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A disciplined approach to neural network hyper-parameters Part 1 -- learning rate, batch size, momentum, and weight decay, by Leslie N. Smith
US Naval Research Laboratory Technical Report 5510-026
Leslie N. Smith
US Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC, USA
Although deep learning has produced dazzling successes for applications of im-
age, speech, and video processing in the past few years, most trainings are with
suboptimal hyper-parameters, requiring unnecessarily long training times. Setting
the hyper-parameters remains a black art that requires years of experience to ac-
quire. This report proposes several efficient ways to set the hyper-parameters that
significantly reduce training time and improves performance. Specifically, this
report shows how to examine the training validation/test loss function for subtle
clues of underfitting and overfitting and suggests guidelines for moving toward
the optimal balance point. Then it discusses how to increase/decrease the learning
rate/momentum to speed up training. Our experiments show that it is crucial to
balance every manner of regularization for each dataset and architecture. Weight
decay is used as a sample regularizer to show how its optimal value is tightly
coupled with the learning rates and momentum. Files to help replicate the results
reported here are available at https://github.com/lnsmith54/hyperParam1.
The rise of deep learning (DL) has the potential to transform our future as a human race even more
than it already has and perhaps more than any other technology. Deep learning has already created
significant improvements in computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing,
which has led to deep learning based commercial products being ubiquitous in our society and in
our lives.
In spite of this success, the application of deep neural networks remains a black art, often requiring
years of experience to effectively choose optimal hyper-parameters, regularization, and network
architecture, which are all tightly coupled. Currently the process of setting the hyper-parameters,
including designing the network architecture, requires expertise and extensive trial and error and is
based more on serendipity than science. On the other hand, there is a recognized need to make the
application of deep learning as easy as possible.
Currently there are no simple and easy ways to set hyper-parameters – specifically, learning rate,
batch size, momentum, and weight decay. A grid search or random search (Bergstra & Bengio,
2012) of the hyper-parameter space is computationally expensive and time consuming. Yet train-
ing time and final performance is highly dependent on good choices. In addition, practitioners
often choose one of the standard architectures (such as residual networks (He et al., 2016)) and the
hyper-parameter files that are freely available in a deep learning framework’s “model zoo” or from
github.com but these are often sub-optimal for the practitioner’s data.
This report proposes several methodologies for finding optimal settings for several hyper-
parameters. A comprehensive approach of all hyper-parameters is valuable due to the interdepen-
dence of all of these factors. Part 1 of this report examines learning rate, batch size, momentum, and
weight decay and Part 2 will examine the architecture, regularization, dataset and task. The goal is to
provide the practitioner with practical advice that saves time and effort, yet improves performance.
arXiv:1803.09820v2 [cs.LG] 24 Apr 2018
US Naval Research Laboratory Technical Report 5510-026
The basis of this approach is based on the well-known concept of the balance between underfitting
versus overfitting. Specifically, it consists of examining the training’s test/validation loss for clues of
underfitting and overfitting in order to strive for the optimal set of hyper-parameters (this report uses
“test loss” or “validation loss” interchangeably but both refer to use of validation data to find the
error or accuracy produced by the network during training). This report also suggests paying close
attention to these clues while using cyclical learning rates (Smith, 2017) and cyclical momentum.
The experiments discussed herein indicate that the learning rate, momentum, and regularization are
tightly coupled and optimal values must be determined together.
Since this report is long, the reader who only wants the highlights of this report can: (1) look at
every Figure and caption, (2) read the paragraphs that start with Remark, and (2) review the hyper-
parameter checklist at the beginning of Section 5.
The topics discussed in this report are related to a great deal of the deep learning literature. See
Goodfellow et al. (2016) for an introductory text on the field. Perhaps most related to this work is
the book “Neural networks: tricks of the trade” (Orr & M
uller, 2003) that contains several chapters
with practical advice on hyper-parameters, such as Bengio (2012). Hence, this section only discusses
a few of the most relevant papers.
This work builds on earlier work by the author. In particular, cyclical learning rates were introduced
by Smith (2015) and later updated in Smith (2017). Section 4.1 provides updated experiments on
super-convergence (Smith & Topin, 2017). There is a discussion in the literature on modifying the
batch size instead of the learning rate, such as discussed in Smith et al. (2017).
Several recent papers discuss the use of large learning rate and small batch size, such as Jastrzebski
et al. (2017a;b); Xing et al. (2018). They demonstrate that the ratio of the learning rate over the batch
size guides training. The recommendations in this report differs from those papers on the optimal
setting of learning rates and batch sizes.
Smith and Le (Smith & Le, 2017) explore batch sizes and correlate the optimal batch size to the
learning rate, size of the dataset, and momentum. This report is more comprehensive and more
practical in its focus. In addition, Section 4.2 recommends a larger batch size than this paper.
A recent paper questions the use of regularization by weight decay and dropout (Hern
& K
onig, 2018). One of the findings of this report is that the total regularization needs to be in
balance for a given dataset and architecture. Our experiments suggest that their perspective on regu-
larization is limited – they only add regularization by data augmentation to replace the regularization
by weight decay and dropout without a full study of regularization.
There also exist approaches to learn optimal hyper-parameters by differentiating the gradient with
respect to the hyper-parameters (for example see Lorraine & Duvenaud (2018)). The approach in
this report is simpler for the practitioner to perform.
