.0</li>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">[1.3.1]</span><br />
<span style="font-weight: bold;">
<li>Improved Running Indicators to be more efficient and not require a timer</li>
<li>Added a new "Warnings" tab in Dock Settings that will appear if known and solvable problems exist</li>
<li>Added "Debug.exe" to assist in debugging Mods (and for our
internal use in debugging RD). It also will show the contents of
any generated "Debug Info" files for our more paranoid users.</li>
<li>Moved "LanguageID Finder.exe" to the Tools directory.</li>
<li>Changed docklet handling of OnConfigure() and other events so
that docklets now have a normal right-click menu. "Icon Settings"
will configure the docklet</li>
<li>Fixed problem where docklets (iCal) could change the Current Directory and cause problems</li>
<li>Changed the "hot" area of the dock to only extended to the edge
of your monitor if any of the following are true: AutoHide is enabled,
Popup on Mouseover is enabled, or the Edge Offset is greater than zero</li>
<li>Changed to better clean up "ghost" settings from deleted icons/filters</li>
<li>Added TinyCC as an embedded compiler for our upcomming "Mod" system</li>
<li>Fixed minor defect in detecting the mouse being in/out of the dock</li>
<li>Fixed Vista problems with RocketDock.dll and RocketClock.dll using the wrong Code Generation type</li>
<li>Changed Popup on Mouseover to only steal focus in "Normal" layering mode</li>
<li>Added per-icon "Open Running Applicaiton Instance" options</li>
<li>Changed "Find Target" into a "..." button</li>
<li>Fixed OD Docklet bug that would crash docklets that browsed for icons durring OnCreate()</li>
<li>Fixed RocketDock.dll crashing on Vista</li>
<li>Fixed AutoHide+Minimize jumping</li>
<li>Fixed crashing when restoring multiple windows (by unchecking "Minimize Windows to the Dock")</li>
<li>Fixed visual glitches when minimizing windows</li>
<li>Added Window Filtering (hold Control+Alt+Shift when minimizing to create/delete filters)</li>
<li>Rewrote thread synchronization.</li>
<li>Added "Disable Minimize Animations" option</li>
<li>Fixed OD Docklet API DockletGetLabel(). It now returns the char count</li>
<li>Fixed ini quote limitation</li>
<li>Added a "Debug Info" button to save usefull bug report information</li>
<li>Fixed Calendar Docklet images being cut off or scaled incorrectly</li>
<li>Fixed Flickering/Popping Down after a display change (or playing a game)</li>
<li>Fixed random crashing when right-clicking on icons</li>
<li>Fixed Volume Docklet "popup menu" bug</li>
<li>Fixed problem with some TrueType fonts displaying improperly</li>
<li>Fixed crashing on 1-bit icons by not reading them with Gdiplus (which apparently can't handle them)</li>
<li>Fixed skin appearing in upper-left momentarily on startup</li>
<li>Updated the installer</li>
<li>Many tiny internal changes</li>
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><br />
[1.3.0]<br />
<li>Added "Minimize windows to Dock" (with realtime previews under Vista with Desktop Composition enabled)</li>
<li>Added ability to store all settings in "Settings.ini" (for portability)</li>
<li>Added Icon Activation FX options</li>
<li>Added Hover Effect option</li>
<li>Added Icon Opacity option</li>
<li>Added Zoom Opaque option (Fades Icon Opacity to 100% when zooming)</li>
<li>Added Zoom "Plateau" mode (like "Bubble" only flat at the peak)</li>
<li>Added the ability to set a negative Edget Offset (down to -15px)</li>
<li>Added Popup on Mouseover Delay option</li>
<li>Added Behavior Settings area</li>
<li>Added ability to have multiple custom icon folders</li>
