--1)For MSSQL Server2008,Build the tablestructure and Generate it by Powerdesigner16.5 on Mar 1,2017
--2)保留表结构时3种都保留, 1)是此处生成的脚本 2)从数据库中直接生成的脚本 3)Copy *.mdf/*.ldf文件
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tbDeptTeam')
and type = 'U')
drop table tbDeptTeam
/* Table: tbDeptTeam */
create table tbDeptTeam (
fDeptTeamNo char(2) not null,
fDeptTeamName char(16) not null,
constraint PK_TBDEPT primary key (fDeptTeamNo)
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tbEmployee')
and type = 'U')
drop table tbEmployee
/* Table: tbEmployee */
create table tbEmployee (
fEmpNo char(8) not null,
fEmpName char(8) not null,
fEmpSex char(2) null,
fEmpCellphone char(11) not null,
fEmpExt char(5) null,
fEmpEmail char(25) null,
fEmpDept char(2) null,
fEmpBelongDept char(12) null,
fEmpDegree char(1) null,
fEmpDuty char(25) null,
fEmpFactory char(8) null,
fEmpServiceItem char(30) null,
fN char(1) null,
fEmpBZ varchar(60) null,
constraint PK_TBEMPLOYEE primary key (fEmpNo)
--权限表还要修改, 用户+ 模块 + 权限
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tbRight')
and type = 'U')
drop table tbRight
/* Table: tbRight */
create table tbRight (
fOperatorID char(10) not null,
fUserName char(8) null,
fMenuID int null,
fRoleID int null,
fLoginPW char(12) not null,
fNewadd bit null,
fModify bit null,
fDel bit null,
fImport bit null,
fExport bit null,
fQuery bit null,
fPrintReport bit null,
fCheckAccept bit null,
fApprove bit null,
fr1 bit null,
fr2 bit null,
fr3 bit null,
fr4 bit null,
fr5 bit null,
constraint PK_TBRIGHT primary key (fOperatorID)
if exists (select 1 --Update on May 26,2017
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tbRight')
and type = 'U')
drop table tbRight
/* Table: tbRight */
create table tbRight (
fOperatorID char(10) not null,
fUserName char(8) null,
fLoginPW char(12) not null,
fGroupID char(22) null,
fu1 char(20) null,
fu2 char(20) null,
fu3 char(20) null,
fu4 char(20) null,
fu5 varchar(50) null,
constraint PK_TBRIGHT primary key (fOperatorID)
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tbPurview')
and type = 'U')
drop table tbPurview
/* Table: tbPurview */
create table tbPurview (
fUserID char(10) not null,
fFucID char(8) null,
fSFun char(12) not null,
fPFun char(22) null,
fHasFun bit null,
fAdd bit null,
fModify bit null,
fDel bit null,
fImport bit null,
fExport bit null,
fQuery bit null,
fPrint bit null,
fCheck bit null,
fApprove bit null,
fGrant bit null,
fr1 bit null,
fr2 bit null,
fr3 bit null,
fr4 bit null,
fr5 bit null,
constraint PK_tbPurview primary key (fUserID)
--insert tbRight(fOperatorID,fUserName,fLoginPW) values('2384609','牛利甫','2384609')
--insert tbRight(fOperatorID,fUserName,fLoginPW) values('480138','裴杰','480138')
--insert tbRight(fOperatorID,fUserName,fLoginPW) values('2700896','杨胜春','6')
--insert tbRight(fOperatorID,fUserName,fLoginPW) values('gwf001','钢网房','001')
--insert tbRight(fOperatorID,fUserName,fLoginPW) values('gwf002','钢网房','002')
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tbFixtureClass')
and type = 'U')
drop table tbFixtureClass
/* Table: tbFixtureClass */
create table tbFixtureClass (
fzjClassID char(10) not null,
fzjClassName char(10) not null,
fcheckWK char(10) null,
constraint PK_TBFIXTURECLASS primary key (fzjClassID)
if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tbCustomer')
and type = 'U')
drop table tbCustomer
/* Table: tbCustomer */
create table tbCustomer (
fcustNo char(2) not null,
fcustName char(50) null,
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