### Xcode Build Setting Reference #### Introduction Xcode, Apple's integrated development environment (IDE), is the primary tool for developing iOS applications. The build settings within Xcode are crucial for configuring how your application is built and run. This reference provides an in-depth look at various build settings that can be customized to suit specific project requirements. #### Product Information Build Settings ##### ARCHS (Architectures) This setting specifies the architectures for which the target should be built. For example, you might choose `armv7` for older devices or `arm64` for newer ones. It is important to select the appropriate architecture to ensure compatibility with the device on which the app will run. ##### DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION (Compatibility Version) This setting defines the compatibility version of the dynamic library. It ensures backward compatibility with previous versions of the library. Adjusting this value allows developers to manage changes in the library’s API without breaking existing applications that depend on it. ##### DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION (Current Library Version) This setting indicates the current version of the dynamic library. It is used to differentiate between different versions of the same library, helping in managing updates and ensuring the correct version is linked during the build process. ##### GENERATE_PKGINFO_FILE (Force Package Info Generation) This setting controls whether a `PkgInfo` file should be generated for the application. The `PkgInfo` file contains metadata about the application, such as its type and subtype, which can be useful for system integration and identification purposes. ##### MACH_O_TYPE This setting determines the type of Mach-O file produced by the linker. Different types include `executable`, `staticlib`, `sharedlib`, and `bundle`. Selecting the appropriate type ensures that the output file is compatible with its intended use. ##### PRODUCT_NAME This setting defines the name of the product being built. It is automatically populated based on the target name but can be overridden if needed. The product name is used in various paths and files generated during the build process. ##### PROJECT_NAME The project name refers to the name of the Xcode project. While not directly related to the build process, it is often referenced in build settings and paths, making it an important configuration option. ##### TARGET_NAME This setting represents the name of the target being built. Targets within Xcode can have different configurations and settings, so specifying the target name is essential for customizing build behavior. ##### VALID_ARCHS (Valid Architectures) This setting lists the valid architectures for which the target can be built. It is particularly useful when building for multiple platforms or devices with different CPU architectures. #### Build Properties Build Settings ##### ACTION This setting specifies the action to be performed during the build process. Actions can include compiling, linking, archiving, or other steps required to produce the final product. ##### BUILD_COMPONENTS This setting controls which components of the build process should be executed. Common components include compiling sources, creating object files, linking, and generating documentation. ##### BUILD_VARIANTS (Build Variants) This setting defines the build variants for the target. Variants can include debug, release, or other configurations that affect how the application is compiled and optimized. ##### COMPRESS_PNG_FILES (Compress .png files) This setting determines whether PNG image files should be compressed during the build process. Compressing these files can reduce their size, potentially improving performance and reducing storage requirements. ##### CONFIGURATION This setting selects the build configuration to be used. Configurations can include debug, release, or others, each with specific settings tailored to the needs of the build variant. ##### CURRENT_ARCH This setting identifies the current architecture being targeted during the build process. It is useful for conditional compilation and ensuring compatibility with the target architecture. ##### CURRENT_VARIANT This setting specifies the current build variant. It is closely related to the `CONFIGURATION` setting and is used to tailor the build process based on the selected variant. ##### DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT (Debug Information Format) This setting determines the format of debug information generated during the build process. Formats can include DWARF, DWARF with dSYM file, or none. Selecting the appropriate format is crucial for debugging and performance analysis. ##### DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING (Deployment Postprocessing) This setting enables postprocessing steps after the deployment of the built product. These steps can include additional checks or modifications to ensure the final product meets specific criteria before distribution. ##### ENABLE_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES This setting controls whether header dependencies are enabled. Enabling header dependencies can improve build times by only rebuilding files that have changed since the last build. ##### NATIVE_ARCH This setting specifies the native architecture for the build process. It is particularly relevant when cross-compiling or targeting specific hardware platforms. ##### ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH (Build Active Architecture Only) This setting determines whether the build process should only target the active architecture. This can be useful for optimizing builds and reducing unnecessary work. ##### PATH_PREFIXES_EXCLUDED_FROM_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES This setting lists the path prefixes that should be excluded from header dependency tracking. Excluding certain paths can improve build times by reducing the number of dependencies tracked. ##### RETAIN_RAW_BINARIES This setting controls whether raw binary files should be retained after the build process. Retaining these files can be useful for debugging and performance analysis. ##### STRINGS_FILE_OUTPUT_ENCODING This setting specifies the encoding to be used for strings files generated during the build process. Choosing the appropriate encoding is essential for handling text and localized resources correctly. ##### TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY (Targeted Device Family) This setting defines the