<li>Added ability to browse executable files as "folders" for icon resources</li>
<li>Added support for Vista icon resources</li>
<li>Improved Icon Transitions</li>
<li>Added "Running Task Indicators"</li>
<li>Added "Open Existing Application Instance"</li>
<li>Added a simple Clock Docklet</li>
<li>Changed Recycle Bin Icons to have 2 states</li>
<li>Added a hot key to toggle RocketDock visibility (CTRL+ALT+R)</li>
<li>Fixed multi-monitor issue with RD forgetting your setting when connecting/disconnecting monitors (or using Remote Desktop).</li>
<li>Fixed Icons adding to the end of the dock.</li>
<li>Fixed many window layering issues (Icons and Labels)</li>
<li>Fixed Vista UAC awareness issue</li>
<li>Icons now maintain image size ratio</li>
<li>Improved icon resource support</li>
<li>Fixed Thread/Handle leak</li>
<li>Fixed Icon Settings crashing in the System32 directory</li>
<li>Fixed icons being reloaded when canceling the Dock Settings window</li>
<li>Lock Icons now prevents you from dragging in new icons, but allows you to drag onto other icons.</li>
<li>Fixed Docklets forgetting their icon image</li>
<li>Fixed special shortcuts loading incorrectly (My Computer, iTunes, Office)</li>
<li>Fixed Icon / Separator shifting glitch affecting "pixel-perfect" skins</li>
<li>Changed Separator spacing to 1/2 that of a normal icon.</li>
<li>Fixed random Icons not sliding (usually after pressing cancel in the Dock Settings window)</li>
<li>Fixed AutoHide working while in Settings windows.</li>
<li>Fixed crashing when right-clicking on the context menu. Right clicking is now functional as well.</li>
<li>Fixed relative paths not executing properly.</li>
<li>Ported hooks to C++ and merged into a single dll (RocketDock.dll)</li>
<li>Added German and French documentation</li

RocketDock 是一款流行且实用的桌面美化工具,它模仿了苹果Mac OS X操作系统中的Dock功能。RocketDock 提供了一个动态的图标工具栏,让你能够快速访问最常用的程序、文件和文件夹,从而让电脑使用更加便捷高效。这个“rocketsrock”版本可能是RocketDock的一个特定主题或增强版,旨在为用户提供更加个性化和美观的体验。 RocketDock 的主要特点包括: 1. **可定制化**: 用户可以根据自己的喜好调整RocketDock的大小、位置、透明度以及图标样式,还可以选择不同的主题,如“Leopard3D”,这可能是一种具有3D效果的苹果风格主题。 2. **快速启动**: 通过RocketDock,你可以将常用程序的快捷方式添加到工具栏上,只需点击一下即可启动,无需在开始菜单或桌面寻找。 3. **动态效果**: 当鼠标悬停在图标上时,RocketDock会显示预览窗口或者动画效果,增加使用时的视觉乐趣。 4. **组织有序**: 你可以将相关的快捷方式分组,通过折叠和展开的方式管理,保持桌面整洁。 5. **兼容性好**: RocketDock与多种操作系统兼容,包括Windows XP、Vista、7、8及10,确保在各种环境下都能正常工作。 6. **插件支持**: 除了基本功能外,RocketDock还允许用户安装各种插件来扩展其功能,如添加系统托盘图标、任务管理器等。 7. **资源占用低**: 尽管提供了丰富的视觉效果,但RocketDock对系统资源的占用却相对较低,不会影响计算机的运行速度。 8. **易用性**: RocketDock的操作非常直观,无论是添加、删除还是重新排列图标,都非常简单,适合各种技术水平的用户。 9. **自动隐藏**: 对于不希望始终显示在屏幕上的用户,RocketDock提供自动隐藏功能,只有当鼠标靠近时才会显示出来,保持桌面清爽。 10. **备份和恢复**: 用户可以轻松备份和恢复RocketDock的设置,这样在更换电脑或重装系统后,可以快速恢复个性化配置。 RocketDock_Leopard3D 文件很可能是RocketDock的安装包,内含“Leopard3D”主题,用户安装后可以享受更加逼真的苹果风格桌面工具栏。通过这个工具,用户不仅能够提升桌面的视觉效果,还能提高工作效率,让电脑使用更加得心应手。

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- 资源: 23
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- 即时通讯源码,带社交功能,跨平台支持iOS与Android端通讯交流利器,即时通讯源码:社交功能强大,跨平台支持iOS与Android端应用,即时通讯源码,带社交功能,支持ios和android端
- weixin192即时空教室查询小程序ssm.zip
- weixin193基于微信小程序的社区垃圾回收管理系统ssm.zip
- 基于Matlab仿真的水下机器人广义预测控制(MGPC)算法验证研究,基于Matlab仿真的水下机器人广义预测控制(MGPC)算法验证研究,广义预测控制(MGPC) 采用仿真软件matlab对水下机器
- weixin194高校学习助手小程序ssm.zip
- weixin197基于JAVA的微信食堂线上订餐小程序的设计与实现ssm.zip
- weixin195基于微信平台的购物商城小程序开发ssm.zip
- weixin196运动健康小程序SpringBoot.zip
- 西门子S7-200 Smart PLC与V20变频器Modbus通讯:实现稳定可靠的自动化控制,含昆仑通态触摸屏操作及详细接线与设置说明,西门子S7-200 Smart PLC与V20变频器Modbu
- weixin199基于微信小程序的快递管理平台的设计与实现ssm.zip
- weixin200基于微信小程序的社区车位租赁系统的设计与实现springboot.zip
- weixin198学生管理系统springboot.zip
- 基于Vue + Spring Boot + Redis + MyBatis-plus的餐饮行业定制化软件设计源码
- weixin201基于微信小程序的校园保修系统springboot.zip
- weixin202便捷饭店点餐小程序的设计与实现ssm.zip
- weixin203婚庆摄影小程序ssm.zip
