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Full text of Performance by Design: Computer Capacity Planning by Example. (Menasce et al. PH. 2004) Converted from .chm file to .pdf file
• Table of Contents
Performance by Design: Computer
Capacity Planning by Example
By Daniel A. Menascé,
Virgilio A.F. Almeida,
Lawrence W. Dowdy
Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR
Pub Date : January 05, 2004
ISBN : 0-13-090673-5
Pages : 552
Individual organizations and society as a whole could
face major breakdowns if IT systems do not meet their
Quality of Service (QoS) requirements on performance,
availability, security, and maintainability. Corporations
stand to lose valuable income, and public interests
could be put at great risk. System designers and
analysts usually do not take QoS requirements into
account when designing and/or analyzing computer
systems, due mainly to their lack of awareness about
the issues that affect performance and the lack of a
framework to reason about performance. This book
describes how to map real-life systems (e.g.,
databases, data centers, e-commerce applications) into
analytic performance models. The authors elaborate
upon these models, and use them to help the reader
thoroughly analyze and better understand potential
performance issues.
• Table of Contents
Performance by Design: Computer
Capacity Planning by Example
By Daniel A. Menascé,
Virgilio A.F. Almeida,
Lawrence W. Dowdy
Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR
Pub Date : January 05, 2004
ISBN : 0-13-090673-5
Pages : 552
Slots : 2.0
Goal, Theme, and Approach
Part I: The Practice of Performance Engineering
Chapter 1. Computer System Lifecycle
Section 1.1. Introduction
Section 1.2. QoS in IT Systems
Section 1.3. System Life Cycle
Section 1.4. A Reference Model for IT Systems
Section 1.5. Concluding Remarks
Section 1.6. Exercises
Chapter 2. From Systems to Descriptive Models
Section 2.1. Introduction
Section 2.2. Modeling
Section 2.3. A Simple Database Server Example
Section 2.4. The Database Server Example: Multiple Classes
Section 2.5. The Database Server Example: Open and Closed Classes
Section 2.6. The Database Server Example: a Mixed Model
Section 2.7. The Database Server Example: Types of Resources
Section 2.8. The Database Server Example: Blocking
Section 2.9. The Database Server Example: Software Contention
Section 2.10. Database Example: Simultaneous Resource Possession
Section 2.11. Database Example: Class Switching
Section 2.12. Database Example: Queuing Disciplines
Section 2.13. QN Models
Section 2.14. Concluding Remarks
Section 2.15. Exercises
Chapter 3. Quantifying Performance Models
Section 3.1. Introduction
Section 3.2. Basic Performance Results
Section 3.3. Bounds on Performance
Section 3.4. Using QN Models
Section 3.5. Concluding Remarks
Section 3.6. Exercises
Chapter 4. Performance Engineering Methodology
Section 4.1. Introduction
Section 4.2. Performance Engineering
Section 4.3. Motivating Example
Section 4.4. A Model-based Methodology
Section 4.5. Workload Model
Section 4.6. Performance Models
Section 4.7. Specifying Performance Objectives
Section 4.8. Concluding Remarks
Section 4.9. Exercises
Chapter 5. Case Study I: A Database Service
Section 5.1. Introduction
Section 5.2. Database Service Example
Section 5.3. Building a Performance Model
Section 5.4. Using the Model
Section 5.5. Monitoring Tools
Section 5.6. Measurements Techniques
Section 5.7. Obtaining Input Parameters
Section 5.8. Concluding Remarks
Section 5.9. Exercises
Chapter 6. Case Study II: A Web Server
Section 6.1. Introduction
Section 6.2. The Web Server
Section 6.3. Preliminary Analysis of the Workload
Section 6.4. Building a Performance Model
Section 6.5. Using the Model
Section 6.6. Secure Downloads
Section 6.7. Experimental Comparison of Two Servers
Section 6.8. Concluding Remarks
Section 6.9. Exercises
Chapter 7. Case Study III: A Data Center
Section 7.1. Introduction
Section 7.2. The Data Center
Section 7.3. Building a Model
Section 7.4. Using the Model
Section 7.5. Another Modeling Approach
Section 7.6. A Cost Analysis
Section 7.7. Concluding Remarks
Section 7.8. Exercises
Chapter 8. Case Study IV: An E-Business Service
Section 8.1. Introduction
Section 8.2. The E-Business Service
Section 8.3. The E-Business Workload
Section 8.4. Building a Performance Model
Section 8.5. Using the Performance Model
Section 8.6. Adding More Servers
Section 8.7. Concluding Remarks
Section 8.8. Exercises
Chapter 9. Case Study V: A Help-Desk Service
Section 9.1. Introduction
Section 9.2. The Help Desk Service
Section 9.3. A Performance Model
Section 9.4. Techniques for SPE
Section 9.5. Concluding Remarks
Section 9.6. Exercises
Part II: The Theory of Performance Engineering
Chapter 10. Markov Models
Section 10.1. Introduction
Section 10.2. Modeling Context
Section 10.3. Motivating Examples
Section 10.4. Model Construction
Section 10.5. Model Solution
Section 10.6. Model Interpretation
Section 10.7. Model Assumptions and Limitations
Section 10.8. Generalized Birth-Death Models
Section 10.9. Beyond the Basics
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