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Copyright Terapoc Inc. 2015 Page 1
OpenLava Installation Procedure
Last modified: March 17, 2015
This document explains how to install Teraproc OpenLava on a Linux cluster. It assumes that readers are
starting from an RPM file supplied by Teraproc, a company focused on providing cloud-based cluster-as-
a-service solutions. Teraproc’s distribution of OpenLava is identical to OpenLava available from
http://openlava.org. The only differences is that the Teraproc RPM has been enhanced to simplify the
installation procedure. It is assumed that the reader is an experienced Linux system administrator.
Obtain OpenLava
Download OpenLava by visiting http://teraproc.com and following the OpenLava download links. After
filling in a short registration form you can select the version of OpenLava you wish to download and save
the rpm or deb install package locally. This procedure applies to both the current stable release
OpenLava as well as the beta release although there will be minor differences in file names and install
locations depending on which you select.
Prepare the Linux Cluster
Installing and configuring cluster nodes is beyond the scope of this document, but broadly the steps are
as follows:
Make sure that all cluster nodes know their own hostname (hostname –f) and that cluster nodes
can ping one another.
If you do not have a nameserver setup, you may need to manually enter IP addresses and
hostnames in the /etc/hosts file on each cluster node.
OpenLava will send e-mail when jobs are completed, so while not necessary for OpenLava to
function, it is desirable to configure e-mail as well. This can be done after the OpenLava cluster
is installed and configured.
Troubleshooting network issues can be tricky, so when installing the cluster, if your site policies
allow, you may want to temporarily disable the firewall on all nodes using “iptables service
stop” on RedHat, CentOS and Suse Linux or “ufw stop” on Ubuntu Linux. In the appendix we
provide additional guidance on how to manage firewalls across different Linux operating
You may want to disable SELinux while installing the cluster. You can do this by editing
/etc/selinux/config or running the command setenforce 0. Details are provided in an appendix
to this document.
We would be remiss if we did not point readers to an excellent blog article written on this topic
that can provide additional useful information. Please see http://jensd.be/?p=404.
Copyright Terapoc Inc. 2015 Page 2
In the installation example below, we have four Linux hosts. These happen to be RHEL 7.1 nodes. The
procedures described here may need to be adjusted depending on your environment and the specific
versions of Linux you are running.
Our cluster has the following hostnames.
Install OpenLava on the first host
The simplest way to install OpenLava is to use the Linux yum facility. Yum will look after resolving
dependencies automatically and installing pre-requisite packages as needed. On the first cluster host
logged in as root, run the command below using the Teraproc supplied rpm file.
This should result in OpenLava being installed, configured and OpenLava services started. This step
should be the only one required, but additional information is provided below in case users encounter
difficulties with their environment.
You can elect to use rpm to install OpenLava instead. If you are installing on Ubuntu Linux (a Debian-
based distribution), instead of using the .rpm file you should use the .deb file provided by Teraproc and
use the dpkg command instead of yum or rpm. By default, recent versions of RHEL and CentOS do not
install TCL shared libraries (included in the TCL Developer’s package) or the “killall” command (included
in the “psmisc” package) required by OpenLava.
You can determine whether these packages are installed on your host using the commands below.
[root@host2]# yum install openlava-3.0-0.x86_64.rpm
Starting daemons...
lim started
res started
sbatchd started
[root@host2 ec2-user]# yum list installed tcl-devel
[root@host2 ec2-user]# yum list installed psmisc
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