(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.Qs = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){
'use strict';
var replace = String.prototype.replace;
var percentTwenties = /%20/g;
var Format = {
RFC1738: 'RFC1738',
RFC3986: 'RFC3986'
module.exports = {
'default': Format.RFC3986,
formatters: {
RFC1738: function (value) {
return replace.call(value, percentTwenties, '+');
RFC3986: function (value) {
return String(value);
RFC1738: Format.RFC1738,
RFC3986: Format.RFC3986
'use strict';
var stringify = require('./stringify');
var parse = require('./parse');
var formats = require('./formats');
module.exports = {
formats: formats,
parse: parse,
stringify: stringify
'use strict';
var utils = require('./utils');
var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var isArray = Array.isArray;
var defaults = {
allowDots: false,
allowPrototypes: false,
allowSparse: false,
arrayLimit: 20,
charset: 'utf-8',
charsetSentinel: false,
comma: false,
decoder: utils.decode,
delimiter: '&',
depth: 5,
ignoreQueryPrefix: false,
interpretNumericEntities: false,
parameterLimit: 1000,
parseArrays: true,
plainObjects: false,
strictNullHandling: false
var interpretNumericEntities = function (str) {
return str.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function ($0, numberStr) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(numberStr, 10));
var parseArrayValue = function (val, options) {
if (val && typeof val === 'string' && options.comma && val.indexOf(',') > -1) {
return val.split(',');
return val;
// This is what browsers will submit when the ✓ character occurs in an
// application/x-www-form-urlencoded body and the encoding of the page containing
// the form is iso-8859-1, or when the submitted form has an accept-charset
// attribute of iso-8859-1. Presumably also with other charsets that do not contain
// the ✓ character, such as us-ascii.
var isoSentinel = 'utf8=%26%2310003%3B'; // encodeURIComponent('✓')
// These are the percent-encoded utf-8 octets representing a checkmark, indicating that the request actually is utf-8 encoded.
var charsetSentinel = 'utf8=%E2%9C%93'; // encodeURIComponent('✓')
var parseValues = function parseQueryStringValues(str, options) {
var obj = {};
var cleanStr = options.ignoreQueryPrefix ? str.replace(/^\?/, '') : str;
var limit = options.parameterLimit === Infinity ? undefined : options.parameterLimit;
var parts = cleanStr.split(options.delimiter, limit);
var skipIndex = -1; // Keep track of where the utf8 sentinel was found
var i;
var charset = options.charset;
if (options.charsetSentinel) {
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
if (parts[i].indexOf('utf8=') === 0) {
if (parts[i] === charsetSentinel) {
charset = 'utf-8';
} else if (parts[i] === isoSentinel) {
charset = 'iso-8859-1';
skipIndex = i;
i = parts.length; // The eslint settings do not allow break;
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
if (i === skipIndex) {
var part = parts[i];
var bracketEqualsPos = part.indexOf(']=');
var pos = bracketEqualsPos === -1 ? part.indexOf('=') : bracketEqualsPos + 1;
var key, val;
if (pos === -1) {
key = options.decoder(part, defaults.decoder, charset, 'key');
val = options.strictNullHandling ? null : '';
} else {
key = options.decoder(part.slice(0, pos), defaults.decoder, charset, 'key');
val = utils.maybeMap(
parseArrayValue(part.slice(pos + 1), options),
function (encodedVal) {
return options.decoder(encodedVal, defaults.decoder, charset, 'value');
if (val && options.interpretNumericEntities && charset === 'iso-8859-1') {
val = interpretNumericEntities(val);
if (part.indexOf('[]=') > -1) {
val = isArray(val) ? [val] : val;
if (has.call(obj, key)) {
obj[key] = utils.combine(obj[key], val);
} else {
obj[key] = val;
return obj;
var parseObject = function (chain, val, options, valuesParsed) {
var leaf = valuesParsed ? val : parseArrayValue(val, options);
for (var i = chain.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var obj;
var root = chain[i];
if (root === '[]' && options.parseArrays) {
obj = [].concat(leaf);
} else {
obj = options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {};
var cleanRoot = root.charAt(0) === '[' && root.charAt(root.length - 1) === ']' ? root.slice(1, -1) : root;
var index = parseInt(cleanRoot, 10);
if (!options.parseArrays && cleanRoot === '') {
obj = { 0: leaf };
} else if (
&& root !== cleanRoot
&& String(index) === cleanRoot
&& index >= 0
&& (options.parseArrays && index <= options.arrayLimit)
) {
obj = [];
obj[index] = leaf;
} else if (cleanRoot !== '__proto__') {
obj[cleanRoot] = leaf;
leaf = obj;
return leaf;
var parseKeys = function parseQueryStringKeys(givenKey, val, options, valuesParsed) {
if (!givenKey) {
// Transform dot notation to bracket notation
var key = options.allowDots ? givenKey.replace(/\.([^.[]+)/g, '[$1]') : givenKey;
// The regex chunks
var brackets = /(\[[^[\]]*])/;
var child = /(\[[^[\]]*])/g;
// Get the parent
var segment = options.depth > 0 && brackets.exec(key);
var parent = segment ? key.slice(0, segment.index) : key;
// Stash the parent if it exists
var keys = [];
if (parent) {
// If we aren't using plain objects, optionally prefix keys that would overwrite object prototype properties
if (!options.plainObjects && has.call(Object.prototype, parent)) {
if (!options.allowPrototypes) {
// Loop through children appending to the array until we hit depth
var i = 0;
while (options.depth > 0 && (segment = child.exec(key)) !== null && i < options.depth) {
i += 1;
if (!options.plainObjects && has.call(Object.prototype, segment[1].slice(1, -1))) {
if (!options.allowPrototypes) {
// If there's a remainder, just add whatever is left
if (segment) {
keys.push('[' + key.slice(segment.index) + ']');
return parseObject(keys, val
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