# unet_mxnet2ncnn
Train mxnet unet and run it on ncnn.
How to use:
1. Get dataset and put it in the some directory. Adjust files under mxnet-unet/data based on dataset location.
2. cd mxnet-unet; python3 trainunet.py
3. Get inference model by running: python3 train2infer.py
4. Use ncnn tool 'mxnet-ncnn' to get ncnn model
Need to patch tools/mxnet/mxnet2ncnn.cpp for ncnn. Set num_group to 1 in if for "Deconvolution" op. But I think it will fix also if designate it in mxnet network.
5. Run ncnn-unet.
Install OpenCV first.
cd ncnn-unet
Edit CMakefiles to fit your enviroment.
mkdir build
cmake ..; make
./unet your_jpg_file
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