XiaoLoong Dev-C++ Version 5.16c -- February 9, 2021, by Anbang Li (anbangli@foxmail.com)
- User interface Improvements:
1. merge most toolbars into main toolbar with 32x32 icons;
2. buttons related to debug moved to main toolbar;
3. redesigned new theme "FatCow Modern" and "Basic Outline";
4. buttons related to project moved to left "Project" panel;
5. buttons related to varible-watching moved to left "Debug" panel.
New features��
1. "Debug" button pressed first time is to START debugging, pressed during debugging is to CONTINUE debugging.
2. During debugging, the value of function parameters and local varibles are automatically shown and refreshed in left "Debug" panel.
3. Support traditional character functions such as clrscr, gotoxy, and textcolor.
4. Support preprocessing command "#pragma comment", so as to use EGE, EasyX and raylib (or other libraries) in program.
5. New menuitem added under menu "Tools": "Console Window LARGE", "Console Window DEFAULT" and "TxtDiff".
6. New sample programs in <Example>, new icons in <icons>.
7. Helping documents under menu "Help" enhanced.
8. Add option "Delete '.exe' file before closing" in Envioriment Options.
9. Use MinGW-w64 as default compiler instead of TDM-GCC.
Dev-C++ Version 5.15 - 5 September, 2020, by Anbang Li (anbangli@foxmail.com)
- (Important change!) Add options in "Formatting Options" dialog ("AStyle ->
Formatting Options"): "Automattically format file before saving", "Adjust
lines" and "Adjust spaces". These Options are checked by default!
- Improved user interface:
(1) Removed "Gnome" and "Blue" theme, add new "Modern" theme and set as default.
The icons mainly come from "Crystall" and "Tango" icon libraries, and others
are draw by myself.
(1) Removed buttons from main toolbar: "Close All", "Profiling Analysis",
"Delete Profiling Information" and "Homepage";
(2) Changed Icons of "Debug" and "Stop excution" icons.
(3) Add icons for menu items: "Toggle block comment", "Indent", "Unindent"
and "Homepage";
(4) Add icons for buttons: "Debug", "Stop execution", "Next line", "Add
watch", "Into Function", "Continue" and "Skip function".
- Some bugs fixed.
Dev-C++ Version 5.14 - 22 July, 2020, by Anbang Li��anbangli@foxmail.com )
The main improvement of this version is that the working interface has been
greatly modified.
- Modify the toolbar: the first line shows the main toolbar, Edit Toolbar,
compile toolbar and compile configuration.
- Buttons added to EditBar: Cut, copy, paste, insert code snippets,
set/cancel line comment and format current file with AStyle..
- Buttons removed from EditBar: search and replace, goto function, go to line.
- The second line of toolbars shows the Project Bar and the Class Bar.
Removed set bookmarks and go to bookmarks.
- Modified the bookmark function. The previous "set bookmark" and "go to
bookmark" needed to remember the location of each bookmark, it's not
practical. New functions: "set/cancel bookmark" (shortcut: Ctrl + k),
"previous bookmark"(shortcut Ctrl-U) and "next bookmark" (shortcut Ctrl-J).
- Improved multilingualism. After installation, it will automatically detect
the interface language of the Current Windows system and use the same
interface language.
- Code snippets, custom toolbars, compile configuration schemes, and templates
in new projects now support multi language. When the user changes the interface
language in environment options, All these elements can switch to the
appropriate language.
Dev-C++ Version 5.13 - 4 May 2020, by Anbang Li (anbangli@foxmail.com)
- Compile with Delphi XE2.
- Update editor component SynEdit.
- "New..." button seperated into "New source file" and "New..."
Automatically create new source file on startup.
- CodeFolding button on gutter is not allowed to click by default.
Editor Option "Click to fold/unfold code" to switch.
- Update compiler TDM-GCC from v4.9.2 to v9.2.0, debugger GDB from v7.8.1 to v7.9.1
- Integrated EGE (Easy Graphics Engine, https://xege.org/) into compiler.
- Removed pack manager.
- Optimize all build-in syntax highlighter.
- Add menuitems under menu "Help".
Dev-C++ Version 5.12 - 14 Juni 2015
- Fixed use of invalid library directories when autodetecting 32bit GCC 4.9.2.
- Fixed rare crash happening when closing an editor.
- Fixed rare crash happening when closing Dev-C++.
- Updated source code README.
- Updated Italian language (thanks to Denis Renzi).
Version 5.11 - 27 April 2015
- Fixed crash related to double clicking on a compiler error when a selection was made.
- Upgraded the default compiler to TDM-GCC 4.9.2.
- Improved startup speed.
- Fixed Abort Compilation button not working anymore.
- Fixed crash in TCppParser.CheckForTypedefStruct.
