Google Cloud Speech Recognition 3.0
Google Cloud Speech Recognition How to use First of all, you need to add GCSpeechRecognition prefab from FrostweepGames->GCSpeechRecognition->Prefabs folder to your working scene. Then you need to set your own API key of Google Cloud Speech Recognition into Api Key field and enable IsUseAPIKeyFromPrefab if you want to set api key in prefab, if not – will be used API Key from Constants.cs script. If you don’t have API Key, you can get it from , Frostweep Games, 2017 Then we need to create script with name Example and write base logic: You can handle response of Speech Recognition in SpeechRecognizedSuccessEventHandler To get result of the recognition you can use RecognitionResponse->results->alternatives->transcript path. Where RecognitionResponse is an instance of the RecognitionResponse object. For the start recording you can call this method: Include Boolean parameter for enabling runtime voice detection or not. For the stop recording you can call this method: For set the list of arrays of speech contexts you can call this method: Frostweep Games, 2017 _speechRecognition is an instance of GCSpeechRecognition class: If you want to set language you can call this method (where value is integer converted to LanguageCode enum):
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