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DB2 9 Fundamentals exam 730 prep, Part 2:
Skill Level: Intermediate
Graham G. Milne (gmilne@ca.ibm.com)
I/T Specialist DB2 UDB
IBM Canada
20 Jul 2006
This tutorial introduces the concepts of authentication, authorization, and privileges
as they relate to DB2® 9. It is the second in a series of seven tutorials designed to
help you prepare for the DB2 9 Fundamentals Certification Exam (730). You should
have basic knowledge of database concepts and operating system security. This is
the second in a series of seven tutorials to help you prepare for the DB2® 9 for
Linux®, UNIX®, and Windows™ Fundamentals exam 730.
Section 1. Before you start
About this series
Thinking about seeking certification on DB2 fundamentals (Exam 730)? If so, you've
landed in the right spot. This series of seven DB2 certification preparation tutorials
covers all the basics -- the topics you'll need to understand before you read the first
exam question. Even if you're not planning to seek certification right away, this set of
tutorials is a great place to start getting to learn what's new in DB2 9.
About this tutorial
In this tutorial, you'll learn about DB2 9 security features, including DB2 9
authentication, authorization, and privileges.
This is the second in a series of seven tutorials you can use to help prepare for the
DB2 9 Fundamentals exam 730. The material in this tutorial primarily covers the
objectives in Section 2 of the test, which is entitled "Security". You can view these
objectives at: http://www.ibm.com/certify/tests/. Choose the test number from the list.
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If it is not listed, check back weekly.
To understand the concepts described in this tutorial, you should already have a
basic knowledge of database concepts and an understanding of operating system
security features.
System requirements
The examples in this tutorial are specific to DB2 9 running on a Windows™
operating system (with native security features). However, the concepts and
information provided are relevant to DB2 running on any distributed platform.
You do not need a copy of DB2 9 to complete this tutorial. However, you will get
more out of the tutorial if you download the free trial version of IBM DB2 9 to work
along with this tutorial.
To complete the steps in this tutorial, you should have:
1. Logged into a Windows machine as a user who is a member of the
Administrators group. In the examples in this tutorial, we will be logged in
with the user ID gmilne.
2. Installed DB2 9.
3. Created a new group on the machine on which DB2 was installed. In this
tutorial, the group ID db2grp1 is used.
4. Created a second user ID on the machine on which DB2 was installed. In
this tutorial, for this purpose we will use the user ID test1. Note that the
test1 user is not a member of the Administrators group.
Section 2. DB2 security
Aspects of database security
Database security is of utmost importance today. Your database might allow
customers to purchase products over the Internet, or it can contain historical data
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used to predict business trends; either way, your company needs a sound database
security plan.
A database security plan should define:
• Who is allowed access to the instance and/or database
• Where and how a user's password will be verified
• Authority level that a user is granted
• Commands that a user is allowed to run
• Data that a user is allowed to read and/or alter
• Database objects a user is allowed to create, alter, and/or drop
DB2 security mechanisms
There are three main mechanisms within DB2 that allow a DBA to implement a
database security plan: authentication, authorization, and privileges.
Authentication is the first security feature you'll encounter when you attempt to
access a DB2 instance or database. DB2 authentication works closely with the
security features of the underlying operating system to verify user IDs and
passwords. DB2 can also work with security protocols like Kerberos to authenticate
Authorization involves determining the operations that users and/or groups can
perform, and the data objects that they may access. A user's ability to perform
high-level database and instance management operations is determined by the
authorities that they have been assigned. The five different authority levels within
Privileges are a bit more granular than authorities, and can be assigned to users
and/or groups. Privileges help define the objects that a user can create or drop.
They also define the commands that a user can use to access objects like tables,
views, indexes, and packages. New to DB2 9 is the concept of label-based access
control (LBAC), which allows more granular control of who can access individual
rows and/or columns.
To prepare for the next section of the tutorial, you will need to create a database
within the DB2 instance. Make sure that the %DB2INSTANCE% variable is still set to
DB2, and then create the sample database using the command db2sampl drive
, using the name of the drive where you want to create the sample. For the
examples in this tutorial, you'll create the sample database on your D: drive, as
D:\SQLLIB\BIN> db2sampl d:
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Clients, servers, gateways, and hosts
It is particularly important that you understand the terms client, server, gateway, and
host when considering the security of the entire database environment. A database
environment often consists of several different machines; you must safeguard the
database at any potential data access point. The concepts of clients, servers,
gateways, and hosts are particularly important when dealing with DB2
The diagram below illustrates a basic client-server-host configuration.
The database server is the machine (or machines in a partitioned database system)
on which the database physically resides. The DB2 database clients are machines
that are configured to run queries against the database on the server. These clients
can be local (reside on the same physical machine as the database server) or they
can be remote (reside on separate machines).
If the database resides on a mainframe machine running an operating system like
AS/400 (iSeries) or OS/390 (zSeries), it's called a host or host server. A gateway is a
machine running the DB2 Connect product. Through the gateway, DB2 client
machines can connect to a DB2 database that resides on a host machine. The
gateway is also referred to as the DB2 Connect Server. Systems with the Enterprise
Server Edition product installed also have the DB2 Connect functionality built in.
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Section 3. DB2 authentication
When DB2 authenticates
DB2 authentication controls the following aspects of a database security plan:
• Who is allowed access to the instance and/or database
• Where and how a user's password will be verified
It does this with the help of the underlying operating system security features
whenever an attach or connect command is issued. An attach command is used to
connect to the DB2 instance, whereas a connect command is used to connect to a
database within a DB2 instance. The examples below walk you through the different
ways that DB2 will authenticate a user issuing these commands. These examples
use the default authentication type of SERVER in the database manager
configuration file. Example 3 below illustrates how DB2 can be used to change the
password on the OS of the server.
Log on to the machine where DB2 is installed with the user ID you used to create the
DB2 instance. Issue the following commands:
db2 attach to DB2
Here, authentication is done implicitly. The user ID used to log onto the machine is
used and is assumed to be already verified by the operating system.
db2 connect to sample user test1 using password
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/NT 9.1.0
SQL authorization ID = TEST1
Local database alias = SAMPLE
Here, authentication is done explicitly. The user test1 with the password password is
verified by the operating system. User test1 is successfully connected to the sample
db2 connect to sample user test1 using password new chgpass confirm chgpass
The user ID test1 with password password is verified by the operating system as in
example 2. The password for test1 is then changed by the operating system from
password to chgpass. As a result, the command in example 2 will fail if you reissue
DB2 authentication types
Authentication types are used by DB2 to determine where authentication is to take
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