1.11.1 / 2013-03-22
* Revert to also converting parameters of range method to numbers. Closes gh-702
* Replace most usage of PHP with mockjax handlers. Do some demo cleanup as well, update to newer masked-input plugin. Keep captcha demo in PHP. Fixes #662
* Remove inline code highlighting from milk demo. View source works fine.
* Fix dynamic-totals demo by trimming whitespace from template content before passing to jQuery constructor
* Fix min/max validation. Closes gh-666. Fixes #648
* Fixed 'messages' coming up as a rule and causing an exception after being updated through rules("add"). Closes gh-670, fixes #624
* Add Korean (ko) localization. Closes gh-671
* Improved the UK postcode method to filter out more invalid postcodes. Closes #682
* Update messages_sv.js. Closes #683
* Change grunt link to the project website. Closes #684
* Move remote method down the list to run last, after all other methods applied to a field. Fixes #679
* Update plugin.json description, should include the word 'validate'
* Fix typos
* Fix jQuery loader to use path of itself. Fixes nested demos.
* Update grunt-contrib-qunit to make use of PhantomJS 1.8, when installed through node module 'phantomjs'
* Make valid() return a boolean instead of 0 or 1. Fixes #109 - valid() does not return boolean value
1.11.0 / 2013-02-04
* Remove clearing as numbers of `min`, `max` and `range` rules. Fixes #455. Closes gh-528.
* Update pre-existing labels - fixes #430 closes gh-436
* Fix $.validator.format to avoid group interpolation, where at least IE8/9 replaces -bash with the match. Fixes #614
* Fix mimetype regex
* Add plugin manifest and update headers to just MIT license, drop unnecessary dual-licensing (like jQuery).
* Hebrew messages: Removed dots at end of sentences - Fixes gh-568
* French translation for require_from_group validation. Fixes gh-573.
* Allow groups to be an array or a string - Fixes #479
* Removed spaces with multiple MIME types
* Fix some date validations, JS syntax errors.
* Remove support for metadata plugin, replace with data-rule- and data-msg- (added in 907467e8) properties.
* Added sftp as a valid url-pattern
* Add Malay (my) localization
* Update localization/messages_hu.js
* Remove focusin/focusout polyfill. Fixes #542 - Inclusion of jquery.validate interfers with focusin and focusout events in IE9
* Localization: Fixed typo in finnish translation
* Fix RTM demo to show invalid icon when going from valid back to invalid
* Fixed premature return in remote function which prevented ajax call from being made in case an input was entered too quickly. Ensures remote validation always validates the newest value.
* Undo fix for #244. Fixes #521 - E-mail validation fires immediately when text is in the field.
1.10.0 / 2012-09-07
* Corrected French strings for nowhitespace, phoneUS, phoneUK and mobileUK based upon community feedback.
* rename files for language_REGION according to the standard ISO_3166-1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1), for Taiwan tha language is Chinese (zh) and the region is Taiwan (TW)
* Optimise RegEx patterns, especially for UK phone numbers.
* Add Language Name for each file, rename the language code according to the standard ISO 639 for Estonian, Georgian, Ukrainian and Chinese (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes)
* Added croatian (HR) localization
* Existing French translations were edited and French translations for the additional methods were added.
* Merged in changes for specifying custom error messages in data attributes
* Updated UK Mobile phone number regex for new numbers. Fixes #154
* Add element to success call with test. Fixes #60
* Fixed regex for time additional method. Fixes #131
* resetForm now clears old previousValue on form elements. Fixes #312
* Added checkbox test to require_from_group and changed require_from_group to use elementValue. Fixes #359
* Fixed dataFilter response issues in jQuery 1.5.2+. Fixes #405
* Added jQuery Mobile demo. Fixes #249
* Deoptimize findByName for correctness. Fixes #82 - $.validator.prototype.findByName breaks in IE7
* Added US zip code support and test. Fixes #90
* Changed lastElement to lastActive in keyup, skip validation on tab or empty element. Fixes #244
* Removed number stripping from stripHtml. Fixes #2
* Fixed invalid count on invalid to valid remote validation. Fixes #286
* Add link to file_input to demo index
* Moved old accept method to extension additional-method, added new accept method to handle standard browser mimetype filtering. Fixes #287 and supersedes #369
* Disables blur event when onfocusout is set to false. Test added.
