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Introduction to the Android Graphics
Wissenschaftliche Arbeit zur Erlangung des Grades Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
in Informatik an der Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft
Mathias Garbe
Karlsruhe, im März 2014
Betreuer: Christian Meder
Referent: Prof. Dr. Holger Vogelsang
Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bröckl
Statement of Authorship
I hereby declare that this bachelor thesis has been written only by the undersigned
and without any assistance from third parties. Furthermore, I confirm that no sources
have been used in the preparation of this thesis other than those indicated in the
thesis itself.
Eidesstattliche Erklärung
Ich erkläre hiermit eidesstattlich, dass ich die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit selbständig
und ohne unerlaubte Hilfe verfasst, keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hil-
fsmittel benutzt und die den benutzten Quellen wörtlich oder inhaltlich entnommenen
Stellen als solche kenntlich gemacht habe.
Karlsruhe, March 17, 2014.
This bachelor thesis outlines the current state of the Android graphics pipeline. The
graphics pipeline is the part of Android which displays the user interface by using the
graphics processor.
This thesis begins by describing the principles of current graphics hardware. After-
wards the different hardware architectures of modern graphic processors are explained.
The main part of the thesis starts by looking at the history of the Android graph-
ics stack. An explanation of specific optimizations employed by Android and their
software implementation follows. The Android graphics pipeline is then explained
by demonstrating a sample application and tracing all drawing operations down the
pipeline to the actual rendering calls. Finally, current issues and problems like driver
support and overdraw are addressed.
Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit erläutert den aktuellem Stand des Android-Grafikstacks.
Hierbei handelt es sich um den Teil von Android der Benutzeroberflächen mithilfe des
Grafikprozessors darstellt.
Zunächst wird der Aufbau und die Funktionsweise aktueller Grafikhardware erläutert.
Anschließend werden die verschiedenen Architekturen moderner Grafikprozessoren
Im Hauptteil wird die Historie des Android-Grafikstacks betrachtet. Darauf aufbauend
werden konkrete Optimierungen und Implementierungsdetails von Teilen des Grafik-
stacks erklärt. Anhand eines Beispielprogrammes wird die Android-Grafikpipeline
untersucht und abschließend werden die Auswirkungen aktueller Probleme und The-
men wie Treibersupport und Overdraw getestet und bewertet.
About the Source Code Listings
The source code listing in this thesis do not aim to be complete. To make the listings
more clear,
are omitted. In some cases, source code was
converted to pseudo-code. Likewise, no source code listing is intended to be compiled
or executed. All listings are solely for illustration purposes and need to be viewed in
their respective context.
During the course of this thesis, several persons have contributed to whom I owe my
Foremost, I wish to thank my supervisor, Christian Meder, for his encouragements
and keeping the thesis on track and within scope.
I wish to thank Tim and Mark for their continuous interest and input on the thesis.
Their inquiries have always helped me considering new approaches and generally
driving this thesis forward.
I wish to thank Benjamin, Erik, Siggy, Heike, Florian and Daniel for proof-reading and
correcting countless versions of this thesis and always making excellent suggestions
on how to improve it.
Last but not least, I would to express my sincere gratitude to Anika, my family and
all my friends, who have always motivated and supported me with encouragement
and consolation.
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