Although it wasn’t raed unl
September, the 802.11n wireless
networking standard has been
around for quite some me. In fact,
the seven-year journey to racaon
ocially involved more than 400
individuals ranging from equipment
and silicon suppliers, service
providers, systems integrators,
consultant organizaons, and
academic instuons from more
than 20 countries.
Aer reading that this de facto
standard was now in fact an actual
standard I asked Jay Botelho,
director of product management
at network monitoring and
troubleshoong vendor
WildPackets, if becoming a true
standard means anything to the
industry and the vendors that
support it.
Q: What are the benets of
Jay Botelho: The biggest benet
by far is more throughput
– signicantly more throughput
– from a theorecal maximum
of 54Mbps to 600Mbps with the
right hardware conguraon. It
is this leap in throughput that
makes applicaons like Voice over
WLAN (VoWLAN) and even video
over wireless feasible. It is also
the reason why the claim is being
made that 11n will drive more new
installaons to be wireless-only.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say 11n is
more viable than cable – each has its
pros and cons. Cable (wired) handles
unlimited users without eecng
throughput, while wireless is shared
– the more users the less throughput
each one gets. On the other hand
wireless is far less expensive and
easier to deploy so this is a key
benet in new construcon.
802.11n has been around forever
it seems. Realiscally, will
racaon translate to a surge in
Botelho: Many enterprises held o
with 11n upgrades (and therefore
wireless upgrades in general) for
fear that the raed spec would
be substanally dierent from the
Dra2.0 spec (the one the Wi-Fi
Alliance based its pre-racaon
cercaon tests on). Now that this
queson is no longer an issue, and
since there’s probably some pent-
up demand since wireless upgrades
in general may have been put on
hold, it is expected that there will
be a surge in deployments. As an
aside, there is very lile dierence
between the Dra2.0 version and
the raed version.
Give me a sense of the upgrade
process from older standards.
Botelho: I think this will be the
bulk of the upgrades. People will
upgrade (a) for the bandwidth
and (b) because a/b/g (previous
standards) hardware will just get
harder and harder to purchase. I
think what we’re seeing with 11n is
a real transion from somewhat ad-
hoc deployments – a lile wireless
here and a lile wireless there – to
well-planned and well-executed
rollouts of wireless as the primary
network access technology.
Such a transion may require
wired upgrades as well, since 11n
gear really needs to be connected
to a gig switch and not just a
10/100 switch (another reason
why many have held o unl
now). I also think the managed
wireless LAN market will be in its
heyday as most customers choose
a complete, managed wireless LAN
soluon over DIY deployments of
gear from the likes of CDW.
What about upgrades from
preraed 802.11n deployments?
Any consideraons?
Botelho: I really don’t see much
acvity here. Most preracaon
11n gear, with the excepon of
those predang Dra2.0 and the
Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) precercaon
tesng, will work just ne in the
post-racaon era. In fact, gear that
was cered by the WFA against
Dra2.0 is being grandfathered in
against the raed standard--the
changes in mandatory features are
really that insignicant.
What do you expect will be some
of the challenges 802.11n will
have to overcome in 2010?
Botelho: I see challenges with
wireless management and the
convergence of wired/wireless
management. Most wireless
monitoring and management tools
The 802.11n land grab
By Dave Rosenberg, 12/2009