### 新托福机经单词知识点详解 #### 一、概述 新托福(TOEFL iBT)作为一项全球广泛认可的英语水平测试,在备考过程中积累高频词汇对于提高成绩至关重要。所谓“机经”,指的是通过总结历次考试出现的题目来帮助考生复习的方法之一。本文将从给定文件中提取关键信息,整理并解读与托福考试相关的词汇知识点。 #### 二、关键词汇详解 根据给定文件中的部分内容,我们可以整理出以下关键知识点: ##### 1. 词汇分类 - **名词 (n.)** - **动词 (v.)** - **形容词 (a.)** - **副词 (ad.)** - **连词 (conj.)** - **短语 (phr.)** ##### 2. 词汇示例及其解释 - **abnormal (a.)**:异常的;不正常的 - **quit (v.)**:离开;停止 - **suddenly (ad.)**:突然地 - **take in (phr.)**:吸收;理解 - **appeal (v.)**:吸引;呼吁 - **learn (v.)**:学习 - **not concrete (a.)**:不具体的;抽象的 - **ridiculous (a.)**:荒谬的;可笑的 - **large amount (n.)**:大量 - **great number (n.)**:大量 - **affluent (a.)**:富裕的 - **ample (a.)**:充足的 - **numerous (a.)**:大量的 - **plentiful (a.)**:丰富的 - **substantial (a.)**:实质的;重要的 - **reach (v.)**:达到;接触 - **easy to reach (a.)**:容易接触的 - **reachable (a.)**:可达的 - **unexpected (a.)**:意外的;想不到的 - **provide for (v.)**:提供 - **accomplished (a.)**:熟练的;有成就的 - **skilled (a.)**:熟练的 - **achieved (a.)**:达成的 - **description (n.)**:描述 - **explain (v.)**:解释 - **collect (v.)**:收集 - **pile up (v.)**:堆积 - **correct (a.)**:正确的 - **correctly (ad.)**:正确地 - **get used to (phr.)**:习惯于 - **become (v.)**:变成 ##### 3. 词汇用法及例句 - **abnormal (a.)**:This behavior is considered abnormal in most cultures.(这种行为在大多数文化中被认为是不正常的。) - **quit (v.)**:She decided to quit her job and start her own business.(她决定辞职并创办自己的公司。) - **suddenly (ad.)**:Suddenly, the lights went out.(突然间,灯光熄灭了。) - **take in (phr.)**:He takes in all the information quickly.(他迅速地吸收所有信息。) - **appeal (v.)**:The book appeals to a wide audience.(这本书吸引了广泛的读者。) - **learn (v.)**:I am learning English by myself.(我正在自学英语。) - **not concrete (a.)**:The plan was not concrete enough to be implemented.(该计划不够具体,无法实施。) - **ridiculous (a.)**:The idea sounds ridiculous.(这个想法听起来很荒谬。) - **large amount (n.)**:We have a large amount of data to process.(我们有大量的数据需要处理。) - **great number (n.)**:There is a great number of people attending the conference.(有很多人参加这次会议。) - **affluent (a.)**:People living in this area are generally affluent.(住在这个地区的人们通常都很富裕。) - **ample (a.)**:There is ample space for everyone.(有足够的空间供每个人使用。) - **numerous (a.)**:Numerous opportunities await you.(有许多机会等着你。) - **plentiful (a.)**:The store has plentiful supplies of food.(这家商店有大量的食物供应。) - **substantial (a.)**:The project requires a substantial investment.(该项目需要巨额投资。) - **reach (v.)**:Can you reach the top shelf?(你能够到最上面的架子吗?) - **easy to reach (a.)**:The switch is easy to reach from here.(开关从这里很容易接触到。) - **reachable (a.)**:The goal is still reachable with hard work.(只要努力工作,目标仍然是可以达到的。) - **unexpected (a.)**:An unexpected visitor arrived at the door.(一位意想不到的访客出现在门口。) - **provide for (v.)**:The company provides for its employees’ needs.(公司为员工提供所需的一切。) - **accomplished (a.)**:She is an accomplished pianist.(她是一位技艺高超的钢琴家。) - **skilled (a.)**:He is skilled at repairing cars.(他在修理汽车方面很有技巧。) - **achieved (a.)**:She achieved her goal after years of hard work.(经过多年的努力工作,她实现了自己的目标。) - **description (n.)**:The description of the product was accurate.(产品的描述是准确的。) - **explain (v.)**:Can you explain how it works?(你能解释它是如何工作的吗?) - **collect (v.)**:I collect stamps as a hobby.(我收集邮票作为一种爱好。) - **pile up (v.)**:The papers piled up on his desk.(文件在他的桌子上堆积起来。) - **correct (a.)**:Your answer is correct.(你的答案是正确的。) - **correctly (ad.)**:He answered the question correctly.(他正确地回答了这个问题。) - **get used to (phr.)**:It took me some time to get used to the new environment.(我花了些时间适应新环境。) - **become (v.)**:He became more confident over time.(随着时间的推移,他变得更加自信。) #### 三、总结 通过上述整理可以看出,新托福机经单词中涉及的词汇覆盖了托福考试中常见的核心词汇,这些词汇不仅在阅读和听力部分频繁出现,也是写作和口语表达的基础。因此,考生在备考时应当重视对这些词汇的学习和掌握,通过不断练习来加深理解和应用能力。同时,建议考生利用各种资源,如官方指南、历年真题等,进行系统复习,以提高备考效率。
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