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Cognos(R) 8 Business Intelligence Readme
Report Studio User Guide
Product Information
This document applies to Cognos
8 Version 8.1.2 MR1 and may also apply to subsequent releases. To check for newer versions of this
document, visit the Cognos support Web site (http://support.cognos.com).
Copyright (C) 2006 Cognos Incorporated.
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This document shows the publication date. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Any
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User Guide 3
Chapter 1: Report Studio
Planning Reports 23
Working in Report Studio 23
The User Interface 23
Basic Report Structure 25
Working with Objects 27
Set Options 28
Creating a Report 29
Specify the Package 29
Choose a Report Template 30
Add Data to a Report 30
Recommendation - Creating Accessible Reports 33
Save a Report 33
Run a Report 33
Print a Report 37
Creating Your Own Report Templates 38
Convert a Report to a Template 38
Create a Query Studio Template 38
Managing Your Reports 39
The Cognos 8 SDK 39
Chapter 2: Types of Reports
List Reports 41
Group Data 41
Set the Group Span for a Column 42
Format Lists 45
Crosstab Reports 45
Crosstab Nodes and Crosstab Node Members 46
Create a Single-Edge Crosstab Report 47
Create a Nested Crosstab Report 47
Specify the Default Measure 48
Format Crosstabs 48
Change a List into a Crosstab 49
Example - Add Aggregate Data to a Crosstab Report 50
Example - Create a Discontinuous Crosstab 51
Charts 52
Example - Create a Column Chart to Plot Order Trends 53
Customize a Chart 54
Customize the Colors of a Chart 56
Change a Chart Background 57
Add a Baseline to a Chart 58
Customize the Lines in a Chart 59
Add a Marker to a Chart 60
Add a Note to a Chart 60
Specify the Chart Label Text and Value Text Shown 63
Specify the Properties of a Gauge Chart 63
Create a Drill-up and Drill-down Chart 63
Example - Show Values in the Chart Legend 64
Table of Contents
4 Report Studio
Define Query Context When Customizing Legend Entries, Legend Titles, or Axis
Labels 65
Example - Customize the Axis Titles 65
Example - Create a Conditional Palette 67
Maps 68
Example - Create a Map Report 69
Example - Define Data Values for the Region Layer 70
Ignore Data with no Features 70
Match Data Values to Names in the Map File 71
Define Data Values for the Point Layer 71
Add Another Color to the Region or Point Layer 72
Specify the Size of Points 72
Add Titles, Subtitles, Footers, and Axis Title 72
Add Legend Titles 73
Add a Note to a Map 73
Customize a Map 73
Drill Through to Another Report From a Map 75
Edit a Map 75
Additional Maps 75
Location Intelligence 76
Repeaters 76
Convert a List into a Repeater 76
Example - Create Mailing Labels 77
Chapter 3: Formatting a Report
Recommendation - Laying Out a Report 79
Report Layout Guidelines 80
The Page Structure View 80
Add a Header or Footer 80
Add Borders 81
Add Text 81
Specify the Font 82
Add Color 82
Insert an Image 82
Insert a Background Image 83
Add a Bookmark 83
Example - Add a Table of Contents to a Report 84
Insert Other Objects 86
Rich Text Item Supported Elements 87
Example - Add a Multimedia File to a Report 88
Align an Object 88
Use Tables to Control Where Objects Appear 88
Apply a Table Style 89
Apply Padding 89
Set Margins 89
Reuse a Layout Object 90
Change a Reused Object 90
Update Reused Objects 91
Add a Page 91
Create Page Sets 91
Join Nested Page Sets 92
Example - Preparing a Product List Report 93
Reorder Columns 94
Rename a Column 94
Swap Columns and Rows 95
Setting Object Properties 95
Control Page Breaks and Page Numbering 95
User Guide 5
Specify Text Properties 96
Specify Text Flow 96
Specify the Height and Width 97
Control How Objects Flow Around Other Objects 97
Specify Borders and Cell Size in Tables 98
Create and Modify Classes 98
Modify Classes to Format Query Studio Reports 99
Modifying the Default Layout Style Sheet 100
Chapter 4: Working with Data
Filter Data 101
Define a Slicer 102
Filtering Data Using an SAP BW Data Source 103
Ignoring the Time Component in Date Columns 103
Sort Data 104
Perform Advanced Sorting 104
Create Sections 105
Remove Sections 105
Add a Summary 106
Setting Aggregation Properties for a Column 107
Create a Calculation 107
Format Data 108
Specify the Format for an Object 109
Specifying the Number of Decimals 109
Locale-sensitive Properties 109
Specify the List of Properties for a Layout Object 110
Show Data for a Specific Time Period 110
Adding Prompts 111
Use the Build Prompt Page Tool 111
Build Your Own Prompt and Prompt Page 111
Create a Parameter to Produce a Prompt 114
Create a Prompt Directly in a Report Page 115
Modifying Prompts 116
Control the Data That Appears in Tree Prompts 119
Working with Queries 119
Relating Queries to Layouts 119
Working with Dimensional Data Sources 120
Add Queries to a Report 120
Create a Union Query 121
Create a Join Relationship 123
Add Dimension Information to a Query 124
Working with SQL or MDX 125
Add a Query Macro 128
Chapter 5: Working with Existing Reports
Open and Save a Report Locally 131
Open a Report from the Clipboard 132
Open Files from Other Studios 132
Components of an Analysis Studio Query Specification 132
Managing Changes in the Package 135
Update Name References 135
Change the Package Connection 136
Bursting Reports 136
Defining Burst Recipients 136
Specify Burst Groups 138
Set Burst Options 139
Enable Bursting 139
Creating Burst Reports Using a Dimensional Data Source 140
- 夏风Fly2015-01-06对Cognos做了全面详细地介绍,有助于初学者对Cognos的能提功能和模块有初步的认识!
- liuxiaoping7892014-04-17很不错,但是没有说明里包含的内容多,缺少一些
- ilwoziji2014-03-05挺不错的,有兴趣可以下来看看,
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