
需积分: 0 0 下载量 162 浏览量 更新于2014-01-14 收藏 346KB RAR 举报
Need to connect to a wireless network that is WEP encoded but all you have is the passphrase and your network connection client doesn't handle passphrases? You need to have an offline WEP key generator that will give you the 26 HEX digits you need. You need WEPGen! WEPGen uses the defacto standard for generating WEP keys used by most wireless routers. 

It supports Netgear, Linksys, etc. and is compatible with alternate firmware like 'Tomato'. Easy to use: Enter the passphrase into WEPGen to generate the WEP keys. Just tap the key that you want and it is copied to the paste buffer and ready to be pasted into an email, document, or (best of all) the wireless wifi key in settings! Works on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. This program is NOT for use as a hacking tool! It is intended to be a utility to help connect to a network when the passphrase is already known, but the wireless setup wizard/app/program will only accept hex digits (like Win XP, etc)
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