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<div class="desc"><p>Creating A CSS3 Animated Menu</p>
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<div class="desc"><p>Animated jQuery Progressbar Plugin</p>
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<p>Fresh collection of Original Captchas</p>
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<h3>Attractive Presentation with HTML5</h3>
<p>Today we will prepare something new – presentation. And we will using all interesting what can give us HTML5. Presentation itself will contain 5 easy slides. We will able to use navigation arrow keys for sliding, spacebar, display notes, sidebar with some custom content. Here are new html5 tags which we going to use: nav, menu, section, aside, header and hgroup. Sure, that now is time to check our demo.</p>
<a class="more" href="http//www.script-tutorials.com/creating-an-attractive-presentation-with-html5/">Continue</a>
<h3>Creating Advance Level Login system with Logic captcha</h3>
<p>Long ago, I talked about a simple easy login system. And today, I decided to improve the system. The new version will use the methods SHA1 + MD5 (with salt) to encode passwords. We also do not use cookies to store information, and will use the sessions. And, in this version I will implement an interesting logic captcha (where we will need to choose the correct answer in order to prove that we are human, not machine).</p>
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