function [r, v, r_old, v_old] = gauss(Rho1, Rho2, Rho3, R1, R2, R3, t1, t2, t3)
% calculate the state vector from angles-only observations at three closely-spaced times.
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% This function uses the Gauss method with iterative
% improvement (Algorithms 5.5 and 5.6) to calculate the state
% vector of an orbiting body from angles-only observations at
% three closely-spaced times.
% mu - the gravitational parameter (km^3/s^2)
% t1, t2, t3 - the times of the observations (s)
% tau, tau1, tau3 - time intervals between observations (s)
% R1, R2, R3 - the observation site position vectors at t1, t2, t3 (km)
% Rho1, Rho2, Rho3 - the direction cosine vectors of the satellite at t1, t2, t3
% p1, p2, p3 - cross products among the three direction cosine vectors
% Do - scalar triple product of Rho1, Rho2 and Rho3
% D - Matrix of the nine scalar triple products of R1, R2 and R3 with p1, p2 and p3
% E - dot product of R2 and Rho2
% A, B - constants in the expression relating slant range to geocentric radius
% a,b,c - coefficients of the 8th order polynomial in the estimated geocentric radius x
% x - positive root of the 8th order polynomial0
% rho1, rho2, rho3 - the slant ranges at t1, t2, t3
% r1, r2, r3 - the position vectors at t1, t2, t3 (km)
% r_old, v_old - the estimated state vector at the end of Algorithm 5.5 (km, km/s)
% rho1_old,
% rho2_old, and
% rho3_old - the values of the slant ranges at t1, t2, t3 at the beginning of iterative
% improvement (Algorithm 5.6) (km)
% diff1, diff2,
% and diff3 - the magnitudes of the differences between the old and new slant ranges at the end of each iteration
% tol - the error tolerance determining convergence
% n - number of passes through the iterative improvement loop
% nmax - limit on the number of iterations
% ro, vo - magnitude of the position and velocity vectors (km, km/s)
% vro - radial velocity component (km)
% a - reciprocal of the semimajor axis (1/km)
% v2 - computed velocity at time t2 (km/s)
% r, v - the state vector at the end of Algorithm 5.6 (km, km/s)
% User M-functions required: kepler_U, f_and_g
% User subfunctions required: posroot
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% This .m file was from Appendix D of the book:
% <Orbit Mechanics for engineering Students> (Howard D. Curtis)
% You could get appendix D from:
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% Last Edit by: Li yunfei 2008/07/31
% ------------------------------------------------------------
global mu
%...Equations 5.98:
tau1 = t1 - t2;
tau3 = t3 - t2;
%...Equation 5.101:
tau = tau3 - tau1;
%...Independent cross products among the direction cosine vectors:
p1 = cross(Rho2,Rho3);
p2 = cross(Rho1,Rho3);
p3 = cross(Rho1,Rho2);
%...Equation 5.108:
Do = dot(Rho1,p1);
%...Equations 5.109b, 5.110b and 5.111b:
D = [ [dot(R1,p1) dot(R1,p2) dot(R1,p3)]
[dot(R2,p1) dot(R2,p2) dot(R2,p3)]
[dot(R3,p1) dot(R3,p2) dot(R3,p3)] ];
%...Equation 5.115b:
E = dot(R2,Rho2);
%...Equations 5.112b and 5.112c:
A = 1/Do*(-D(1,2)*tau3/tau + D(2,2) + D(3,2)*tau1/tau);
B = 1/6/Do*(D(1,2)*(tau3^2 - tau^2)*tau3/tau + D(3,2)*(tau^2 - tau1^2)*tau1/tau);
%...Equations 5.117:
a = -(A^2 + 2*A*E + norm(R2)^2);
b = -2*mu*B*(A + E);
c = -(mu*B)^2;
%...Calculate the roots of Equation 5.116 using MATLAB¡¯s
% polynomial ¡®roots¡¯ solver:
Roots = roots([1 0 a 0 0 b 0 0 c]);
%...Find the positive real root:
x = posroot(Roots);
%...Equations 5.99a and 5.99b:
f1 = 1 - 1/2*mu*tau1^2/x^3;
f3 = 1 - 1/2*mu*tau3^2/x^3;
%...Equations 5.100a and 5.100b:
g1 = tau1 - 1/6*mu*(tau1/x)^3;
g3 = tau3 - 1/6*mu*(tau3/x)^3;
%...Equation 5.112a:
rho2 = A + mu*B/x^3;
%...Equation 5.113:
rho1 = 1/Do*((6*(D(3,1)*tau1/tau3 + D(2,1)*tau/tau3)*x^3 ...
