#### Latest stable release
The simplest approach to start using SIPPI is to download the latest SIPPI package from http://sippi.sourceforge.net/
Simply download [SIPPI.zip](https://sourceforge.net/projects/sippi/files/latest/download?source=files), and unzip SIPPI.zip to a folder such as $SIPPI.
Then start Matlab and add the appropriate paths using
>> addpath $SIPPI
>> sippi_set_path
Please go to (http://sippi.sourceforge.net) for examples and details on how to use SIPPI.
#### Installation from github
The latest version of SIPPI can be downloaded from github. This is the version the developers use. The documentation is usually slightly outdated compared to the github version. The latest copy of SIPPI, including mGstat and MPSLIB, can be downloaded using (most users of SIPPI would need this):
git clone --recursive https://github.com/cultpenguin/sippi.git SIPPI
Then add a path to SIPPI
>> sippi_set_path
To update SIPPI, including submodules (mGstat and MPSLIB) use
git pull --recurse-submodules
SIPPI, mGstat and MPSLIB can also be downloaded seperately (a develope weould probably prefer this) from github using
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/cultpenguin/sippi.git SIPPI
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/cultpenguin/mgstat.git SIPPI/toolboxes/mGstat
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ergosimulation/mpslib.git SIPPI/toolboxes/MPSLIB
Then add a path to both SIPPI, mGstat in Matlab using:
>> addpath INSTALL_DIR/mGstat
>> addpath INSTALL_DIR/MPSLIB/matlab
>> sippi_set_path
See also https://www.gitbook.com/book/cultpenguin/sippi for more details on manual installation.
SIPPI core m-files
Directory containing m-files for plotting
Currently only contains the data from ARRENAES described in the paper
+'fast_marching_kron' -> Fast marching toolbox by Dirk-Jan Kroon.
+'mGstat' -> geostatistical toolbox for Matlab, by Thomas M Hansen and Knud S Cordua
+'MPSLIB' --> Multiple Point Statistics C++ library, https://github.com/ergosimulation/mpslib
+'tomography' -> A few m-files realated to the cross hole tomographic examples
contains a number of example for using/running SIPPI
contains m-files used to generate samples from the prior pdf of a number
of different prior type models
sippi_line_fit.m demonstrates fitting a straight lin, CASE 1 in the SIPPI manuscript
contains a number of examples of sampling the a posteriori pdf for
tomographic inverse problems, CASE 2 in the SIPPI manuscript
* using data AM13 (2D)
sippi_AM13_metropolis_gaussian.m: Metropolis sampling using Gaussian prior
sippi_AM13_metropolis_bimodal.m: Metropolis sampling using Gaussian prior / bimodal distribution
sippi_AM13_metropolis_uniform.m: Metropolis sampling using Gaussian prior / uniform distribution
sippi_AM13_rejection_gaussian.m: Rejection sampling using Gaussian prior
sippi_AM13_least_squares.m: Least squares inversion using Gaussian prior
* using data AM24 (2D)
sippi_AM24_gaussian.m: as sippi_AM13_metropolis_gaussian.m but for data set AM24
* using data AM1234 (3D)
sippi_AM1234_metropolis_gaussian.m : sippi_AM13_metropolis_gaussian.m but for data set AM1234
- jura_covariance_inference:
Example of probabilistic covariance model parameter inference following
Hansen et al., 2015 - A general probabilistic approach for inference of Gaussian model parameters from noisy data of point and volume support.
## Releases history
#v1.5 2016-08-18
Notice that V1.3 was packed without mGstat :/
MPSLIB (https://github.com/ergosimulation/mpslib) added for the first time (MPS based prior sampling, SNESIM and ENESIM type algorithms)
#v1.4 2016-02-01
Notice that V1.3 was packed without mGstat :/
So v1.4 is like V1.4 but repackaged properly with mGstat.
+ sippi_prior_plurigaussian added for the first time.
Added parallel tempering to sippi_metropolis
Many small bugfixes.
