# To enable ProGuard in your project, edit project.properties
# to define the proguard.config property as described in that file.
# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
# in ${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
# You can edit the include path and order by changing the ProGuard
# include property in project.properties.
# For more details, see
# http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html
# Add any project specific keep options here:
# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
# class:
#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
# public *;
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
android简单飞机大战 (161个子文件)
resources.ap_ 4.46MB
PlaneFight.apk 4.68MB
jarlist.cache 120B
GraphicsPlane.class 7KB
MainActivity.class 5KB
Mydialog1.class 4KB
productBomb.class 4KB
gameDefeated.class 3KB
VoiceMydialog$1.class 2KB
GameActivity.class 2KB
productEnamyPlane.class 2KB
MoveBigBomb.class 2KB
MovePlane.class 2KB
R$drawable.class 2KB
VoiceMydialog.class 1KB
Mydialog1$1.class 1KB
MoveEnamyPlanes.class 1KB
MoveBomb.class 1KB
GraphicsPlane$MovePlanes.class 1KB
DBHelper.class 1KB
MoveBullet.class 1KB
GraphicsPlane$productBullets.class 1KB
AboutMydialog.class 1KB
Bullet.class 1KB
Plane.class 1KB
HightScore.class 1KB
R$string.class 1KB
CountScore.class 951B
MainActivity$2.class 929B
HelpAialog.class 906B
Bomb.class 891B
MainActivity$3.class 875B
MainActivity$1.class 875B
VoiceMydialog$2.class 861B
AboutMydialog$1.class 861B
R.class 813B
R$id.class 801B
Parameter.class 705B
R$layout.class 629B
R$color.class 554B
R$dimen.class 473B
R$menu.class 461B
R$style.class 443B
R$raw.class 437B
BuildConfig.class 353B
R$attr.class 352B
MovePlanes.class 301B
.classpath 475B
classes.dex 643KB
skateboard.gif 9KB
aa.gif 9KB
jump.gif 2KB
android-support-v4.jar 543KB
android-support-v4-0c0d5e2f12b18f69a89e8bfdc8759864.jar 206KB
GraphicsPlane.java 7KB
R.java 7KB
productBomb.java 5KB
Mydialog1.java 4KB
MainActivity.java 4KB
VoiceMydialog.java 2KB
gameDefeated.java 2KB
GameActivity.java 2KB
productEnamyPlane.java 1KB
MoveBigBomb.java 1KB
DBHelper.java 1KB
AboutMydialog.java 1KB
MoveBullet.java 952B
MovePlane.java 949B
MoveBomb.java 907B
MoveEnamyPlanes.java 878B
Bullet.java 761B
Plane.java 745B
CountScore.java 721B
HelpAialog.java 653B
HightScore.java 612B
Bomb.java 579B
Parameter.java 419B
BuildConfig.java 161B
MovePlanes.java 82B
cryonmyshoulder.mp3 3.6MB
save_back_proud.png 368KB
start_game_backgroud.png 262KB
help_background.png 259KB
save_back_proud.png 207KB
backgroud.png 198KB
backgroud.png 189KB
help_background.png 143KB
start_game_backgroud.png 130KB
button.png 33KB
set_game_backgroud.png 27KB
rank_backgroud.png 21KB
ic_launcher-web.png 15KB
bossfirst.png 14KB
bossfirst.png 12KB
ic_launcher.png 11KB
bloodlinebackground.png 11KB
ic_launcher.png 10KB
player.png 10KB
ic_launcher.png 10KB
player.png 9KB
共 161 条
- 1
- 2
- yeatcsdn2016-06-22目录和文件完整,可以打开。
- 打不赢jiu跑2014-02-20很有用,谢谢分享
- 标准码农2014-01-16很有用,谢谢分享
- baidu_161290072015-04-04我这里显示配置不对
- 粉丝: 44
- 资源: 26
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