ing developed in machine learning and data mining areas.
There has been a large amount of work on transfer learning
for reinforcement learning in the machine learning literature
(e.g., [9], [10]). However, in this paper, we only focus on
transfer learning for classification, regression, and clustering
problems that are related more closely to data mining tasks.
By doing the survey, we hope to provide a useful resource for
the data mining and machine learning community.
The rest of the survey is organized as follows: In the next
four sections, we first give a general overview and define
some notations we will use later. We, then, briefly survey the
history of transfer learning, give a unified definition of
transfer learning and categorize transfer learning into three
different settings (given in Table 2 and Fig. 2). For each
setting, we review different approaches, given in Table 3 in
detail. After that, in Section 6, we review some current
research on the topic of “negative transfer,” which happens
when knowledge transfer has a negative impact on target
learning. In Section 7, we introduce some successful
applications of transfer learning and list some published
data sets and software toolkits for transfer learning research.
Finally, we conclude the paper with a discussion of future
works in Section 8.
2.1 A Brief History of Transfer Learning
Traditional data mining and machine learning algorithms
make predictions on the future data using statistical models
that are trained on previously collected labeled or unlabeled
training data [11], [12], [13]. Semisupervised classification
[14], [15], [16], [17] addresses the problem that the labeled
data may be too few to build a good classifier, by making use
of a large amount of unlabeled data and a small amount of
labeled data. Variations of supervised and semisupervised
learning for imperfect data sets have been studied; for
example, Zhu and Wu [18] have studied how to deal with the
noisy class-label problems. Yang et al. considered cost-
sensitive learning [19] when additional tests can be made to
future samples. Nevertheless, most of them assume that the
distributions of the labeled and unlabeled data are the same.
Transfer learning, in contrast, allows the domains, tasks, and
distributions used in training and testing to be different. In
the real world, we observe many examples of transfer
learning. For example, we may find that learning to
recognize apples might help to recognize pears. Similarly,
learning to play the electronic organ may help facilitate
learning the piano. The study of Transfer learning is motivated
by the fact that people can intelligently apply knowledge
learned previously to solve new problems faster or with
better solutions. The fundamental motivation for Transfer
learning in the field of machine learning was discussed in a
NIPS-95 workshop on “Learning to Learn,”
which focused
on the need for lifelong machine learning methods that retain
and reuse previously learned knowledge.
Research on transfer learning has attracted more and
more attention since 1995 in different names: learning to
learn, life-long learning, knowledge transfer, inductive
transfer, multitask learning, knowledge consolidation,
context-sensitive learning, knowledge-based inductive bias,
metalearning, and incremental/cumulative learning [20].
Among these, a closely related learning technique to
transfer learning is the multitask learning framework [21],
which tries to learn multiple tasks simultaneously even
when they are different. A typical approach for multitask
learning is to uncover the common (latent) features that can
benefit each individual task.
In 2005, the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) 05-29
of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)’s
Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO)
gave a
new mission of transfer learning: the ability of a system to
recognize and apply knowledge and skills learne d in
previous tasks to novel tasks. In this definition, transfer
learning aims to extract the knowledge from one or more
source tasks and applies the knowledge to a target task.In
contrast to multitask learning, rather than learning all of the
source and target tasks simultaneously, transfer learning
cares most about the target task. The roles of the source and
target tasks are no longer symmetric in transfer learning.
Fig. 1 shows the difference between the learning processes
of traditional and transfer learning techniques. As we can
see, traditional machine learning techniques try to learn each
task from scratch, while transfer learning techniques try to
transfer the knowledge from some previous tasks to a target
task when the latter has fewer high-quality training data.
Today, transfer learning methods appear in several top
venues, most notably in data mining (ACM KDD, IEEE
ICDM, and PKDD, for example), machine learning (ICML,
NIPS, ECML, AAAI, and IJCAI, for example) and applica-
tions of machine learning and data mining (ACM SIGIR,
WWW, and ACL, for example).
Before we give different
categorizations of transfer learning, we first describe the
notations used in this paper.
2.2 Notations and Definitions
In this section, we introduce some notations and definitions
that are used in this survey. First of all, we give the
definitions of a “domain” and a “task,” respectively.
In this survey, a domain D consists of two components: a
feature space X and a marginal probability distribution P ðXÞ,
where X ¼fx
; ...;x
g2X. For example, if our learning task
Fig. 1. Different learning processes between (a) traditional machine
learning and (b) transfer learning.
1. 5_LTL/
3. We summarize a list of conferences and workshops where transfer
learning papers appear in these few years in the following webpage for