Testet with Matlab R2015b
Moving from SVN to GIT (on github)
#1.1.1 (01-12-2014) [rev 272]
Fixed bugh in sippi_get_sample that prevented most sippi_plot_posterior_* algorithms to wokr properly
#1.1 (20-11-2014) [rev 265]
Added consistency checks to sippi_prior_init
Seperated visim, sisim prior types into seperate m-files, sippi_prior_visim, sippi_prior_sisim
#1.03 (22-10-2014) [rev 240]
Removed the use of xcorr from signal processing toolbox
Update sippi_get_sample, and most sippi_plot_posterior_* routines
#1.02 (07-10-2014) [rev 235]
Bug fix (sippi_plot_posterior, prior{ip}.cax need not be set)
#1.01 (09-07-2014)
LUSIM type a priori model
UNIFORM type a priori model
bug fixes
#1.00 (09-07-2014)
Multiple updates,
* new figures
* Annealing type schedule for monte Carlo Sampling
* more example
* many bugfixes
* quantifying and accounting for modeling errors
#0.96 (12-03-2014)
Many updates for
Updates for handling prior types VISIM/SNESIM/FFTMA/SISIM
Updates for plotting prior and posterior statistics (sippi_plot_prior, sippi_plot_posterior)
Updates for fft_ma for better 1D simulation
# 0.92
Fixed plotting of prior and posterior statistic for a scalar, 1D, 2D, and 3D a priori model types
# 0.90
Initial release
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用于对具有复杂先验的逆问题进行采样的Matlab工具箱(高分项目).zip (601个子文件)
pointmin.asv 1KB
make.bat 791B
sippi.bib 2KB
msfm3d.c 28KB
msfm3d.c 28KB
msfm2d.c 18KB
msfm2d.c 18KB
rk4.c 13KB
common.c 9KB
common.c 9KB
style.css 4KB
style_ubuntu.css 4KB
style_offline.css 3KB
thinnedti.dat 131KB
docbook.dtd 194KB
AM1234_data.eas 226KB
AM24_data.eas 84KB
AM13_data.eas 84KB
FDTD_forward.exe 129KB
FDTD_forward_glnxa64 76KB
FDTD_forward_maci64 100KB
sippi.fo 615KB
maze.gif 36KB
.gitignore 493B
.gitmodules 205B
matplotlib_doc.html 11KB
cover.jpg 1.29MB
book.json 291B
sippi_AM13_nonGaussianModerlingError.m 25KB
sippi_metropolis.m 24KB
sippi_plot_posterior_sample.m 23KB
sippi_prior.m 20KB
twilight_shifted.m 18KB
twilight.m 18KB
sippi_metropolis_gibbs.m 17KB
fwi_execute.m 16KB
sippi_AM13_informed_proposal_sampling.m 15KB
sippi_prior_init.m 15KB
fwi_execute_parfor.m 14KB
sippi_metropolis_parfor.m 14KB
msfm2d_new.m 13KB
sippi_likelihood.m 12KB
sippi_AM13.m 12KB
sippi_forward_traveltime.m 12KB
write_parameters_to_screen.m 12KB
sippi_metropolis.m 11KB
msfm2d.m 11KB
msfm2d_org.m 11KB
msfm2d.m 11KB
gji_plot.m 10KB
sippi_least_squares.m 10KB
FDTD_fwi.m 10KB
kernel_finite_2d.m 10KB
sippi_likelihood_obsolete.m 10KB
LoadTraceM.m 10KB
sippi_prior_visim.m 10KB
viridis.m 9KB
inferno.m 9KB
plasma.m 9KB
magma.m 9KB
sippi_forward_mynn.m 9KB
sippi_metropolis_gibbs_random_iteration_2d.m 9KB
sippi_plot_posterior_data.m 9KB
sippi_plot_posterior_2d_marg.m 9KB
sippi_tikhonov.m 8KB
sippi_forward_covariance_inference.m 8KB
sippi_rejection.m 8KB
sippi_prior_snesim.m 8KB
cividis.m 8KB
sippi_prior_mps.m 8KB
multiESS.m 7KB
setup_input_parameters.m 7KB
prior_reals_mps_compare2.m 7KB
sippi_AM13_metropolis_mul.m 7KB
sippi_AM13_forward_compare.m 7KB
gji_nn.m 7KB
tomography_kernel.m 7KB
distribute_to_cores.m 7KB
sippi_metropolis_iteration.m 7KB
sippi_prior_voronoi.m 6KB
sippi_plot_prior_sample.m 6KB
sippi_prior_birthdeath.m 6KB
ray_kernel_2d.m 6KB
wiggle.m 6KB
sippi_forward_gpr_fd.m 6KB
sippi_plot_movie.m 6KB
sippi_forward_gaaem.m 6KB
skeleton.m 6KB
sippi_get_sample.m 6KB
sippi_compute_modelization_forward_error.m 6KB
simple_prior_models.m 6KB
kernel_buursink_2d.m 5KB
kernel_multiple.m 5KB
sippi_metropolis_gibbs_random_iteration.m 5KB
msfm.m 5KB
prior_reals_mps_compare.m 5KB
sippi_plot_prior.m 5KB
sippi_plot_posterior_mixing.m 5KB
fdem1dfwd.m 5KB
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