梁单元的钢芯铝绞线的有限元建模方法。相对于基于实体单元的钢芯铝绞线建模长度(200 mm)
绞线的有限元建模方法,基于梁单元的建模方法使得在建立较大的 1∶1 钢芯铝绞线有限元模型的
同时使同步获得各根股线应力应变等力学参数成为可能。在 Solidworks 中建立了 1 400 mm 长
的钢芯铝绞线的几何模型,将该几何模型导入 ABAQUS 软件中进行装配,继而采用梁单元对建立
Different from the traditional finite element modeling methods based on solid
element and bar element, this paper adopts an efficient finite element modeling
method for aluminum cable steel reinforced (ACSR) based on beam element.
Compared with the modeling length limit of 200 mm or so of ACSR based on solid
element, the modeling length of ACSR based on beam element can be increased by
a large multiple. Compared with the finite element modeling method of ACSR based
on bar element, when the larger finite element model of ACSR of 1∶1 is
established, the mechanical parameters of stress and strain of each strand can be
obtained synchronously. In this paper, the geometric model of 1 400 mm ACSR is
established in Solidworks, and then the geometric model is imported into ABAQUS
for assembly. Then, the model is discretized by beam element. The same boundary
conditions as ACSR on fatigue testing machine are applied considering the contact
between the wires. Finally, the simulation results are compared with the
experimental results on the fatigue testing machine, which confirms the accuracy of
the finite element modeling method based on beam element.
梁单元; 钢芯铝绞线; 有限元模型; 应力分布
beam element; aluminum cable steel reinforced; finite element model; stress
钢芯铝绞 线具 有综合造价较低、传 输容 量大、电耗损失小等特点 ,已成为架空导线最常用 的材料。
钢芯铝绞 线由 于自身结构和服役环 境的 复杂性,在实际服役运行 过程中的力学特性极其复 杂
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