+ mu*D(3,1)*(tau^2 - tau1^2)*tau1/tau3) ...
/(6*x^3 + mu*(tau^2 - tau3^2)) - D(1,1));
%...Equation 5.114:
rho3 = 1/Do*((6*(D(1,3)*tau3/tau1 - D(2,3)*tau/tau1)*x^3 ...
+ mu*D(1,3)*(tau^2 - tau3^2)*tau3/tau1) ...
/(6*x^3 + mu*(tau^2 - tau1^2)) - D(3,3));
%...Equations 5.86:
r1 = R1 + rho1*Rho1;
r2 = R2 + rho2*Rho2;
r3 = R3 + rho3*Rho3;
%...Equation 5.118:
v2 = (-f3*r1 + f1*r3)/(f1*g3 - f3*g1);
%...Save the initial estimates of r2 and v2:
r_old = r2;
v_old = v2;
%...End of Algorithm 5.5
%...Use Algorithm 5.6 to improve the accuracy of the initial estimates.
%...Initialize the iterative improvement loop and set error tolerance:
rho1_old = rho1; rho2_old = rho2; rho3_old = rho3;
diff1 = 1; diff2 = 1; diff3 = 1;
n =0;
nmax = 1000;
tol = 1.e-8;
%...Iterative improvement loop:
while ((diff1 > tol) & (diff2 > tol) & (diff3 > tol)) & (n < nmax)
n = n+1;
%...Compute quantities required by universal kepler¡¯s equation:
ro = norm(r2);
vo = norm(v2);
vro = dot(v2,r2)/ro;
a = 2/ro - vo^2/mu;
%...Solve universal Kepler¡¯s equation at times tau1 and tau3
% for universal anomalies x1 and x3:
x1 = kepler_U(tau1, ro, vro, a);
x3 = kepler_U(tau3, ro, vro, a);
%...Calculate the Lagrange f and g coefficients at times tau1 and tau3:
[ff1, gg1] = f_and_g(x1, tau1, ro, a);
[ff3, gg3] = f_and_g(x3, tau3, ro, a);
%...Update the f and g functions at times tau1 and tau3 by
% averaging old and new:
f1 = (f1 + ff1)/2;
f3 = (f3 + ff3)/2;
g1 = (g1 + gg1)/2;
g3 = (g3 + gg3)/2;
%...Equations 5.96 and 5.97:
c1 = g3/(f1*g3 - f3*g1);
c3 = -g1/(f1*g3 - f3*g1);
%...Equations 5.109a, 5.110a and 5.111a:
rho1 = 1/Do*( -D(1,1) + 1/c1*D(2,1) - c3/c1*D(3,1));
rho2 = 1/Do*( -c1*D(1,2) + D(2,2) - c3*D(3,2));
rho3 = 1/Do*(-c1/c3*D(1,3) + 1/c3*D(2,3) - D(3,3));
%...Equations 5.86:
r1 = R1 + rho1*Rho1;
r2 = R2 + rho2*Rho2;
r3 = R3 + rho3*Rho3;
%...Equation 5.118:
v2 = (-f3*r1 + f1*r3)/(f1*g3 - f3*g1);
%...Calculate differences upon which to base convergence:
diff1 = abs(rho1 - rho1_old);
diff2 = abs(rho2 - rho2_old);
diff3 = abs(rho3 - rho3_old);
%...Update the slant ranges:
rho1_old = rho1; rho2_old = rho2; rho3_old = rho3;
%...End iterative improvement loop
fprintf('\n( **Number of Gauss improvement iterations')
fprintf(' = %g)\n\n', n)
if n >= nmax
fprintf('\n\n **Number of iterations exceeds %g \n\n ', nmax);
%...Return the state vector for the central observation:
r = r2;
v = v2;
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% Subfunction used in the main body:
function x = posroot(Roots)
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% This subfunction extracts the positive real roots from
% those obtained in the call to MATLAB's 'roots' function.
% If there is more than one positive root, the user is
% prompted to select the one to use.
% x - the determined or selected positive root
% Roots - the vector of roots of a polynomial
% posroots - vector of positive roots
% User M-functions required: none
% ------------------------------------------------------------
%...Construct the vector of positive real roots:
posroots = Roots(find(Roots>0 & ~imag(Roots)));
npositive = length(posroots);
%...Exit if no positive roots exist:
if npositive == 0
fprintf('\n\n ** There are no positive roots. \n\n')
%...If there is more than one positive root, output the
%...roots to the command window and prompt