/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the Clear BSD
* license. See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
* The LayerSwitcher control displays a table of contents for the map. This
* allows the user interface to switch between BaseLasyers and to show or hide
* Overlays. By default the switcher is shown minimized on the right edge of
* the map, the user may expand it by clicking on the handle.
* To create the LayerSwitcher outside of the map, pass the Id of a html div
* as the first argument to the constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Control>
OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher =
OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
* Property: activeColor
* {String}
activeColor: "darkblue",
* Property: layerStates
* {Array(Object)} Basically a copy of the "state" of the map's layers
* the last time the control was drawn. We have this in order to avoid
* unnecessarily redrawing the control.
layerStates: null,
// DOM Elements
* Property: layersDiv
* {DOMElement}
layersDiv: null,
* Property: baseLayersDiv
* {DOMElement}
baseLayersDiv: null,
* Property: baseLayers
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer>)}
baseLayers: null,
* Property: dataLbl
* {DOMElement}
dataLbl: null,
* Property: dataLayersDiv
* {DOMElement}
dataLayersDiv: null,
* Property: dataLayers
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer>)}
dataLayers: null,
* Property: minimizeDiv
* {DOMElement}
minimizeDiv: null,
* Property: maximizeDiv
* {DOMElement}
maximizeDiv: null,
* APIProperty: ascending
* {Boolean}
ascending: true,
/** Add by Peter for group extension
* Property: groupDivs
* Object with {DOMElements}, {Booleans} and {Strings}
groups: {
checked: {},
display: {}
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
* Parameters:
* options - {Object}
initialize: function(options) {
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.layerStates = [];
* APIMethod: destroy
destroy: function() {
//clear out layers info and unregister their events
"addlayer": this.redraw,
"changelayer": this.redraw,
"removelayer": this.redraw,
"changebaselayer": this.redraw,
scope: this
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: setMap
* Properties:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
setMap: function(map) {
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
"addlayer": this.redraw,
"changelayer": this.redraw,
"removelayer": this.redraw,
"changebaselayer": this.redraw,
scope: this
* Method: draw
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the
* switcher tabs.
draw: function() {
// create layout divs
// set mode to minimize
if(!this.outsideViewport) {
// populate div with current info
return this.div;
* Method: clearLayersArray
* User specifies either "base" or "data". we then clear all the
* corresponding listeners, the div, and reinitialize a new array.
* Parameters:
* layersType - {String}
clearLayersArray: function(layersType) {
var layers = this[layersType + "Layers"];
if (layers) {
for(var i=0, len=layers.length; i<len ; i++) {
var layer = layers[i];
this[layersType + "LayersDiv"].innerHTML = "";
this[layersType + "Layers"] = [];
/**Add by peter for group extension
this.groups.groupDivs = {};
* Method: checkRedraw
* Checks if the layer state has changed since the last redraw() call.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The layer state changed since the last redraw() call.
checkRedraw: function() {
var redraw = false;
if ( !this.layerStates.length ||
(this.map.layers.length != this.layerStates.length) ) {
redraw = true;
} else {
for (var i=0, len=this.layerStates.length; i<len; i++) {
var layerState = this.layerStates[i];
var layer = this.map.layers[i];
if ( (layerState.name != layer.name) ||
(layerState.inRange != layer.inRange) ||
(layerState.id != layer.id) ||
(layerState.visibility != layer.visibility) ) {
redraw = true;
return redraw;
* Method: redraw
* Goes through and takes the current state of the Map and rebuilds the
* control to display that state. Groups base layers into a
* radio-button group and lists each data layer with a checkbox.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the control
redraw: function() {
//if the state hasn't changed since last redraw, no need
// to do anything. Just return the existing div.
if (!this.checkRedraw()) {
return this.div;
//clear out previous layers
var containsOverlays = false;
var containsBaseLayers = false;
// Save state -- for checking layer if the map state changed.
// We save this before redrawing, because in the process of redrawing
// we will trigger more visibility changes, and we want to not redraw
// and enter an infinite loop.
var len = this.map.layers.length;
this.layerStates = new Array(len);
for (var i=0; i <len; i++) {
var layer = this.map.layers[i];
this.layerStates[i] = {
'name': layer.name,
'visibility': layer.visibility,
'inRange': layer.inRange,
'id': layer.id
/**Add by peter for group extension
* create group divs
if (layer.group && !layer.isBaseLayer) {
layer.group = layer.group.replace(/\/$/,"");
layer.group = layer.group.replace(/^\//,"");
var layers = this.map.layers.slice();
if (!this.ascending) { lay
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