* Fixed value issue for radio buttons and checkboxes. Fixes #363
* Added test for rangeWords and fixed regex and bounds in method. Fixes #308
* Fixed TinyMCE Demo and added link on demo page. Fixes #382
* Changed localization message for min/max. Fixes #273
* Added pseudo selector for text input types to fix issue with default empty type attribute. Added tests and some test markup. Fixes #217
* Fixed delegate bug for dynamic-totals demo. Fixes #51
* Fix incorrect message for alphanumeric validator
* Removed incorrect false check on required attribute
* required attribute fix for non-html5 browsers. Fixes #301
* Added methods "require_from_group" and "skip_or_fill_minimum"
* Use correct iso code for swedish
* Updated demo HTML files to use HTML5 doctype
* Fixed regex issue for decimals without leading zeroes. Added new methods test. Fixes #41
* Introduce a elementValue method that normalizes only string values (don't touch array value of multi-select). Fixes #116
* Support for dynamically added submit buttons, and updated test case. Uses validateDelegate. Code from PR #9
* Fix bad double quote in test fixtures
* Fix maxWords method to include the upper bound, not exclude it. Fixes #284
* Fixed grammar error in german range validator message. Fixes #315
* Fixed handling of multiple class names for errorClass option. Test by Max Lynch. Fixes #280
* Fix jQuery.format usage, should be $.validator.format. Fixes #329
* Methods for 'all' UK phone numbers + UK postcodes
* Pattern method: Convert string param to RegExp. Fixes issue #223
* grammar error in german localization file
* Added Estonian localization for messages
* Improve tooltip handling on themerollered demo
* Add type="text" to input fields without type attribute to please qSA
* Update themerollered demo to use tooltip to show errors as overlay.
* Update themerollered demo to use latest jQuery UI (along with newer jQuery version). Move code around to speed up page load.
* Fixed min error message broken in Japanese.
* Update form plugin to latest version. Enhance the ajaxSubmit demo.
* Drop dateDE and numberDE methods from classRuleSettings, leftover from moving those to localized methods
* Passing submit event to submitHandler callback
* Fixed #219 - Fix valid() on elements with dependency-callback or dependency-expression.
* Improve build to remove dist dir to ensure only the current release gets zipped up
* Added Basque (EU) localization
* Added Slovenian (SL) localization
* Fixed issue #127 - Finnish translations has one : instead of ;
* Fixed Russian localization, minor syntax issue
* Added in support for HTML5 input types, fixes #97
* Improved HTML5 support by setting novalidate attribute on the form, and reading the type attribute.
* Fixed showLabel() removing all classes from error element. Remove only settings.validClass. Fixes #151.
* Added 'pattern' to additional-methods to validate against arbitrary regular expressions.
* Improved email method to not allow the dot at the end (valid by RFC, but unwanted here). Fixes #143
* Fixed swedish and norwegian translations, min/max messages got switched. Fixes #181
* Fix
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Java是一种高性能、跨平台的面向对象编程语言。它由Sun Microsystems(现在是Oracle Corporation)的James Gosling等人在1995年推出,被设计为一种简单、健壮、可移植、多线程、动态的语言。Java的主要特点和优势包括以下几个方面: 跨平台性(Write Once, Run Anywhere): Java的代码可以在不同的平台上运行,只需编写一次代码,就可以在任何支持Java的设备上执行。这得益于Java虚拟机(JVM),它充当了代码和底层硬件之间的中介。 面向对象: Java是一种纯粹的面向对象编程语言,支持封装、继承和多态等面向对象的概念。这使得Java编写的代码更加模块化、可维护和可扩展。 多线程支持: Java内置了对多线程的支持,允许程序同时执行多个任务。这对于开发需要高并发性能的应用程序(如服务器端应用、网络应用等)非常重要。 自动内存管理(垃圾回收): Java具有自动内存管理机制,通过垃圾回收器自动回收不再使用的对象,使得开发者不需要手动管理内存,减轻了程序员的负担,同时也减少了内存泄漏的风险。
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