function [expansionCoefficient,weightVector,biasTerm,learningCurve,dictionaryIndex,netSizeDiagram] = ...
%Function sparseKLMS1: kernel least mean square with novel criteria
%trainInput: input signal inputDimension*trainSize, inputDimension is the input dimension and trainSize is the number of
% training data
%trainTarget: desired signal for training trainSize*1
%testInput: testing input, inputDimension*testSize, testSize is the number of the test data
%testTarget: desired signal for testing testSize*1
%typeKernel: 'Gauss', 'Poly'
%paramKernel: h (kernel size) for Gauss and p (order) for poly
%stepSizeFeatureVector: learning rate for kernel part
%stepSizeWeightVector: learning rate for linear part, set to zero to disable
%stepSizeBias: learning rate for bias term, set to zero to disable
%flagLearningCurve: control if calculating the learning curve
%toleranceDistance: tolerance for the closeness of the new data to the dictionary
%tolerancePredictError: tolerance for the apriori error
%expansionCoefficient: onsisting of coefficients of the kernel
% expansion with the stepSizeFeatureVector
%weightVector: the linear coefficients
%biasTerm: the bias term
%learningCurve: trainSize*1 used for learning curve
%dictionaryIndex: index of bases used in the kernel expansion in
% the training set
% memeory initialization
trainSize = length(trainTarget);
testSize = length(testTarget);
if flagLearningCurve
learningCurve = zeros(trainSize,1);
learningCurve(1) = mean(testTarget.^2);
learningCurve =[];
netSizeDiagram = zeros(trainSize,1);
% n=1 init
predictionError = trainTarget(1);
expansionCoefficient = stepSizeFeatureVector*predictionError;
weightVector = stepSizeWeightVector*predictionError*trainInput(:,1);
biasTerm = stepSizeBias*predictionError;
% dictionary
dictionaryIndex = 1;
dictSize = 1;
netSizeDiagram(1) = 1;
toleranceDistance = toleranceDistance^2;
% start
for n=2:trainSize
% training
% comparing the distance between trainInput(:,n) and the dictionary
distance2dictionary = min(sum((trainInput(:,n)*ones(1,dictSize) - trainInput(:,dictionaryIndex)).^2));
if (distance2dictionary < toleranceDistance)
if flagLearningCurve, learningCurve(n) = learningCurve(n-1); end
netSizeDiagram(n) = netSizeDiagram(n-1);
networkOutput = expansionCoefficient*ker_eval(trainInput(:,n),trainInput(:,dictionaryIndex),typeKernel,paramKernel) + weightVector'*trainInput(:,n) + biasTerm;
predictionError = trainTarget(n) - networkOutput;
if (abs(predictionError) < tolerancePredictError)
if flagLearningCurve==1, learningCurve(n) = learningCurve(n-1); end
netSizeDiagram(n) = netSizeDiagram(n-1);
% updating
dictSize = dictSize + 1;
dictionaryIndex(dictSize) = n;
expansionCoefficient(dictSize) = stepSizeFeatureVector*predictionError;
netSizeDiagram(n) = netSizeDiagram(n-1) + 1;
weightVector = weightVector + stepSizeWeightVector*predictionError*trainInput(:,n);
biasTerm = biasTerm + stepSizeBias*predictionError;
if flagLearningCurve == 1
% testing
y_te = zeros(testSize,1);
for jj = 1:testSize
%ii = 1:dictSize;
y_te(jj) = expansionCoefficient*ker_eval(testInput(:,jj),trainInput(:,dictionaryIndex),typeKernel,paramKernel) + weightVector'*testInput(:,jj) + biasTerm;
err = testTarget - y_te;
learningCurve(n) = mean(err.^2);