* Distributed as part of c3p0 v.0.9.2-pre3
* Copyright (C) 2012 Machinery For Change, Inc.
* Author: Steve Waldman <swaldman@mchange.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this software; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package com.mchange.v2.resourcepool;
import java.util.*;
import com.mchange.v2.async.*;
import com.mchange.v2.log.*;
import com.mchange.v2.lang.ThreadUtils;
import com.mchange.v2.util.ResourceClosedException;
class BasicResourcePool implements ResourcePool
private final static MLogger logger = MLog.getLogger( BasicResourcePool.class );
final static int AUTO_CULL_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR = 4;
final static int AUTO_MAX_CULL_FREQUENCY = (15 * 60 * 1000); //15 mins
final static int AUTO_MIN_CULL_FREQUENCY = (1 * 1000); //15 mins
//XXX: temporary -- for selecting between AcquireTask types
// remove soon, and use only ScatteredAcquireTask,
// presuming no problems appear
final static String USE_SCATTERED_ACQUIRE_TASK_KEY = "com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.experimental.useScatteredAcquireTask";
final static boolean USE_SCATTERED_ACQUIRE_TASK;
String checkScattered = com.mchange.v2.cfg.MultiPropertiesConfig.readVmConfig().getProperty(USE_SCATTERED_ACQUIRE_TASK_KEY);
if (checkScattered != null && checkScattered.trim().toLowerCase().equals("false"))
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.INFO ) )
logger.info(BasicResourcePool.class.getName() + " using traditional, Thread-blocking AcquireTask. Yuk. Why?");
// end temporary switch between acquire task types
//MT: unchanged post c'tor
final Manager mgr;
final int start;
final int min;
final int max;
final int inc;
final int num_acq_attempts;
final int acq_attempt_delay;
final long check_idle_resources_delay; //milliseconds
final long max_resource_age; //milliseconds
final long max_idle_time; //milliseconds
final long excess_max_idle_time; //milliseconds
final long destroy_unreturned_resc_time; //milliseconds
final long expiration_enforcement_delay; //milliseconds
final boolean break_on_acquisition_failure;
final boolean debug_store_checkout_exceptions;
final long pool_start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
//MT: not-reassigned, thread-safe, and independent
final BasicResourcePoolFactory factory;
final AsynchronousRunner taskRunner;
final RunnableQueue asyncEventQueue;
final ResourcePoolEventSupport rpes;
//MT: protected by this' lock
Timer cullAndIdleRefurbishTimer;
TimerTask cullTask;
TimerTask idleRefurbishTask;
HashSet acquireWaiters = new HashSet();
HashSet otherWaiters = new HashSet();
int pending_acquires;
int pending_removes;
int target_pool_size;
/* keys are all valid, managed resources, value is a PunchCard */
HashMap managed = new HashMap();
/* all valid, managed resources currently available for checkout */
LinkedList unused = new LinkedList();
/* resources which have been invalidated somehow, but which are */
/* still checked out and in use. */
HashSet excluded = new HashSet();
Map formerResources = new WeakHashMap();
Set idleCheckResources = new HashSet();
boolean force_kill_acquires = false;
boolean broken = false;
// long total_acquired = 0;
long failed_checkins = 0;
long failed_checkouts = 0;
long failed_idle_tests = 0;
Throwable lastCheckinFailure = null;
Throwable lastCheckoutFailure = null;
Throwable lastIdleTestFailure = null;
Throwable lastResourceTestFailure = null;
Throwable lastAcquisitionFailiure = null;
//DEBUG only!