“Well begun is half done.” Aristotle
A good detective observes subtle clues that the less observant miss. The purpose of this Section is
to draw your attention to the clues in the training process and provide guidance as to their meaning.
Often overlooked elements from the training process tell a story. By observing and understanding the
clues available early during training, we can tune our architecture and hyper-parameters with short
runs of a few epochs (an epoch is defined as once through the entire training data). In particular,
by monitoring validation/test loss early in the training, enough information is available to tune the
architecture and hyper-parameters and this eliminates the necessity of running complete grid or
random searches.
Figure 1a shows plots of the training loss, validation accuracy, and validation loss for a learning rate
range test of a residual network on the Cifar dataset to find reasonable learning rates for training.
In this situation, the test loss within the black box indicates signs of overfitting at learning rates
US Naval Research Laboratory Technical Report 5510-026
(a) Characteristic plot of training loss, validation ac-
curacy, and validation loss.
(b) Characteristic plot of the generalization error,
which is the validation/test loss minus the training
Figure 1: Comparison of the training loss, validation accuracy, validation loss, and generalization
error that illustrates the additional information about the training process in the test/validation loss
but is not visible in the test accuracy and training loss or clear with the generalization error. These
runs are a learning rate range test with the resnet-56 architecture and Cifar-10 dataset.
of 0.01 − 0.04. This information is not present in the test accuracy or in the training loss curves.
However, if we were to subtract the training loss from the test/validation loss (i.e., the generalization
error) the information is present in the generalization error but often the generalization error is less
clear than the validation loss. This is an example where the test loss provides valuable information.
We know that this architecture has the capacity to overfit and that early in the training too small a
learning rate will create overfitting.
Remark 1. The test/validation loss is a good indicator of the network’s convergence and should be
examined for clues. In this report, the test/validation loss is used to provide insights on the training
process and the final test accuracy is used for comparing performance.
Section 3.1 starts a brief review on the underfitting and overfitting tradeoff and demonstrates that the
early training test loss provides information on how to modify the hyper-parameters.
Figure 2: Pictorial explanation of the tradeoff between underfitting and overfitting. Model complex-
ity (the x axis) refers to the capacity or powerfulness of the machine learning model. The figure
shows the optimal capacity that falls between underfitting and overfitting.
US Naval Research Laboratory Technical Report 5510-026
Underfitting is when the machine learning model is unable to reduce the error for either the test or
training set. The cause of underfitting is an under capacity of the machine learning model; that is,
it is not powerful enough to fit the underlying complexities of the data distributions. Overfitting
happens when the machine learning model is so powerful as to fit the training set too well and
the generalization error increases. The representation of this underfitting and overfitting trade-off
displayed in Figure 2, which implies that achieving a horizontal test loss can point the way to the
optimal balance point. Similarly, examining the test loss during the training of a network can also
point to the optimal balance of the hyper-parameters.
Remark 2. The takeaway is that achieving the horizontal part of the test loss is the goal of hyper-
parameter tuning. Achieving this balance can be difficult with deep neural networks. Deep networks
are very powerful, with networks becoming more powerful with greater depth (i.e., more layers),
width (i.e, more neurons or filters per layer), and the addition of skip connections to the architecture.
Also, there are various forms of regulation, such as weight decay or dropout (Srivastava et al., 2014).
One needs to vary important hyper-parameters and can use a variety of optimization methods, such
as Nesterov or Adam (Kingma & Ba, 2014). It is well known that optimizing all of these elements
to achieve the best performance on a given dataset is a challenge.
An insight that inspired this Section is that signs of underfitting or overfitting of the test or validation
loss early in the training process are useful for tuning the hyper-parameters. This section started with
the quote “Well begun is half done” because substantial time can be saved by attending to the test
loss early in the training. For example, Figure 1a shows some overfitting within the black square
that indicates a sub-optimal choice of hyper-parameters. If the hyper-parameters are set well at the
beginning, they will perform well through the entire training process. In addition, if the hyper-
parameters are set using only a few epochs, a significant time savings is possible in the search for
hyper-parameters. The test loss during the training process can be used to find the optimal network
architecture and hyper-parameters without performing a full training in order to compare the final
performance results.
The rest of this report discusses the early signs of underfitting and overfitting that are visible in the
test loss. In addition, it discusses how adjustments to the hyper-parameters affects underfitting and
overfitting. This is necessary in order to know how to adjust the hyper-parameters.
(a) Test loss for the Cifar-10 dataset with a
shallow 3 layer network.
(b) Test loss for Imagenet with two networks; resnet-50
and inception-resnet-v2.
Figure 3: Underfitting is characterized by a continuously decreasing test loss, rather than a horizontal
plateau. Underfitting is visible during the training on two different datasets, Cifar-10 and imagenet.
Our first example is with a shallow, 3-layer network on the Cifar-10 dataset. The red curve in Figure
3a with a learning rate of 0.001 shows a decreasing test loss. This curve indicates underfitting
because it continues to decrease, like the left side of the test loss curve in Figure 2. Increasing the
learning rate moves the training from underfitting towards overfitting. The blue curve shows the test
loss with a learning rate of 0.004. Note that the test loss decreases more rapidly during the initial
iterations and is then horizontal. This is one of the early positive clues that indicates that this curve’s
configuration will produce a better final accuracy than the other configuration, which it does.
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