# vue-server-renderer
> This package is auto-generated. For pull requests please see [src/entries/web-server-renderer.js](https://github.com/vuejs/vue/blob/dev/src/entries/web-server-renderer.js).
This package offers Node.js server-side rendering for Vue 2.0.
- [Installation](#installation)
- [API](#api)
- [Renderer Options](#renderer-options)
- [Why Use `bundleRenderer`?](#why-use-bundlerenderer)
- [Creating the Server Bundle](#creating-the-server-bundle)
- [Component Caching](#component-caching)
- [Client Side Hydration](#client-side-hydration)
## Installation
``` bash
npm install vue-server-renderer
## API
### createRenderer([[rendererOptions](#renderer-options)])
Create a `renderer` instance.
``` js
const renderer = require('vue-server-renderer').createRenderer()
### renderer.renderToString(vm, cb)
Render a Vue instance to string. The callback is a standard Node.js callback that receives the error as the first argument:
``` js
const Vue = require('vue')
const renderer = require('vue-server-renderer').createRenderer()
const vm = new Vue({
render (h) {
return h('div', 'hello')
renderer.renderToString(vm, (err, html) => {
console.log(html) // -> <div server-rendered="true">hello</div>
### renderer.renderToStream(vm)
Render a Vue instance in streaming mode. Returns a Node.js readable stream.
``` js
// example usage with express
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
const vm = new App({ url: req.url })
const stream = renderer.renderToStream(vm)
res.write(`<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>...</title></head><body>`)
stream.on('data', chunk => {
stream.on('end', () => {
### createBundleRenderer(bundle, [[rendererOptions](#renderer-options)])
Creates a `bundleRenderer` instance using pre-compiled application bundle. The `bundle` argument can be one of the following:
- An absolute path to generated bundle file (`.js` or `.json`). Must start with `/` to be treated as a file path.
- A bundle object generated by `vue-ssr-webpack-plugin`.
- A string of JavaScript code.
See [Creating the Server Bundle](#creating-the-server-bundle) for more details.
For each render call, the code will be re-run in a new context using Node.js' `vm` module. This ensures your application state is discrete between requests, and you don't need to worry about structuring your application in a limiting pattern just for the sake of SSR.
``` js
const createBundleRenderer = require('vue-server-renderer').createBundleRenderer
// absolute filepath
let renderer = createBundleRenderer('/path/to/bundle.json')
// bundle object
let renderer = createBundleRenderer({ ... })
// code (not recommended for lack of source map support)
let renderer = createBundleRenderer(bundledCode)
### bundleRenderer.renderToString([context], cb)
Render the bundled app to a string. Same callback interface with `renderer.renderToString`. The optional context object will be passed to the bundle's exported function.
``` js
bundleRenderer.renderToString({ url: '/' }, (err, html) => {
// ...
### bundleRenderer.renderToStream([context])
Render the bundled app to a stream. Same stream interface with `renderer.renderToStream`. The optional context object will be passed to the bundle's exported function.
``` js
.renderToStream({ url: '/' })
## Renderer Options
### cache
Provide a [component cache](#component-caching) implementation. The cache object must implement the following interface (using Flow notations):
``` js
type RenderCache = {
get: (key: string, cb?: Function) => string | void;
set: (key: string, val: string) => void;
has?: (key: string, cb?: Function) => boolean | void;
A typical usage is passing in an [lru-cache](https://github.com/isaacs/node-lru-cache):
``` js
const LRU = require('lru-cache')
const renderer = createRenderer({
cache: LRU({
max: 10000
Note that the cache object should at least implement `get` and `set`. In addition, `get` and `has` can be optionally async if they accept a second argument as callback. This allows the cache to make use of async APIs, e.g. a redis client:
``` js
const renderer = createRenderer({
cache: {
get: (key, cb) => {
redisClient.get(key, (err, res) => {
// handle error if any
set: (key, val) => {
redisClient.set(key, val)
### template
> New in 2.2.0
Provide a template for the entire page's HTML. The template should contain a comment `<!--vue-ssr-outlet-->` which serves as the placeholder for rendered app content.
In addition, when both a template and a render context is provided (e.g. when using the `bundleRenderer`), the renderer will also automatically inject the following properties found on the render context:
- `context.head`: (string) any head markup that should be injected into the head of the page.
- `context.styles`: (string) any inline CSS that should be injected into the head of the page. Note that `vue-loader` 10.2.0+ (which uses `vue-style-loader` 2.0) will automatically populate this property with styles used in rendered components.
- `context.state`: (Object) initial Vuex store state that should be inlined in the page as `window.__INITIAL_STATE__`. The inlined JSON is automatically sanitized with [serialize-javascript](https://github.com/yahoo/serialize-javascript).
``` js
const renderer = createRenderer({
'<!DOCTYPE html>' +
'<html lang="en">' +
'<head>' +
'<meta charset="utf-8">' +
// context.head will be injected here
// context.styles will be injected here
'</head>' +
'<body>' +
'<!--vue-ssr-outlet-->' + // <- app content rendered here
// context.state will be injected here
'</body>' +
### basedir
> New in 2.2.0
Explicitly declare the base directory for the server bundle to resolve node_modules from. This is only needed if your generated bundle file is placed in a different location from where the externalized NPM dependencies are installed.
Note that the `basedir` is automatically inferred if you use `vue-ssr-webpack-plugin` or provide an absolute path to `createBundleRenderer` as the first argument, so in most cases you don't need to provide this option. However, this option does allow you to explicitly overwrite the inferred value.
### directives
Allows you to provide server-side implementations for your custom directives:
``` js
const renderer = createRenderer({
directives: {
example (vnode, directiveMeta) {
// transform vnode based on directive binding metadata
As an example, check out [`v-show`'s server-side implementation](https://github.com/vuejs/vue/blob/dev/src/platforms/web/server/directives/show.js).
## Why Use `bundleRenderer`?
When we bundle our front-end code with a module bundler such as webpack, it can introduce some complexity when we want to reuse the same code on the server. For example, if we use `vue-loader`, TypeScript or JSX, the code cannot run natively in Node. Our code may also rely on some webpack-specific features such as file handling with `file-loader` or style injection with `style-loader`, both of which can be problematic when running inside a native Node module environment.
The most straightforward solution to this is to leverage webpack's `target: 'node'` feature and simply use webpack to bundle our code on both the client AND the server.
Having a compiled server bundle also provides another advantage in terms of code organization. In a typical Node.js app, the server is a long-running process. If we run our application modules directly, the instantiated modules will be shared across every request. This imposes some inconvenient restrictions to the application structure: we will have to avoid any use of globa
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