- Fixed crash in TCppParser.HandleEnum.
- Fixed some typos in the English translation (thanks to Hiro5).
- Updated the Catalan translation (thanks to Hiro5).
- Updated the Czech translation (thanks to tringi).
- Fixed some hickups in the build process of Dev-C++ itself.
Version 5.10 - 11 March 2015
- Improved startup speed.
- Removed splash window.
- Temporarily removed the web update window.
- Rewrote the LangCheck tool that can be used to validate translation files.
- Improved indent guides painting and positioning.
- Removed full screen information bar.
- Added GUI option for maximum line length option to AStyle > Formatter Options.
- Fixed parameter mismatch in Chinese translation.
- Fixed memory leak in Edit > Unindent.
- Improved behaviour of Edit > Toggle Comment.
- Improved opening speed of Tools > Compiler Options.
Version 5.9.2 - 1 Februari 2015
- Changed Format Current File shortcut from Shift+F to Shift+Ctrl+A.
- Removed/Changed all default Alt+(Key) shortcuts because they interfere with Alt menu navigation.
- Assigned some new default shortcuts like Ctrl+B (Open Containing Folder) and F2 (Rename File).
- Fixed Show Makefile being executable when no compiler set is configured.
Version 5.9.1 - 31 Januari 2015
- Updated Tools >> Edit Shortcuts.
- Removed Ctrl+Alt combination in default shortcuts to ensure that the AltGr button keeps functioning:
- Fixed formatter options command line not showing up after first launch.
- Added source LaTeX of testing document DevTest.pdf.
- Widened the Menu >> Search >> Find window in order to accomodate longer translations.
- Fixed a crash when launching for the first time with no compilers available.
- Added last selection arrow to Find Results.
- Fixed out of bounds error in TCppParser.HandleMethod.
Version 5.9.0 - 5 Januari 2015
- Added AStyle integration.
- Remodeled Help >> About window.
- When looking up a piece of code by Ctrl+Clicking the destination line is centered.
- Removed caching from Tools >> Editor Options.
- Widened the exception window.
- Removed caching from the first-time configuration window.
- Improved parsing progress messages in the status bar.
- Improved performance of the classes list toolbar.
- Improved function declaration/definition switching.
- Significantly improved performance when selecting text.
- Fixed parser error when parsing C-style cast of string constant.
- Huge rewrite of code folding implementation.
- Major improvements in typing responsiveness.
- Major reduction in flickering during typing.
- Around 40-50% reduction in memory usage per open file.
- Fixed devcppPortable not passing files with spaces in names to devcpp correctly.
- Improved performance when opening multiple files from explorer using Dev-C++.
- Code completion does not show up anymore for periods typed as part of numbers.
Version 5.8.3 - 10 November 2014
- Slightly decreased flicker during editor opening.
- Makefiles are now edited as if they are source files. It's be
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Dev-Cpp基于GCC(GNU Compiler Collection)编译器,它集成了一个源代码编辑器、编译器、链接器和调试器,提供了一个完整的开发环境。以下是一些关于Dev-Cpp的关键知识点:
1. **源代码编辑器**:Dev-Cpp的编辑器支持语法高亮,自动完成,括号匹配等功能,便于编写和理解代码。它还提供了代码折叠,使得大型代码结构更易于管理。
2. **项目管理**:用户可以创建、管理和组织多个项目,每个项目包含相关的源代码文件、头文件和其他资源。这有助于保持代码的组织性和可维护性。
3. **编译和构建系统**:Dev-Cpp使用GCC作为默认编译器,支持C++11及其以前的标准。用户可以通过IDE界面直接编译和运行代码,无需手动调用命令行工具。
4. **调试工具**:内置的GDB调试器允许程序员设置断点,单步执行代码,查看变量值,检查内存状态等,对于调试程序非常有用。
5. **库支持**:Dev-Cpp支持标准C++库以及一些第三方库,如SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)用于游戏开发,OpenGL和GLUT用于图形编程等。
6. **配置自定义**:用户可以根据需要自定义编译器选项,例如启用或禁用特定的C++特性,链接特定的库,或者设置预处理宏。
7. **跨平台**:虽然Dev-Cpp最初是为Windows设计的,但通过MinGW(Minimalist GNU for Windows)或其他类似工具链,它也可以在其他操作系统上运行,如Linux或macOS。
8. **教学友好**:由于其直观的用户界面和集成的特性,Dev-Cpp是学习C++和理解编译过程的理想工具,特别适合初学者。
9. **社区支持**:Dev-Cpp有一个活跃的用户社区,用户可以在论坛上提问,获取帮助,分享代码和教程。
10. **开源和免费**:Dev-Cpp是自由和开放源码软件,这意味着任何人都可以查看其源代码,对其进行修改,并根据GPL(GNU General Public License)分发。
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