# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jan 5 15:34:34 2019
@author: liudiwei
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, Dot, Reshape, Dense
from keras.models import Model
#load dataset
user_keywords = pd.read_csv("../data_process/user_keywords.csv")
user_id keywords
0 113 新闻推荐|资讯推荐|内容推荐|文本分类|人工分类|自然语言处理|聚类|分类|冷启动
1 143 网络|睡眠|精神衰弱|声音|人工分类
2 123 新年愿望|梦想|2018|辞旧迎新
3 234 父母|肩头|饺子|蔬菜块|青春叛逆期|声音
4 117 新闻推荐|内容推荐|文本分类|人工分类|自然语言处理|聚类|分类|冷启动
5 119 新闻推荐|资讯推荐|人工分类|自然语言处理|聚类|分类|冷启动
6 12 新闻推荐|资讯推荐|内容推荐|文本分类|聚类|分类|冷启动
7 122 机器学习|新闻推荐|梦想|人工分类|自然语言处理
def date_process(user_item):
"""user_item is a DataFrame, column=[user_id, keywords]
1. user_item: user and item information, user_id, keywords, keyword_index
2. user_index: user to index
3. item_index:item to index
user_item["keywords"] = user_item["keywords"].apply(lambda x: x.split("|"))
keyword_list = []
for i in user_item["keywords"]:
#word count
item_count = pd.DataFrame(pd.Series(keyword_list).value_counts())
# add index to word_count
item_count['id'] = list(range(0, len(item_count)))
map_index = lambda x: list(item_count['id'][x])
user_item['keyword_index'] = user_item['keywords'].apply(map_index) #速度太慢
#create user_index, item_index
user_index = { v:k for k,v in user_item["user_id"].to_dict().items()}
item_index = item_count["id"].to_dict()
return user_item, user_index, item_index
user_keywords, user_index, keyword_index = date_process(user_keywords)
def create_pairs(user_keywords, user_index):
generate user, keyword pair list
pairs = []
def doc2tag(pairs, x):
for index in x["keyword_index"]:
pairs.append((user_index[x["user_id"]], index))
user_keywords.apply(lambda x: doc2tag(pairs, x), axis=1) #速度太慢
return pairs
pairs = create_pairs(user_keywords, user_index)
def build_embedding_model(embedding_size = 50, classification = False):
"""Model to embed users and keywords using the Keras functional API.
Trained to discern if a keyword is clicked by user"""
# Both inputs are 1-dimensional
user = Input(name = 'user', shape = [1])
keyword = Input(name = 'keyword', shape = [1])
# Embedding the user default: (shape will be (None, 1, 50))
user_embedding = Embedding(name = 'user_embedding',
input_dim = len(user_index),
output_dim = embedding_size)(user)
# Embedding the keyword default: (shape will be (None, 1, 50))
keyword_embedding = Embedding(name = 'keyword_embedding',
input_dim = len(keyword_index),
output_dim = embedding_size)(keyword)
# Merge the layers with a dot product along the second axis
# (shape will be (None, 1, 1))
merged = Dot(name = 'dot_product', normalize = True,
axes = 2)([user_embedding, keyword_embedding])
# Reshape to be a single number (shape will be (None, 1))
merged = Reshape(target_shape = [1])(merged)
# Squash outputs for classification
out = Dense(1, activation = 'sigmoid')(merged)
model = Model(inputs = [user, keyword], outputs = out)
# Compile using specified optimizer and loss
model.compile(optimizer = 'Adam', loss = 'binary_crossentropy',
metrics = ['accuracy'])
return model
model = build_embedding_model(embedding_size = 20, classification = False)
def generate_batch(pairs, n_positive = 50, negative_ratio = 1.0):
"""Generate batches of samples for training.
Random select positive samples
from pairs and randomly select negatives."""
# Create empty array to hold batch
batch_size = n_positive * (1 + negative_ratio)
batch = np.zeros((batch_size, 3))
# Continue to yield samples
while True:
# Randomly choose positive examples
for idx, (user_id, keyword_id) in enumerate(random.sample(pairs, n_positive)):
batch[idx, :] = (user_id, keyword_id, 1)
idx += 1
# Add negative examples until reach batch size
while idx < batch_size:
# Random selection
random_user = random.randrange(len(user_index))
random_keyword = random.randrange(len(keyword_index))
#print(random_user, random_keyword)
# Check to make sure this is not a positive example
if (random_user, random_keyword) not in pairs:
# Add to batch and increment index
batch[idx, :] = (random_user, random_keyword, 0)
idx += 1
# Make sure to shuffle order
yield {'user': batch[:, 0], 'keyword': batch[:, 1]}, batch[:, 2]
n_positive = len(pairs)
gen = generate_batch(pairs, n_positive, negative_ratio = 1)
# Train
h = model.fit_generator(gen, epochs = 100, steps_per_epoch = len(pairs) // n_positive)
# Extract embeddings
user_layer = model.get_layer('user_embedding')
user_weights = user_layer.get_weights()[0]
keyword_layer = model.get_layer('keyword_embedding')
keyword_weights = keyword_layer.get_weights()[0]
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import seaborn as sns
def pca_show():
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
pca_result = pca.fit_transform(user_weights)
sns.jointplot(x=pca_result[:,0], y=pca_result[:,1])
#calculate cosine similarity
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
cos = cosine_similarity(user_weights[0:1], user_weights)
recommendations = cos[0].argsort()[-4:][::-1]