workpath-sensitive tempo control: thread tempo is set
based on control flow, with threads tackling “immediate
work” [7] executing at a faster tempo. This design ap-
proach corresponds to a key design principle in work-
stealing algorithms: the work-first principle.
workload-sensitive tempo control: thread tempo is set
based on the number of work items a thread needs to
tackle, as indicated by the size of the deque in work-
stealing runtimes. Threads with a longer deque execute
at a faster tempo.
HERMES unifies the two tempo control strategies in one.
Our experiments show that the two strategies are highly com-
plementary. For instance, on a 32-core machine, each strat-
egy can contribute to 6% and 7% energy savings respec-
tively, whereas the unified algorithm can yield 11% energy
savings. In the same setting, each strategy incurs 6% and 5%
performance loss respectively, whereas the unified algorithm
incurs 3% loss.
This paper makes the following contributions:
1. The first framework, to the best of our knowledge, ad-
dressing energy efficiency in work-stealing systems. The
framework achieves energy efficiency through thread
tempo control.
2. Two novel, complementary tempo control strategies: one
workpath-sensitive and one workload-sensitive.
3. A prototyped implementation and experimental evalua-
tion demonstrating an average of 11-12% energy savings
with 3-4% performance loss over work-stealing bench-
marks. The results are stable throughout comprehensive
design space exploration.
2. Background: Work Stealing
Work stealing was originally developed in Cilk [6, 16], a C-
like language designed for parallel programming. The main
appeal of work stealing is its synergic solution spanning the
compute stack, bridging the gap between abstraction layers
such as architectures, operating systems, compilers, program
runtimes, and programming models.
Work stealing is a load balancing scheduler for multi-
threaded programs over parallel architectures. The program
runtime consists of multiple threads called workers, each
executing on a host CPU core (or hardware parallel unit in
general). Each worker maintains a queue-like data structure
– called a double-ended queue or deque – each item of which
is a task to be processed by the worker. When a worker
finishes processing a task, it picks up next one from its deque
and continues the execution of that task. When the deque is
empty (we say the worker or its host core is idle), the worker
steals a task from the deque of another worker. In this case
we call the stealing worker a thief whereas the worker whose
task was stolen a victim. The selection of victims follows
the principles observed by load balancing and may vary in
different implementations of work stealing.
What sets work stealing apart from standard load balanc-
ing techniques is how the runtime structure described above
corresponds to program structures and compilation units.
Each task on the deque is a block of executable code – or
more strictly, a program counter pointing to the executable
code – demarcated by the programmer and optimized by the
compiler. In that sense, to have a worker “pick up a task” is
indeed to have the worker continue its execution over the ex-
ecutable code embodied in the task. To describe the process
in more detail, let us use the following Cilk example:
L1 cilk int f ( )
L2 { int n1 = spawn f 1 ( ) ;
L3 . . . / / o t h e r s t a t e m e n t s
L4 }
L5 cilk int f 1 ( ) {
L6 int n2 = spawn f 2 ( ) ;
L7 . . . / / o t h e r s t a t e m e n t s
L8 }
L9 cilk int f 2 ( ) {
L10 . . . / / o t h e r s t a t e m e n t s
L11 }
Logically, each spawn can be viewed as a thread creation.
On the implementation level however, a work-stealing run-
time adopts Lazy Task Creation [31], where for each spawn,
the executing worker simply puts a task onto its own deque,
either to pick it up later or to be stolen by some other worker.
This strategy aligns thread management with the underly-
ing parallel architecture: a program that invokes f above 20
times but runs on a dual-core CPU can operate only with 2
threads (workers) instead of 40.
Work-First Principle The question here is what the item
placed on the deque should embody. For instance, when
L2 is executed, one tempting design would be to consider
f1 as the task placed on the deque. The Cilk-like work-
stealing algorithm takes the opposite approach: it places the
continuation of the current spawn statement onto the deque.
In the example above, it is the program counter pointing to
L3. The current worker continues to invoke f1 as if spawn
were elided.
This design reflects a fundamental principle well articu-
lated in Cilk: the work-first principle. The principle concerns
the relationship between the parallel execution of a program
and its corresponding serial execution. (A logically equiva-
lent view for the latter would be to have the parallel program
execute on a single-core machine.) Let us revisit the exam-
ple above. If it is executed on a single-core machine, f1 is
the “immediate” work when L2 is reached, and hence carries
more urgency. For that reason, f1 should be immediately ex-
ecuted by the current worker, whereas the continuation is not
as urgent and is hence placed on the deque.
Work-first principle plays a pivotal role in the design of
work-stealing systems. In Cilk, it further leads to a compila-