// Testcases for FilterPushDown
// It tests pushing Filter below Transform, Join, Group By, Sort, Merge
// It handles predicate decomposition (Dividing Filter predicates into conjunctive sub-predicates)
$data_books = [
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Deathly Hallows',
year: 2007,
format: {cover: 'hard', pages: 1302},
price: [3, 34.0, 102222, 3.3]},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Chamber of Secrets',
year: 1999,
format: {cover: 'hard', pages: 1302}},
{publisher: 'XYZ',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Deathly Hallows',
year: 1998,
format: {cover: 'soft', pages: 1200},
price: [120.5, 110.0]},
{publisher: 'Ray ST',
author: 'New Rowling',
title: 'Chamber of Secrets',
year: 1998,
reviews: [{rating: 10, user: 'joe', review: 'The best ...'}]},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Sorcerers Stone',
year: 1996,
format: {cover: 'hard', pages: 742},
price: [11.0, 17.5]},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'R. L. Stine',
title: 'Monster Blood IV',
year: 1995,
format: {cover: 'soft', pages: 302}},
{publisher: 'Grosset',
author: 'Carolyn Keene',
title: 'The Secret of Kane',
year: 1988},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Deathly Hallows',
year: 1987},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Chamber of Secrets',
year: 1987,
reviews: [
{rating: 10, user: 'joe', review: 'The best ...'},
{rating: 6, user: 'mary', review: 'Average ...'}]},
{publisher: 'XYZ',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Deathly Hallows',
year: 1986},
{publisher: 'Foster',
author: 'Old Rowling',
title: 'Chamber of Secrets',
year: 1979,
reviews: [{rating: 10, user: 'joe', review: 'The best ...'}]},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Sorcerers Stone',
year: 1978},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'R. L. Stine',
title: 'Monster Blood IV',
year: 1977,
price: [3.6, 20.5, 41.0]
{publisher: 'Grosset',
author: 'Carolyn Keene',
title: 'The Secret of Kane',
year: 1920,
format: {cover: 'hard', pages: 66}}
$data_books2 = [
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Deathly Hallows',
year: 2007,
format: {cover: 'hard', pages: 1302},
price: [30.5, 33.5, 34.0]},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Chamber of Secrets',
year: 1999,
format: {cover: 'hard', pages: 1302},
price: [20.1, 25.0]
{publisher: 'XYZ',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Deathly Hallows',
year: 1998,
format: {cover: 'soft', pages: 1200},
price: [120.5, 110.0]},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Sorcerers Stone',
year: 1996,
format: {cover: 'hard', pages: 742},
price: [11.0, 17.5]},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'R. L. Stine',
title: 'Monster Blood IV',
year: 1995,
format: {cover: 'soft', pages: 302}},
{publisher: 'Grosset',
author: 'Carolyn Keene',
title: 'The Secret of Kane',
year: 1988},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Deathly Hallows',
year: 1987},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Chamber of Secrets',
year: 1987,
reviews: [
{rating: 10, user: 'joe', review: 'The best ...'},
{rating: 6, user: 'mary', review: 'Average ...'}]},
{publisher: 'XYZ',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Deathly Hallows',
year: 1986},
{publisher: 'Foster',
author: 'Old Rowling',
title: 'Chamber of Secrets',
year: 1979,
reviews: [{rating: 10, user: 'joe', review: 'The best ...'}]},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'J. K. Rowling',
title: 'Sorcerers Stone',
year: 1978},
{publisher: 'Scholastic',
author: 'R. L. Stine',
title: 'Monster Blood IV',
year: 1977,
price: [3.6, 20.5, 41.0]
{publisher: 'Grosset',
author: 'Carolyn Keene',
title: 'The Secret of Kane',
year: 1920,
format: {cover: 'hard', pages: 66}}
//=========================Testing Filter-Transform===================================================
//Returns 8 records --Should be pusheddown
$data_books -> transform {x: $.author, $.year} -> filter $.x == 'J. K. Rowling';
//Returns count of 14 records --Should be pusheddown TWICE
$data_books -> transform each $d {x: $d.author, $d.format.cover, y:$d.price} -> transform each $g [$g.x, $g.y] -> filter true ->count();
//Returns count of 3 records --Should be pusheddown (All the three predicates)
