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How to Perform System Replication for SAP HANA 2.0.pdf
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HANA SR同步配置文档 官方同步配置标准SAP推荐文档 Business Continuity requires that the operation of business critical systems remain highly available at all time, even in the presence of failures. High availability and disaster recovery are the building blocks to support this. Among other features, SAP HANA provides the possibility to replicate your SAP HANA system within the same or over two data centers. This paper briefly describes SAP HANA System Replication in a step-by-step manner to support High Availab
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Document History
First official release of this guide
Small updates and language edit
Some descriptions were corrected
Update with HANA 1.0 SPS07 and SPS08 features
Minor corrections
Secondary site usage for QA/DEV – small update
Reference to docu on e-mail notification for alerts
Update with HANA 1.0 SPS09 features
Minor corrections
Fixed return codes of systemReplicationStatus.py
Updated network settings & sr_state output
Corrected system replication hostname resolution
Update with HANA 1.0 SPS10 features
Update with HANA 1.0 SPS11 features & minor corrections
Update with HANA 1.0 SPS12 features & minor additions
Minor corrections
Minor corrections
HANA 2.0 – including Active/Active (read enabled)
Typographic Conventions
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Example text
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Example text
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Example text
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Variable user entry.
Angle brackets indicate
that you replace these
words and characters
with appropriate entries
to make entries in the
Keys on the keyboard,
for example, F2 or
Note or Important
Recommendation or
Table of Contents
1. Business Scenario ........................................................................................ 1
2. Before you start ............................................................................................ 1
3. Background Information ............................................................................. 2
3.1 High Availability ....................................................................................... 2
3.2 System Replication ................................................................................. 3
3.2.1 Replication modes ....................................................................... 4
3.2.2 Operation modes ......................................................................... 4
3.2.3 Data transferred to the secondary ............................................. 5
3.3 Takeover .................................................................................................. 7
4. Planning ........................................................................................................ 7
4.1 Prerequisites ........................................................................................... 7
4.2 Distance between data centers ............................................................. 9
4.3 Use secondary site for DEV/QA system ............................................... 9
4.4 License Validity ..................................................................................... 10
5. Configuration steps .................................................................................... 10
5.1 Configure system replication ................................................................ 11
5.1.1 Using SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 ..................................................... 11
5.1.2 Using SAP HANA studio ............................................................ 18
5.1.3 Using command line tool hdbnsutil ...................................... 21
5.1.4 Creating a tenant DB in a running system replication ............. 22
5.2 Disable system replication ................................................................... 22
5.2.1 Using SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 .................................................... 22
5.2.2 Using SAP HANA studio ............................................................ 24
5.2.3 Using command line tool hdbnsutil ...................................... 25
5.3 Setting up Multitier System Replication ............................................. 26
5.3.1 Using SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 .................................................... 27
5.3.2 Using SAP HANA studio ........................................................... 30
5.3.3 Using command line tool hdbnsutil ...................................... 32
5.4 Enabling full sync replication ............................................................... 32
5.5 Change replication mode ..................................................................... 33
6. Takeover.................................................................................................... 33
6.1 Perform Takeover ................................................................................. 33
6.1.1 Using SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 .................................................... 33
6.1.2 Using SAP HANA studio ............................................................ 35
6.1.3 Using command line tool hdbnsutil ...................................... 36
6.2 Client connection recovery .................................................................. 37
7. Resync optimization .................................................................................. 37
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