Object exampleResource;
public long getStartTime()
{ return pool_start_time; }
public long getUpTime()
{ return System.currentTimeMillis() - pool_start_time; }
public synchronized long getNumFailedCheckins()
{ return failed_checkins; }
public synchronized long getNumFailedCheckouts()
{ return failed_checkouts; }
public synchronized long getNumFailedIdleTests()
{ return failed_idle_tests; }
public synchronized Throwable getLastCheckinFailure()
{ return lastCheckinFailure; }
//must be called from a pre-existing sync'ed block
private void setLastCheckinFailure(Throwable t)
assert ( Thread.holdsLock(this));
this.lastCheckinFailure = t;
this.lastResourceTestFailure = t;
public synchronized Throwable getLastCheckoutFailure()
{ return lastCheckoutFailure; }
//must be called from a pre-existing sync'ed block
private void setLastCheckoutFailure(Throwable t)
assert ( Thread.holdsLock(this));
this.lastCheckoutFailure = t;
this.lastResourceTestFailure = t;
public synchronized Throwable getLastIdleCheckFailure()
{ return lastIdleTestFailure; }
//must be called from a pre-existing sync'ed block
private void setLastIdleCheckFailure(Throwable t)
assert ( Thread.holdsLock(this));
this.lastIdleTestFailure = t;
this.lastResourceTestFailure = t;
public synchronized Throwable getLastResourceTestFailure()
{ return lastResourceTestFailure; }
public synchronized Throwable getLastAcquisitionFailure()
{ return lastAcquisitionFailiure; }
// ought not be called while holding this' lock
private synchronized void setLastAcquisitionFailure( Throwable t )
{ this.lastAcquisitionFailiure = t; }
public synchronized int getNumCheckoutWaiters()
{ return acquireWaiters.size(); }
public synchronized int getNumPendingAcquireTasks()
{ return pending_acquires; }
public synchronized int getNumPendingRemoveTasks()
{ return pending_removes; }
public synchronized int getNumThreadsWaitingForResources()
{ return acquireWaiters.size(); }
public synchronized String[] getThreadNamesWaitingForResources()
int len = acquireWaiters.size();
String[] out = new String[len];
int i = 0;
for (Iterator ii = acquireWaiters.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
out[i++] = ((Thread) ii.next()).getName();
Arrays.sort( out );
return out;
public synchronized int getNumThreadsWaitingForAdministrativeTasks()
{ return otherWaiters.size(); }
public synchronized String[] getThreadNamesWaitingForAdministrativeTasks()
int len = otherWaiters.size();
String[] out = new String[len];
int i = 0;
for (Iterator ii = otherWaiters.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
out[i++] = ((Thread) ii.next()).getName();
Arrays.sort( out );
return out;
private void addToFormerResources( Object resc )
{ formerResources.put( resc, null ); }
private boolean isFormerResource( Object resc )
{ return formerResources.keySet().contains( resc ); }
* @param factory may be null
public BasicResourcePool(Manager mgr,
int start,
int min,
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RELEASE_NOTES-c3p0-0.9.2-pre3 2KB
WrapperConnectionPoolDataSourceBase.beangen-xml 15KB
DriverManagerDataSourceBase.beangen-xml 3KB
PoolBackedDataSourceBase.beangen-xml 3KB
JndiRefDataSourceBase.beangen-xml 2KB
OracleUtils.class 3KB
Debug.class 415B
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inherit.gif 57B
inherit.gif 57B
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index.html 132KB
OracleUtils.html 10KB
OracleUtils.html 10KB
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allclasses-noframe.html 729B
mchange-commons-java-0.2.2.jar 551KB
c3p0-oracle-thin-extras-0.9.2-pre4.jar 3KB
BasicResourcePool.java 81KB
C3P0PooledConnectionPool.java 46KB
JdbcProxyGenerator.java 45KB
GooGooStatementCache.java 44KB
C3P0PooledConnectionPoolManager.java 44KB
C3P0PooledConnection.java 37KB
NewPooledConnection.java 32KB
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PoolConfig.java 25KB
DynamicPooledDataSourceManagerMBean.java 25KB
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AbstractPoolBackedDataSource.java 23KB
C3P0BenchmarkApp.java 20KB
PooledDataSource.java 18KB
C3P0PooledDataSource.java 15KB
DataSources.java 14KB
C3P0ImplUtils.java 13KB
C3P0PooledDataSource.java 13KB
C3P0Registry.java 13KB
BasicResourcePoolFactory.java 11KB
JndiRefConnectionPoolDataSource.java 11KB
DefaultConnectionTester.java 10KB
C3P0Config.java 9KB
WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource.java 9KB
FreezableDriverManagerDataSource.java 9KB
C3P0ConfigXmlUtils.java 9KB
DriverManagerDataSource.java 9KB
C3P0Defaults.java 8KB
BeangenDataSourceGenerator.java 8KB
C3P0PooledDataSourceMBean.java 8KB
C3P0PooledDataSourceMBean.java 7KB
ValueIdentityStatementCacheKey.java 6KB
StatementCacheKey.java 6KB
DriverManagerDataSourceFactory.java 6KB
ConnectionDispersionTest.java 6KB
ResourcePoolFactory.java 6KB
LoadPoolBackedDataSource.java 6KB
ActiveManagementCoordinator.java 6KB
PSLoadPoolBackedDataSource.java 6KB
TestUtils.java 5KB
MemoryCoalescedStatementCacheKey.java 5KB
JndiRefForwardingDataSource.java 5KB
C3P0ConfigUtils.java 5KB
SetManagedDatabaseMetaData.java 5KB
TestRefSerStuff.java 5KB
SimpleStatementCacheKey.java 5KB
MarshallUnmarshallDataSourcesJUnitTestCase.java 5KB
OracleUtils.java 5KB
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InterruptedBatchTest.java 4KB
StatementCacheBenchmark.java 4KB
ResourcePool.java 4KB
C3P0ProxyStatement.java 4KB
OneThreadRepeatedInsertOrQueryTest.java 4KB
C3P0ProxyConnection.java 4KB
ResourcePoolEventSupport.java 4KB
RawConnectionOpTest.java 4KB
AbstractConnectionTester.java 4KB
UnifiedConnectionTester.java 3KB
ConnectionPropertiesResetJUnitTestCase.java 3KB
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