Zencart Addon: Newletter Subscribe v 2.1.1 for Zen Cart v1.3.8a
Designed for: Zen Cart v 1.3.0x by Sara Jacobson (NotGoddess)
Modifications made 1-1-2009 on zen cart 1.3.8a - see ns_changelog for details
Modification made 5/16/2010 for zen cart 1.3.9b - see ns_changelog for details
Based on:
Zencart Addon: Subscribe! v 1.1
Written by Denise McLaurin (design@unicornhosting.com)
Zen Forum PM: dmcl1 (that's DMCL-ONE)
Zencart Addon: Subscription_Removal v 1.1
Written by Chris Boedigheimer (chris@webignite.net)
Zen Forum PM: badd
Adapted by Sara Jacobson (sarazc@notgoddess.com)
Zen Forum PM: NotGoddess
for Sara Jacobson: donations@notgoddess.com via PayPal
(if you want to send a check, email and I can give you an address).
Or you can donate to the ZenCart developers at:
(if link is broken, goto zen-cart.com and click 'donate' link.
Please address comments/questions to the following
Zen Forum Contribution Thread:
Allow potential customers to subscribe for newsletters without needing
to create an account.
Involves creation of separate database table which tracks all
newsletter-only subscribers and all customer accounts with a
newsletter subscription. Any changes made to customer accounts
(email address, email format, cancel subscription) are correctly
edited in the new table.
Former newsletter-only subscribers who later decided to create an account
are identified and updated so that multiple records will not exist for the
same email address.
Newsletter only subscribers are required to confirm their email prior to
receiving newsletters (in hopes of preventing spam/bots/jokes).
Includes Subscription management page under Customers -> Subscription Manager
From Subscribe! ZC1.2.7 :
Note: This contribution is not compatible 'as is' with 1.2.7!
If you tried to install the 1.2.7 contribution in 1.3.x:
A number of files have been changed/removed, so I don't really
advise trying to upgrade-a fresh install is best.
From v2.0 to 2.0.1 (or 2.0.1a):
See the ns_changelog.txt file included in this contribution for
details on changed files. In most cases you can just overwrite
the changed files.
From v2.0.2 to v2.0.3:
See the ns_changelog.txt file included in this contribution for
details on changed files. In most cases you can just overwrite
the changed files.
From v2.0.3 to v2.0.4:
Just overwrite the files. No database changes needed.
From v2.0.4 to v2.0.5 or v2.0.6:
Overwrite the files, or just the changed files:
When you log into the subscription manager you should see an 'update'
button that will perform the database update (see changelog for details)
From v2.0.5 or v2.0.6 to v2.0.7:
Just overwrite the files. No database changes needed.
From v2.0.5, v2.0.6, v2.0.7 to v2.0.8:
Just overwrite the files. No database changes needed.
From v2.0.5, v2.0.6, v2.0.7, v2.0.8 to v2.0.9:
Just overwrite the files. No database changes needed.
From v2.0.5, v2.0.6, v2.0.7, v2.0.8 , v2.0.9 to v2.0.9a:
Just overwrite the files. No database changes needed.
From v2.0.5, v2.0.6, v2.0.7, v2.0.8 , v2.0.9, v2.0.9a to v2.1.0:
Just overwrite the files. No database changes needed.
Note: v2.1.0 is for Zen Cart v1.3.8 and should not be used with previous versions.
1. BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP! This contrib involves creation of a new
database table and modification of the query_builder table.
PLEASE backup your database before applying the changes.
2. Modifications are made to the following core files:
It is HIGHLY SUGGESTED that you make backup copies of these files
in case you later want to remove the contribution. All changes
in the above-named core files are wrapped with this comment:
// BEGIN newsletter_subscribe mod
// END newsletter_subscribe mod
If you have made other changes to the core files mentioned here,
I highly recommend using a diff utility program, such as WinMerge
(http://winmerge.sourceforge.net/) to merge the files together.
Where possible, template overrides have been used.
1. Download the package and unzip to a temp directory.
2. Copy the "admin" folder to your zencart root folder. This will
overwrite admin/index.php and admin/customers.php, and add new
files. (The index.php is only changed to display the count of
"Newsletter Subscribers" as both customer subscribers and
newsletter-only subscribers on the Admin Home page.)
3. Copy the "email" folder to your zencart root folder. This will
add the email template used by the subscription.
4. Prior to copying the "includes" folder, open includes/templates
and rename the "YOUR_TEMPLATE" subdirectory to the name of the
template you are using.
5. Copy the entire "includes" folder to your zencart root folder. The
files are already arranged with appropriate subdirectory structure.
As stated above, certain files WILL be overwritten.
6. Change the permissions setting for the following to 777:
(Note! for security, after you have these configured the way you like,
set permissions to 644.
7. Log into your admin panel and in the Customers tab you should see
the option 'Subscription Manager'. Click on this.
8. You should get a warning at the top that the contribution has not
been installed, and below you'll see an 'install' button. Click on
this to install the tables and update sql queries.
If you have installed version 2.2 you should see a 'update' button
instead of an 'install' button. BACKUP your subscriptions table!
Then press the 'update' button.
That should be it! The installation should transfer existing customer
subscribers over, so you will see them immediately.
In addition to the subscription manager are other configuration options.
Under 'Configuration -> My Store' you will see the option to enable/disable
subscriptions. Subscriptions are enabled by default when the contribution
is installed, however you can temporarily disable them with this command.
This is handy when you want to prevent subscriptions, but do not want to
completely remove the contribution (doing so deletes all subscriptions, as
it drops the table entirely).
Under 'Configurati
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