Commands : Key Assignments
Application: About Source Insight... :
Application: Draft View : Alt+F12
Application: Exit : Alt+F4
Application: Exit and Suspend :
Application: Exit Windows :
Application: Lock Context Window :
Application: Lock Relation Window :
Application: Ordering Information... :
Application: Print Relation Window... :
Application: Redraw Screen : Ctrl+Alt+Space
Application: Refresh Relation Window :
Application: Restart Windows :
Application: Run Macro :
Application: Serial Number... :
Application: Setup Common Projects... :
Application: Source Dynamics on the Web :
Application: Touch All Files in Relation :
Application: Unimplemented Command :
Build: Build Project :
Build: Clean Build :
Build: Compile File :
Build: Run Project :
Custom Cmd: Build Project :
Custom Cmd: Check In :
Custom Cmd: Check Out :
Custom Cmd: Clean Build :
Custom Cmd: Command Shell :
Custom Cmd: Compile File :
Custom Cmd: Explore Project Folder :
Custom Cmd: Preview in Web Browser :
Custom Cmd: Run Project :
Custom Cmd: Search In Folder :
Custom Cmd: Sort File :
Custom Cmd: Sort Selection :
Custom Cmd: Sync File to Source Control :
Custom Cmd: Sync to Source Control Proje :
Custom Cmd: Undo Check Out :
Custom Cmd: Windows Explorer :
Edit: Back Tab : Shift+Tab
Edit: Backspace : BackSpace, Shift+BackSpace
Edit: Calculate :
Edit: Clip Window Properties... :
Edit: Complete Symbol : Ctrl+E
Edit: Copy : Ctrl+C, L+R Click
Edit: Copy Line : Ctrl+K
Edit: Copy Line Right : Ctrl+Shift+K
Edit: Copy To Clip... : Ctrl+Del
Edit: Cut : Ctrl+X, Shift+Del
Edit: Cut Line : Ctrl+U
Edit: Cut Line Left :
Edit: Cut Line Right : Ctrl+;
Edit: Cut Selection or Paste :
Edit: Cut To Clip... : Ctrl+Shift+X
Edit: Cut Word : Ctrl+,
Edit: Cut Word Left :
Edit: Delete All Clips :
Edit: Delete Character : Del, (KeyPad) Del
Edit: Delete Line :
Edit: Drag Line Down :
Edit: Drag Line Down More :
Edit: Drag Line Up :
Edit: Drag Line Up More :
Edit: Duplicate :
Edit: Enter : Enter, Enter, (KeyPad) Enter
Edit: Indent Left : F9
Edit: Indent Right : F10
Edit: Insert ASCII... :
Edit: Insert File... :
Edit: Insert Line : Ctrl+I
Edit: Insert Line Before Next : Ctrl+Space
Edit: Insert New Line : Ctrl+Enter
Edit: Join Lines : Ctrl+J
Edit: Lowercase :
Edit: New Clip... :
Edit: Paste : Ctrl+V, Shift+Ins
Edit: Paste From Clip... : Ctrl+Ins
Edit: Paste Line : Ctrl+P
Edit: Play Recording : Ctrl+F3
Edit: Redo : Ctrl+Y
Edit: Redo All :
Edit: Reform Paragraph :
Edit: Rename... :
Edit: Renumber... : Ctrl+R
Edit: Repeat Typing : Ctrl+\
Edit: Replace... : Ctrl+H
Edit: Restore Lines :
Edit: Simple Tab : Ctrl+Alt+Tab
Edit: Smart Rename... : Ctrl+'
Edit: Smart Tab :
Edit: Spaces To Tabs :
Edit: Start Recording : Ctrl+F1
Edit: Stop Recording : Ctrl+F2
Edit: Tab : Tab
Edit: Tabs To Spaces :
Edit: Toggle Case :
Edit: Toggle Insert Mode : Ins
Edit: Trim Whitespace :
Edit: Undo : Ctrl+Z, Alt+BackSpace
Edit: Undo All :
Edit: Uppercase :
File: Browse Files... :
File: Checkpoint :
File: Checkpoint All :
File: Close : Ctrl+W
File: Close All : Ctrl+Shift+W
File: Delete File... :
File: Load File... :
File: Load Workspace... :
File: New : Ctrl+N
File: Next File... : Ctrl+Shift+N
File: Open Last :
File: Open... : Ctrl+O
File: Print... :
File: Reload File : Ctrl+Shift+O
File: Reload Modified Files :
File: Restore File :
File: Save : Ctrl+S
File: Save A Copy... :
File: Save All : Ctrl+A
File: Save All Quietly :
File: Save As... : Ctrl+Shift+S
File: Save Selection... :
File: Save Workspace... :
File: Show File Status : Shift+F10
Help: Help Mode :
Help: Help... : F1
Help: HTML Help... :
Help: SDK Help... : Alt+F1
Help: Setup HTML Help :
Help: Setup WinHelp File :
Internal Test :
Macro: IfdefBogus :
Macro: IfdefNever :
Macro: IfdefReview :
Macro: InsertCPlusPlus :
Macro: InsertFileHeader :
Macro: InsertHeader :
Macro: InsertIfdef :
Macro: JumpAnywhere :
Macro: KillLine :
Macro: OutputSiblingSymbols :
Macro: PasteKillLine :
Macro: ReturnTrueOrFalse :
Menu: Activate Context Menu :
Menu: Activate Edit Menu : Alt+E
Menu: Activate File Menu : Alt+F
Menu: Activate Help Menu : Alt+H
Menu: Activate Menu Bar : Alt+
Menu: Activate Options Menu : Alt+O
Menu: Activate Project Menu : Alt+P
Menu: Activate Search Menu : Alt+S
Menu: Activate System Doc Menu : Alt+-
Menu: Activate System Menu : Alt+Space
Menu: Activate View Menu : Alt+V
Menu: Activate Window Menu : Alt+W
Menu: Activate Work Menu : Alt+K
Menu: Recent Files :
Menu: Special Edit
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