Hibernate Changelog
Note: Newer entries are automatically generated and the description might not
match the actual issue resolution (i.e. a bug might not be a bug). Please
refer to the particular case on JIRA using the issue tracking number to learn
more about each case.
Changes in version 3.6.0.CR2 (2010.09.29)
** Bug
* [HHH-892] - HQL parser does not resolve alias in ORDER BY clause
* [HHH-2917] - Using subselects as operands for arithmetic operations causes NullPointerException
* [HHH-4510] - Add column-level read/write support (HHH-4440) to annotations
* [HHH-5490] - dirty data be inserted into 2L cache
* [HHH-5552] - Infinispan listener implementations need to load entities and keys using application classloader.
* [HHH-5563] - JndiInfinispanRegionFactory creates region with a stopped cache, if region previously existed
* [HHH-5568] - correct wrong format in document
* [HHH-5573] - Change TestCase to rebuildSessionFactory() whenever sessions var is accessed
* [HHH-5590] - Don't log and rethrow exceptions in AbstractFlushingEventListener
* [HHH-5591] - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl#queryExecuted() does not update queryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString
* [HHH-5592] - org.hibernate.test.hql.ASTParserLoadingOrderByTest hangs on postgresql
* [HHH-5593] - org.hibernate.test.legacy.FooBarTest.testCollectionWhere fails on hsqldb
* [HHH-5594] - org.hibernate.test.jpa.lock.JPALockTest fails on hsqldb
* [HHH-5595] - postgresql jdbc driver does not implement the setQueryTimeout method
* [HHH-5596] - org.hibernate.test.annotations.onetoone.OneToOneTest.testPkOneToOneSelectStatementDoesNotGenerateExtraJoin() fails on postgresql
* [HHH-5597] - org.hibernate.test.criteria.LikeTest.testLike fails on postgresql because of the default escape charactor
** Improvement
* [HHH-5560] - Envers ValidAuditTimeStrategy needs a better name
* [HHH-5589] - mysql does not support column check
** New Feature
* [HHH-5190] - Provide annotation support for <discriminator>'s force and insert
* [HHH-5205] - Add support for source="db" for timestamp versions
** Patch
* [HHH-5581] - Improve InformixDialect sequence support
Changes in version 3.6.0.CR1 (2010.09.15)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-3766] - Modify the queries executed to use the "end-revision" column, when available
* [HHH-5446] - Write an envers tutorial guide
* [HHH-5499] - Extend AuditReader interface with findRevisions() method
** Bug
* [HHH-5310] - orm_2_0.xsd compliant mapping files break in JEE use cases
* [HHH-5356] - Sybase 15 does not support cross join
* [HHH-5484] - org.hibernate.type.UUIDCharType incorrectly mapped to char and causes test fail due to the padding space
* [HHH-5542] - Infinispan region factory uses same cache instance for all timestamp regions
* [HHH-5545] - Resolve query cache results not up to date testsuite failures
** Improvement
* [HHH-3709] - Add StartRevision/EndRevison fileds to audit tables
* [HHH-5372] - Improve envers query performance by using new REVEND column
* [HHH-5441] - Create "Getting Started Guide"
* [HHH-5543] - JEE bootstrapping should only parse and validate mapping files once
* [HHH-5557] - Sybase supports alias length upto 30 characters
* [HHH-5564] - Upgrade to Infinispan 4.2.x
** Task
* [HHH-5524] - Move tagRelease.sh into svn
Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta4 (2010.09.01)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-5442] - Write native tutorial chapter
* [HHH-5444] - Write annotations tutorial chapter
* [HHH-5445] - Write a jpa/entitymanager tutorial guide
* [HHH-5462] - Write preface
* [HHH-5463] - Write a community chapter
** Bug
* [HHH-817] - Projection aliases should not be applied to where-clause (Milosz Tylenda)
* [HHH-1189] - interfaces for Proxies are not regonized as interfaces
* [HHH-3334] - Cascade-save breaks if parent ID is assigned (delays insert) and child has identity ID (early insert) (Wallace Wadge)
* [HHH-5142] - Exception when initializing lazy @ManyToMany indexed collection containing not audited entities
* [HHH-5225] - Cannot parse order-by fragment if it contains a registered function without parentheses
* [HHH-5440] - Joined collection expressions not properly "rendered" in JPA Criteria queries
* [HHH-5511] - Infinispan Region.destroy() impl should call cache.stop()
* [HHH-5512] - JndiInfinispanRegionFactory shouldn't try to stop CacheManager
* [HHH-5517] - Switch uuid generation in SessionFactory to org.hibernate.id.UUIDGenerator instead
* [HHH-5519] - VersionedItem should not extend Item, otherwise query cache results are confusing
* [HHH-5520] - Per org.hibernate.cache.RegionFactory javadocs, implementors should be allowed to use no-arg constructor
** Deprecation
* [HHH-5489] - Deprecate jbosscache as a second level cache provider, in favor of infinispan
** Improvement
* [HHH-5427] - derby native sequence support broken
* [HHH-5507] - Add @MapKeyType annotation
* [HHH-5509] - Leverage StandardBasicTypes internaly
* [HHH-5515] - Upgrade to Infinispan 4.1.0.CR3
** Patch
* [HHH-5197] - Envers documentation doesn't include the correct configuration when using Hibernate directly
* [HHH-5453] - ByteCodeHelper.readByteCode won't load classes bigger than a constant size
** Task
* [HHH-5502] - Upgrade to maven-jdocbook-plugin 2.3.2
* [HHH-5505] - enable Sybase 15.5 in the test db profile
* [HHH-5506] - rollback maven-jdocbook-plugin to 2.3.0
* [HHH-5510] - Upgrade to maven-jdocbook-plugin 2.3.3
Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta3 (2010.08.18)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-5464] - Write a chapter about obtaining Hibernate
** Bug
* [HHH-1643] - Sub-query as function parameter - either sub-query is missed from SQL or NullPointerException raised
* [HHH-5180] - StandardQueryCache.get() does not handle EntityNotFoundException for natural key lookups
* [HHH-5426] - HQL update/delete does not invalidate the query cache
* [HHH-5449] - Versioned HQL update might issue incorrect SQL
* [HHH-5469] - HHH-3659 is only half done, due to HHH-4989 (i.e. no HQL performance log when running Java 5)
* [HHH-5473] - Default for CHECK_NULLABILITY does not allow merge retries
** Improvement
* [HHH-5438] - Skip deployment of "irrelevant" modules
* [HHH-5439] - Deployment of site.xml
* [HHH-5474] - Clean up usages of now deprecated ExtendedMappings
* [HHH-5477] - Introduce StandardBasicTypes for standard basic type constants
** Patch
* [HHH-5300] - Configurable QueryPlanCache reference counts (Manuel Dominguez Sarmiento)
** Task
* [HHH-5451] - deprecate cglib as bytecode provider
* [HHH-5479] - Upgrade jDocBook plugin to 2.3.0
* [HHH-5485] - Move hiberante dtd files from http://hibernate.sourceforge.net to http://www.hibernate.org/dtd
Changes in version 3.6.0.Beta2 (2010.08.04)
** Bug
* [HHH-2350] - 2nd level cache broken for non-inverse bidirectional one-to-many relation
* [HHH-4011] - ChainedPropertyAccessor is not serializable, which breaks caching to disk and replicated caches.
* [HHH-5097] - Bug in ParameterizedFunctionExpression with two or more parameters: IllegalArgumentException
* [HHH-5296] - AbstractFromImpl::getJoin() shall return em