# SimpleDeepNetToolbox : Simple Deep Net Toolbox in MATLAB
Authors: [Hiroyuki Kasai](http://kasai.kasailab.com/)
Last page update: November, 14, 2018
Latest library version: 1.0.3 (see Release notes for more info.)
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The SimpleDeepNetToolbox is a **pure-MATLAB** and simple toolbox for deep learning. This toolbox was originally ported from [python library](https://github.com/oreilly-japan/deep-learning-from-scratch). However, major modification have been made for MATLAB implementation and its efficient implementation.
There are much better other toolboxes available for deep learning, e.g. Theano, torch or tensorflow.
I would definitely recommend you to use one of such tools for your problems at hand.
The main purpose of this toolbox is to allows you, especially "MATLAB-lover" researchers, to undedrstand deep learning techniques using "non-black-box" simple implementations.
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## <a name=""> List of available network architectures</a>
- **Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Networks**
- **Convolutional Neural Networks**
## <a name=""> List of available layers</a>
- **Affine layer**
- **Conolution layer**
- **Pooling layer**
- **Dropout layer**
- **Batch normalization layer** (Under construction)
- **ReLu (Rectified Linear Unit) layer**
- **Sigmoid layer**
- **Softmax layer**
## <a name=""> List of available optimization solvers</a>
- **Vanila SGD**
- **AdaGrad**
- **Momentum SGD**
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Folders and files
./ - Top directory.
./README.md - This readme file.
./run_me_first.m - The scipt that you need to run first.
./demo.m - Demonstration script to check and understand this package easily.
./download.m - Script to download datasets.
|networks/ - Contains various network classes.
|layers/ - Contains various layer classes.
|optimizer/ - Contains optimization solvers.
|test_samples/ - Contains test samples.
|datasets/ - Contains dasetsets (to be downloaded).
<br />
First to do: configure path
Run `run_me_first` for path configurations.
%% First run the setup script
Second to do: download datasets
Run `download` for downloading datasets.
%% Run the downloading script
- If your computer is behind a proxy server, please configure your Matlab setting. See [this](http://jp.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export/proxy.html?lang=en).
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Simplest usage example: 5 steps!
Just execute `demo_two_layer_neuralnet` for the simplest demonstration of this package. This is a forward backward neural network.
%% load dateaset
[x_train, t_train, train_num, x_test, t_test, test_num, class_num, dimension, ~, ~] = ...
load_dataset('mnist', './datasets/', inf, inf, false);
%% set network
network = two_layer_net(x_train, t_train, x_test, t_test, 784, 50, 10, []);
%% set trainer
trainer = nn_trainer(network);
%% train
info = trainer.train();
%% plot
display_graph('epoch', 'cost', {'Tow layer net'}, {}, {info});
train_info = info;
test_info = info;
train_info.accuracy = info.train_acc;
test_info.accuracy = info.test_acc;
display_graph('epoch', 'accuracy', {'Train', 'Test'}, {}, {train_info, test_info});
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Let's take a closer look at the code above bit by bit. The procedure has only **5 steps**!
**Step 1: Load dataset**
First, we load a dataset including train set and test set using a data loader function `load_dataset()`.
The output include train set and test set, and related other data.
[x_train, t_train, train_num, x_test, t_test, test_num, class_num, dimension, ~, ~] = ...
load_dataset('mnist', './datasets/', inf, inf, false);
**Step 2: Set network**
The next step defines the network architecture. This example uses a two layer neural network with the input size 784, the hidden layer size 50, and the output layer size 10. Datasets are also delivered to this class.
%% set network
network = two_layer_net(x_train, t_train, x_test, t_test, 784, 50, 10, []);
**Step 3: Set trainer**
You also set the network to be used. Some options for training could be configured using the second argument, which is not used in this example, though.
%% set trainer
trainer = nn_trainer(network);
**Step 4: Perform trainer**
Now, you start to train the network.
%% train
info = trainer.train();
It returns the statistics information that include the histories of epoch numbers, cost values, train and test accuracies, and so on.
**Step 5: Show result**
Finally, `display_graph()` provides output results of decreasing behavior of the cost values in terms of the number of epoch. The accuracy results for the train and the test are also shown.
% plot
display_graph('epoch', 'cost', {'Two layer net'}, {}, {info});
train_info = info;
test_info = info;
train_info.accuracy = info.train_acc;
test_info.accuracy = info.test_acc;
display_graph('epoch', 'accuracy', {'Train', 'Test'}, {}, {train_info, test_info});
That's it!
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More plots
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- The SimpleDeepNetToolbox is **free** and **open** source.
- The code provided in SimpleDeepNetToolbox should only be used for **academic/research purposes**.
- This toolbox was originally ported from [python library](https://github.com/oreilly-japan/deep-learning-from-scratch).
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- As always, parameters such as the learning rate should be configured properly in each dataset and network.
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Problems or questions
If you have any problems or questions, please contact the author: [Hiroyuki Kasai](http://kasai.kasailab.com/) (email: kasai **at** is **dot** uec **dot** ac **dot** jp)
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Release notes
* Version 1.0.3 (Nov. 14, 2018)
- Some class structures are re-configured.
* Version 1.0.2 (Nov. 09, 2018)
- Some class structures are re-configured.
* Version 1.0.1 (Nov. 07, 2018)
- Some class structures are re-configured.
* Version 1.0.0 (Oct. 08, 2018)
- Initial version.
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用于深度学习网络的简单MATLAB工具箱:版本1.zip (37个子文件)
affine.m 1KB
nn_layer_basis.m 11KB
dropout.m 1KB
softmax_with_loss.m 1KB
relu.m 878B
convolution.m 3KB
sigmoid.m 869B
pooling.m 3KB
layer_manager.m 4KB
batch_normalization.m 4KB
simpledeepnettoolbox_version.m 140B
simple_conv_net.m 12KB
multilayer_neural_net.m 15KB
two_layer_net.m 10KB
stepsize_alg.m 1KB
stochastic_optimizer.m 12KB
get_default_sto_opt_options.m 296B
display_graph.m 8KB
run_me_first.m 815B
numerical_gradient.m 730B
cross_entropy_error.m 960B
softmax.m 417B
mergeOptions.m 936B
col2im.m 2KB
get_default_trainer_options.m 602B
calc_sigmoid.m 163B
im2col.m 2KB
nn_trainer.m 6KB
convert_labelvec_to_mat.m 571B
load_dataset.m 4KB
test_simple_covnet.m 2KB
test_multilayer_neuralnet.m 2KB
demo_multilayer_neuralnet.m 2KB
demo_two_layer_neuralnet.m 827B
download.m 1KB
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