Learning Swift, 3rd Edition_Building Apps for macOS, iOS, and Beyond-O'Reilly(2018).epub Welcome to Learning Swift! This book will help you put the Swift programming language into practice by walking you through the development of a complete application for iOS that features a wide array of features, including camera access, working with the filesystem, face detection, and the iOS graphics system. Along the way, we’ll also introduce you to new and advanced topics in the Swift programming language. Swift is a pretty amazing modern language, taking the best from other newer languages without reinventing the wheel. Swift is easy to write, easy to read, and hard to make big mistakes in. Our philosophy is that the best way to learn Swift is to build apps using it! To build apps, though, you need a great framework, and Apple has one of the best ones for building high-quality, featureful software: Cocoa Touch. This book could quite easily be titled Learning Cocoa Touch with Swift, or something similar, because the frameworks are just as important as the language itself. At the time of writing, Swift is currently at version 4, and has a bright future ahead of it.
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