uniGUI (unified Graphical User Interface) is a framework for developing AJAX Web Applications in classical WYSIWYG Delphi RAD way. Its unique set of Components breaks the barrier between desktop and Web application. Developing stateful Web applications is one of the challenging fields in software development. Tasks such as creating and handling user sessions, tracking view state, updating web controls, handling AJAX calls and etc. can be very challenging if your development tool doesn't automatically handle all these for you. uniGUI Web application framework makes developing stateful Web applications easier than ever. uniGUI extends Web Application development experience to a new dimension. Each uniGUI application can be considered both as a desktop and a Web application at the same time. This new technology unique to uniGUI enables developers to create, design and debug their Delphi applications as if they are regular desktop applications and then choose one of the available options for Web deployment. Of course, with uniGUI it is possible to create, design and debug applications which target only the Web. One of the unique features of uniGUI is its ability to use a single code base/resource base for creating a VCL desktop application or a Web application.
- 伟志2012-05-25不错,可以使用。谢谢。
- Yothan2013-07-01下载下来了,但是安装的时候报错,装不了,不知是什么原因
- TatukGIS2012-11-02非常强大的说,Delphi做WEB应用程序的超级利器。强烈推荐。感谢分享。
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