# my-matlab-robotics-toolbox
A simple and straightforward implementation of the DH-parameters in MATLAB
There are two different conventions on the implementation of the DH-parameters. This one uses the standard DH-parameters which can as well be found in this book: https://www.cs.duke.edu/brd/Teaching/Bio/asmb/current/Papers/chap3-forward-kinematics.pdf. The results have been validated with Peter Corke's RVC toolbox (https://github.com/petercorke/robotics-toolbox-matlab).
**cgr** prefix means the code is code-generation ready.
**ncgr** means the code is **NOT** code-generation ready.
* Forward kinematics
* Homogenous transformation of each link of the robot
* Numerical Jacobian
* Simple visualization, it can also be animated
* Inverse kinematics with the pseudo-inverse method and damped least square method.
* Code generation ready.
How to use:
* Create a global variable N_DOFS and define the number of degree-of-freedom of the robot in it. The reason why global variable is used is because I keep having problems in using the dynamic memory allocation for MATLAB coder. Therefore, I use global variable to define the dimension of the necessary static arrays.
* Create the robot structure with **cgr_create**.
* Actuate and update the joint with **cgr_self_update** functions.
* If necessary, plot the robot with **ncgr_plot** by first calling **ncgr_graphic** once at the beginning of the program.
* To create the compiled MEX or DLL files, two examples of MATLAB Coder project files are provided. This is where the global variable is used.
[sshot]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/auralius/my-matlab-robotics-toolbox/master/sshot.png "Screenshot"
[sshot2]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/auralius/my-matlab-robotics-toolbox/master/sshot2.png "Screenshot2"
Auralius Manurung
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