$data_books -> transform {n: $.author, x: $, $.year , $.format.cover, $, c: $.format.cover, f: $.price-> count(), k: "33333"} -> filter each $dd $dd.cover == 'hard' and $dd.k == '33333' and $dd."".author == 'J. K. Rowling' -> count();
//Returns count of 2 records --(Predicates 1, 2, and 4 should be pusheddown) (Predicate 3 stays as is)
$data_books -> transform {n: $.author, x: $, $.year , $.format.cover, $, c: $.format.cover, f: $.price-> count(), k: "33333"} -> filter $.cover == 'hard' and $.k == '33333' and $.f > 1 and $."".author == 'J. K. Rowling' -> count() ;
//Returns 3 records --Should be pusheddown
$data_books -> transform each $d {n: $d.author, m: $d.year, $d.year , c: $d.format} -> filter each $x $x.m >= 2004 or $x.c.cover == 'soft';
//Returns 6 records --Should be pusheddown
$data_books -> transform ($.year) -> filter $ > 1990;
//Returns 4 records --Should be pusheddown
$data_books -> transform ($.format) -> filter $.cover == 'hard';
//Returns 4 records --Should be pusheddown
$data_books -> transform {$.author, cnt: $.year + $.format.pages * 2} -> filter each $x $x.cnt > 3000;
//Returns 2 records --Should be pusheddown TWICE
$data_books -> transform each $d {x: $d.author, $d.format.cover, y:$d.price} -> transform each $g [$g.x, $g.y] -> filter $[0] == 'R. L. Stine';
//Returns 1 record --First predicate should be pushed TWICE. The second predicate should be pusheddown ONCE
$data_books -> transform each $d {x: $d.author, $d.format.cover, y:sum($d.price)} -> transform each $g [$g.x, $g.y] -> filter $[0] == 'R. L. Stine' and $[1]> 20;
//Returns 4 records --Should be pusheddown ONCE
$data_books -> transform [$, $.author, $.format, "3333" ,{name: $.publisher, y: $.year}, max($.price)] -> transform {c:$[2].cover, $[4].name, max: $[5] } -> filter $.max > 2;
//Returns 2 records --Should be pusheddown TWICE
$data_books -> transform [$, $.author, $.format, "3333" ,{name: $.publisher, y: $.year}, max($.price)] -> transform {c:$[2].cover, $[4].name, max: $[5] } -> filter $.c == 'soft';
//Returns 2 records --Should be pusheddown TWICE
$data_books -> transform each $d {x: $d.author, $d.format.cover, y:$d.price} -> transform each $g [$g.x, $g.y] -> filter count($[1]) > 2;
//Returns 1 record --(Predicate $.a == 1 should be pushed down.
// Predicate count($.less)>4 remains as is).
[{a:1, b:[1,2,3,4,5,6,6,77,87,43,122]}, {a:2, b:[12,3,34434,766,33,11,10,2]}]
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Echo.class 977B
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MyInputAdapter3.class 250B
.classpath 3KB
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registryTest2.dat 513B
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delimited-invalid2.del 13B
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ssl-client.xml.example 1KB
ssl-server.xml.example 1KB
jaql.g 73KB
hbase_logo_med.gif 4KB
treeview-default-line.gif 2KB
treeview-default.gif 1KB
plus.gif 841B
minus.gif 837B
definedFunctions.no_rewrite.gold 81KB
definedFunctions.rewrite.gold 81KB
schema.gold 81KB
schema.no_rewrite.gold 81KB
filterPushDown.gold 63KB
coreOperators.no_rewrite.gold 51KB
coreOperators.rewrite.gold 50KB
storageGeneral.rewrite.gold 49KB
storageGeneral.no_rewrite.gold 49KB
examples.gold 46KB
storageText.gold 41KB
core.no_rewrite.gold 38KB
storageTemp.gold 36KB
core.gold 36KB
storageTemp.count.gold 34KB
unionTee.gold 30KB
storageText.count.gold 29KB
examples.count.gold 28KB
schemaEnhance.no_rewrite.gold 26KB
schemaEnhance.rewrite.gold 26KB
longList.gold 25KB
unionTee.count.gold 24KB
storage.gold 22KB
storage.count.gold 20KB
hashtable.gold 20KB
module.gold 18KB
globalVars.gold 17KB
longList.count.gold 17KB
fail.no_rewrite.gold 17KB
fail.gold 17KB
hashtable.count.gold 15KB
storageTextEnhance.rewrite.gold 13KB
storageTextEnhance.no_rewrite.gold 13KB
fence.gold 12KB
loop.gold 11KB
inputSplits.gold 11KB
inputSplits.count.gold 10KB
xml.gold 10KB
loop.count.gold 9KB
fence.count.gold 8KB
registry.gold 8KB
registry.count.gold 7KB
timer.no_rewrite.gold 5KB
timer.gold 5KB
nativeMR.gold 5KB
nativeMR.count.gold 5KB
rng.gold 4KB
rng.count.gold 4KB
options.gold 4KB
distribute.rewrite.gold 2KB
sampling.count.gold 2KB
sampling.gold 2KB
distribute.no_rewrite.gold 2KB
distribute.count.gold 2KB
external.count.gold 2KB
external.no_rewrite.gold 2KB
external.rewrite.gold 2KB
schemaPrinting.gold 2KB
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