2008-11-27 BUPTSSE
What is SOA?
Simply, a collection of services which can
communicate with each other.
What you connect together
Endpoints of connections provided by service providers
By default: web services
Interface agreements
Internet protocols
Conceptually, SOA is not a new idea
RPC (Remote Procedure Call) to invoke a procedure anywhere as
if on the same machine
• RMI (Remote Method Invocation),
• CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
• DCOM (Distributed-Component Object Model)
2008-11-27 BUPTSSE
Formally, SOA is:
An architectural style and a design principle
for application development and integration
It includes:
– An architecture that leverages open standards to represent
software assets as services
– A focus on application assembly rather than implementation
– A natural evolutionary step to the object-oriented (OO),
procedural, and data-centric approaches adopted to date for
solution implementation
• With SOA, services are typically implemented using
one or more of these technologies.
– A set of architectural principles and patterns such as modularity,
encapsulation, loose coupling, separation of concerns, reuse, and
composite and stand-alone implementation
2008-11-27 BUPTSSE
Defining SOA
SOA is a form of technology architecture that
adheres to the principles of service-orientation.
When realized through the Web services
technology platform, SOA establishes the
potential to support and promote these
principles throughout the business process and
automation domains of an enterprise.
---By Thomas Erl
2008-11-27 BUPTSSE
SOA perspectives
2008-11-27 BUPTSSE
SOA Interaction Pattern
2008-11-27 BUPTSSE
Aligning IT with Business Goals Through SOA
The evolution of the SOA
What is SOA?
Why Service-Orientation?
Two competing views of SOA
Business process management
Why Web Services?
What is Web Services?
Web Services Architecture?
Web Services Architecture
SOA life cycle