device family targeted by the application. It can include iPhone, iPad, or both. Specifying the targeted device family helps ensure that the application is optimized for the intended platform. ##### VALIDATE_PRODUCT (Validate Built Product) This setting enables validation of the built product. Validation can include checks for code signing, entitlements, and other requirements necessary for distribution through the App Store. #### Build and Product Location Build Settings ##### BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR This setting specifies the directory where the built products are placed. It is important for organizing and managing the output of the build process. ##### CACHE_ROOT This setting determines the root directory for the build cache. The cache stores intermediate files and results from previous builds, improving subsequent build times. ##### CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR (Per-Configuration Build Products Path) This setting defines the directory for per-configuration build products. This helps in separating outputs for different configurations, such as debug and release. ##### CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR (Per-Configuration Intermediate File Path) This setting specifies the directory for per-configuration intermediate files. Intermediate files are temporary files generated during the build process and can be useful for debugging. ##### DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION (Deployment Location) This setting determines the deployment location for the built product. Specifying the deployment location is crucial for distributing the application to the intended users. ##### DERIVED_FILE_DIR This setting defines the directory for derived files. Derived files are files generated during the build process that are not part of the final product. ##### DSTROOT (Installation Build Products Location) This setting specifies the installation location for the built products. It is particularly relevant when packaging and deploying the final application. ##### INSTALL_DIR This setting determines the installation directory for the built products. It is closely related to `DSTROOT` and helps in organizing the final output. ##### INSTALL_PATH (Installation Directory) This setting specifies the installation directory within the deployment location. It is used to control where the final product is installed on the target system. ##### OBJECT_FILE_DIR This setting defines the directory for object files. Object files are intermediate files generated during the compilation process. ##### OBJECT_FILE_DIR_<VARIANT> This setting specifies the directory for object files associated with a specific build variant. It helps in separating object files for different configurations. ##### OBJROOT (Intermediate Build Files Path) This setting determines the root directory for intermediate build files. Intermediate files include object files and other artifacts generated during the build process. ##### PROJECT_TEMP_DIR This setting defines the directory for temporary files used during the build process. Temporary files can include caches, logs, and other transient data. ##### REZ_COLLECTOR_DIR This setting specifies the directory for rez collector files. Rez is a tool used for managing resource files in Xcode projects. ##### REZ_OBJECTS_DIR This setting determines the directory for rez objects. Rez objects are files generated by the rez tool and are used to manage resources. ##### SDKROOT (Base SDK) This setting defines the base SDK used for building the application. The SDK includes frameworks, libraries, and tools necessary for building applications for a specific platform. ##### SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR (Precompiled Headers Cache Path) This setting specifies the directory for precompiled headers. Precompiled headers are used to speed up the compilation process by caching the results of preprocessing common header files. ##### SKIP_INSTALL This setting controls whether the built product should be installed as part of the build process. Skipping installation can be useful during development to save time. ##### SRCROOT This setting determines the root directory for source files. It is the top-level directory containing all the source code for the project. ##### SYMROOT (Build Products Path) This setting defines the directory for the build products. It is the final destination for the built application or library. ##### TARGET_BUILD_DIR This setting specifies the directory for the built target. It is used to separate the output of different targets within a project. ##### TARGET_TEMP_DIR This setting determines the directory for temporary files generated for the target. Temporary files can include object files, archives, and other artifacts generated during the build process. #### Header-Map Build Settings ##### HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_FLAT_ENTRIES_FOR_TARGET_BEING_BUILT This setting controls whether the header map should include flat entries for the target being built. Flat entries simplify the structure of the header map, making it easier to navigate. ##### HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_FRAMEWORK_ENTRIES_FOR_ALL_PRODUCT_TYPES This setting determines whether the header map should include framework entries for all product types. Including framework entries can improve the organization and accessibility of framework headers. ##### HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_PROJECT_HEADERS This setting enables including project headers in the header map. Project headers are headers included in the project itself and not part of any external framework or library. #### C/C++ Compiler Build Settings ##### ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS (Always Search User Paths) This setting controls whether the compiler should always search user paths. User paths are typically defined by the developer and can include additional directories for headers and libraries. ##### FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS (Framework Search Paths) This setting specifies the paths to search for frameworks. Frameworks are collections of libraries and headers that provide specific functionality and are commonly used in Xcode projects. ##### GCC_AUTO_VECTORIZATION (Auto-Vectorization) This setting determines whether the compiler should automatically vectorize loops. Vectorization can improve performance by allowing the CPU to perform multiple operations simultaneously.
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