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This manual is written as a technical guide to the wolfSSL, formerly CyaSSL, embedded SSL library. It will explain how to build and get started with wolfSSL, provide an overview of build options, features, portability enhancements, support, and much more
Copyright 2015 wolfSSL Inc. All rights reserved.
wolfSSL User Manual
March 18, 2015
Version 3.3.0
Table of Contents
2.1$ Getting$wolfSSL$Source$Code
2.2$ Building$on$*nix
$ 2.3$ Building$on$Windows
2.4$ Building$in$a$Non?Standard$Environment
$ 2.5$ Build$Options$(./configure$Options)
$ 2.6$ Cross$Compiling
$ 3.1$ General$Description
3.2$ Testsuite
$ 3.3$ Client$Example
$ 3.4$ Server$Example
$ 3.5$ EchoServer$Example
$ 3.6$ EchoClient$Example
$ 3.7$ Benchmark
$ 3.8$ Changing$a$Client$Application$to$Use$wolfSSL
$ 3.9$ Changing$a$Server$Application$to$Use$wolfSSL
$ 4.1$ Features$Overview
$ 4.2$ Protocol$Support
$ 4.3$ Cipher$Support
$ 4.4$ Hardware$Accelerated$Crypto
$ 4.5$ SSL$Inspection
$ 4.6$ Compression
$ 4.7$ Pre?Shared$Keys
$ 4.8$ Client$Authentication
$ 4.9$ Server$Name$Indication$(SNI)
$ 4.10$ Handshake$Modifications
$ 4.11$ Truncated$HMAC
5.1$ Abstraction$Layers
Copyright 2015 wolfSSL Inc. All rights reserved.
5.2$ Supported$Operating$Systems
5.3$ Supported$Chipmakers
6.1$ Handshake$Callback
6.2$ Timeout$Callback
7.1$ Supported$Formats$and$Sizes
7.2$ Certificate$Loading
7.3$ Certificate$Chain$Verification
7.4$ Domain$Name$Check$for$Server$Certificates
7.5$ No$File$System$and$Using$Certificates
7.6$ Serial$Number$Retrieval
7.7$ RSA$Key$Generation
7.8$ Certificate$Generation
7.9$$ Convert$raw$ECC$key
$ 8.1$ Debugging$and$Logging
$ 8.2$ Error$Codes
$ 9.1$ Library$Headers
9.2$ Startup$and$Exit
$ 9.3$ Structure$Usage
$ 9.4$ Thread$Safety
$ 9.5$ Input$and$Ou t p u t$B u ff er s
9.6$ Secure$Renegotiation
10.1$ Hash$Functions
$ 10.2$ Keyed$Hash$Functions
$ 10.3$ Block$Ciphers
$ 10.4$ Stream$Ciphers
$ 10.5$ Public$Key$Cryptography
Copyright 2015 wolfSSL Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This manual is written as a technical guide to the wolfSSL, formerly CyaSSL, embedded
SSL library. It will explain how to build and get started with wolfSSL, provide an
overview of build options, features, portability enhancements, support, and much more.
Why Choose wolfSSL?
There are many reasons to choose wolfSSL as your embedded SSL solution. Some of
the top reasons include size (typical footprint sizes range from 20-100 kB), support for
the newest standards (SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, DTLS 1.0, and DTLS 1.2),
current and progressive cipher support (including stream ciphers), multi-platform, royalty
free, and an OpenSSL compatibility API to ease porting into existing applications which
have previously used the OpenSSL package. For a complete feature list, see Section
Copyright 2015 wolfSSL Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2: Building wolfSSL
wolfSSL (formerly CyaSSL) was written with portability in mind, and should generally be
easy to build on most systems. If you have difficulty building wolfSSL, please don’t
hesitate to seek support through our support forums (http://www.wolfssl.com/forums)
or contact us directly at support@wolfssl.com.
This chapter explains how to build wolfSSL on Unix and Windows, and provides
guidance for building wolfSSL in a non-standard environment. You will find a getting
started guide in Chapter 3 and an SSL tutorial in Chapter 11.
When using the autoconf / automake system to build wolfSSL, wolfSSL uses a single
Makefile to build all parts and examples of the library, which is both simpler and faster
than using Makefiles recursively.
2.1 Getting wolfSSL Source Code
The most recent version of wolfSSL can be downloaded from the wolfSSL website as a
ZIP file:
After downloading the ZIP file, unzip the file using the “unzip” command. To use native
line endings, enable the “-a” modifier when using unzip. From the unzip man page, the
“-a” modifier functionality is described:
“The -a option causes files identified by zip as text files (those with the `t' label in zipinfo
listings, rather than `b') to be automatically extracted as such, converting line endings,
end-of-file characters and the character set itself as necessary. (For example, Unix files
use line feeds (LFs) for end-of-line (EOL) and have no end-of-file (EOF) marker; Apple
Operating Systems use carriage returns (CRs) for EOLs; and most PC operating
systems use CR+LF for EOLs and control-Z for EOF. In addition, IBM mainframes and
the Michigan Terminal System use EBCDIC rather than the more common ASCII
character set, and NT supports Unicode.)”
NOTE: Beginning with the release of wolfSSL 2.0.0rc3, the directory structure of
wolfSSL was changed as well as the standard install location. These changes were
Copyright 2015 wolfSSL Inc. All rights reserved.
made to make it easier for open source projects to integrate wolfSSL. For more
information on header and structure changes, please see sections 9.1 and 9.3.
2.2 Building on *nix
When building wolfSSL on Linux, *BSD, OS X, Solaris, or other *nix-like systems, use
the autoconf system. To build wolfSSL you only need to run two commands:
You can append any number of build options to ./configure. For a list of available build
options, please see Section 2.5 or run:
./configure --help
from the command line to see a list of possible options to pass to the ./configure script.
To build wolfSSL, run:
To install wolfSSL run:
make install
You may need superuser privileges to install, in which case precede the command with
sudo make install
To test the build, run the testsuite program from the root wolfSSL source directory:
Or use autoconf to run the testsuite as well as the standard wolfSSL API and crypto
make test
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