Historically we have seen waves of innova on hit the Informa on Technology industry. Typically, these have happened separately in the areas of infrastructure (mainframe to distributed to virtual), applica on architecture (monolithic to client-server to n- er web) and process/methodology (ITIL). But if you look around, you will see that right now we are in the midst of what is not just another wave in one of these areas, but a complete transforma on which encompasses all three areas at once. We are watching the infrastructure space be completely disrupted by lightweight container technology (best represented by Docker). We are seeing applica on architectures moving to a distributed microservices model to allow value-added business logic to be quickly added or changed in order to be er serve the end-user. Addi onally, we are seeing bold new concepts such as “collabora on,” “failing is okay, just fail fast,” “over communicate with feedback,” take over the IT organiza on in the hot methodology trends of DevOps and con nuous delivery (CD). The really interes ng part is that these three waves are feeding on each other and amplifying the ul mate e ect on IT: the ability to provide more value faster to the business/consumer/user. In this paper, we will discuss how two of these areas (Docker and CD) are coming together to accelerate the innova on that can happen in microservices-based applica ons. This radical change in IT tooling and process has the poten al to have a huge impact on all of us. The combina on of con nuous delivery being executed on applica ons running in Docker containers will allow us to see, in enterprise IT, the exponen al growth in innova on that we have seen in consumer and mobile applica ons over the past ve years.


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