# TF Keras YOLOv4/v3/v2 Modelset
## Introduction
A general YOLOv4/v3/v2 object detection pipeline inherited from [keras-yolo3-Mobilenet](https://github.com/Adamdad/keras-YOLOv3-mobilenet)/[keras-yolo3](https://github.com/qqwweee/keras-yolo3) and [YAD2K](https://github.com/allanzelener/YAD2K). Implement with tf.keras, including data collection/annotation, model training/tuning, model evaluation and on device deployment. Support different architecture and different technologies:
#### Backbone
- [x] CSPDarknet53
- [x] Darknet53/Tiny Darknet
- [x] Darknet19
- [x] MobilenetV1
- [x] MobilenetV2
- [x] MobilenetV3(Large/Small)
- [x] PeleeNet ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.06882))
- [x] GhostNet ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.11907))
- [x] EfficientNet
- [x] Xception
- [x] VGG16
#### Head
- [x] YOLOv4 (Lite)
- [x] Tiny YOLOv4 (Lite, no-SPP, unofficial)
- [x] YOLOv3 (Lite, SPP)
- [x] YOLOv3 Nano ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.01271)) (unofficial)
- [x] Tiny YOLOv3 (Lite)
- [x] YOLOv2 (Lite)
- [x] Tiny YOLOv2 (Lite)
#### Loss
- [x] YOLOv3 loss
- [x] YOLOv2 loss
- [x] Binary focal classification loss
- [x] Softmax focal classification loss
- [x] GIoU localization loss
- [x] DIoU localization loss ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.08287))
- [x] Binary focal loss for objectness (experimental)
- [x] Label smoothing for classification loss
#### Postprocess
- [x] Numpy YOLOv3/v2 postprocess implementation
- [x] TFLite/MNN C++ YOLOv3/v2 postprocess implementation
- [x] tf.keras batch-wise YOLOv3/v2 postprocess layer
- [x] DIoU-NMS bounding box postprocess (numpy/C++)
- [x] SoftNMS bounding box postprocess (numpy)
- [x] Eliminate grid sensitivity (numpy/C++, from [YOLOv4](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.10934))
- [x] WBF(Weighted-Boxes-Fusion) bounding box postprocess (numpy) ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.13302))
- [x] Cluster NMS family (Fast/Matrix/SPM/Weighted) bounding box postprocess (numpy) ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.03572))
#### Train tech
- [x] Transfer training from imagenet
- [x] Singlescale image input training
- [x] Multiscale image input training
- [x] Dynamic learning rate decay (Cosine/Exponential/Polynomial/PiecewiseConstant)
- [x] Weights Average policy for optimizer (EMA/SWA/Lookahead, valid for TF-2.x with tfa)
- [x] Mosaic data augmentation (from [YOLOv4](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.10934))
- [x] GridMask data augmentation ([paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.04086))
- [x] Multi anchors for single GT (from [YOLOv4](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.10934))
- [x] Pruned model training (only valid for TF 1.x)
- [x] Multi-GPU training with SyncBatchNorm support (valid for TF-2.2 and later)
#### On-device deployment
- [x] Tensorflow-Lite Float32/UInt8 model inference
- [x] MNN Float32/UInt8 model inference
## Quick Start
1. Install requirements on Ubuntu 16.04/18.04:
# apt install python3-opencv
# pip install Cython
# pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Download Related Darknet/YOLOv2/v3/v4 weights from [YOLO website](http://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/) and [AlexeyAB/darknet](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet).
3. Convert the Darknet YOLO model to a Keras model.
4. Run YOLO detection on your image or video, default using Tiny YOLOv3 model.
# wget -O weights/darknet53.conv.74.weights https://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet53.conv.74
# wget -O weights/darknet19_448.conv.23.weights https://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet19_448.conv.23
# wget -O weights/yolov3.weights https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
# wget -O weights/yolov3-tiny.weights https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3-tiny.weights
# wget -O weights/yolov3-spp.weights https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3-spp.weights
# wget -O weights/yolov2.weights http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolo.weights
# wget -O weights/yolov2-voc.weights http://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolo-voc.weights
# wget -O weights/yolov2-tiny.weights https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2-tiny.weights
# wget -O weights/yolov2-tiny-voc.weights https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2-tiny-voc.weights
### manually download csdarknet53-omega_final.weights from https://drive.google.com/open?id=18jCwaL4SJ-jOvXrZNGHJ5yz44g9zi8Hm
# wget -O weights/yolov4.weights https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/releases/download/darknet_yolo_v3_optimal/yolov4.weights
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/yolov3.cfg weights/yolov3.weights weights/yolov3.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg weights/yolov3-tiny.weights weights/yolov3-tiny.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/yolov3-spp.cfg weights/yolov3-spp.weights weights/yolov3-spp.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/yolov2.cfg weights/yolov2.weights weights/yolov2.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/yolov2-voc.cfg weights/yolov2-voc.weights weights/yolov2-voc.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/yolov2-tiny.cfg weights/yolov2-tiny.weights weights/yolov2-tiny.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/yolov2-tiny-voc.cfg weights/yolov2-tiny-voc.weights weights/yolov2-tiny-voc.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/darknet53.cfg weights/darknet53.conv.74.weights weights/darknet53.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/darknet19_448_body.cfg weights/darknet19_448.conv.23.weights weights/darknet19.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/csdarknet53-omega.cfg weights/csdarknet53-omega_final.weights weights/cspdarknet53.h5
### make sure to reorder output tensors for YOLOv4 cfg and weights file
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py --yolo4_reorder cfg/yolov4.cfg weights/yolov4.weights weights/yolov4.h5
### Scaled YOLOv4
### manually download yolov4-csp.weights from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NQwz47cW0NUgy7L3_xOKaNEfLoQuq3EL/view?usp=sharing
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py --yolo4_reorder cfg/yolov4-csp_fixed.cfg weights/yolov4-csp.weights weights/scaled-yolov4-csp.h5
### Yolo-Fastest
# wget -O weights/yolo-fastest.weights https://github.com/dog-qiuqiu/Yolo-Fastest/raw/master/ModelZoo/yolo-fastest-1.0_coco/yolo-fastest.weights
# wget -O weights/yolo-fastest-xl.weights https://github.com/dog-qiuqiu/Yolo-Fastest/raw/master/ModelZoo/yolo-fastest-1.0_coco/yolo-fastest-xl.weights
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/yolo-fastest.cfg weights/yolo-fastest.weights weights/yolo-fastest.h5
# python tools/model_converter/convert.py cfg/yolo-fastest-xl.cfg weights/yolo-fastest-xl.weights weights/yolo-fastest-xl.h5
# python yolo.py --image
# python yolo.py --input=<your video file>
For other model, just do in a similar way, but specify different model type, weights path and anchor path with `--model_type`, `--weights_path` and `--anchors_path`.
Image detection sample:
<p align="center">
<img src="assets/dog_inference.jpg">
<img src="assets/kite_inference.jpg">
## Guide of train/evaluate/demo
### Train
1. Generate train/val/test annotation file and class names file.
Data annotation file format:
* One row for one image in annotation file;
* Row format: `image_file_path box1 box2 ... boxN`;
* Box format: `x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max,class_id` (no space).
* Here is an example:
path/to/img1.jpg 50,100,150,200,0 30,50,200,120,3
path/to/img2.jpg 120,300,250,600,2
1. For VOC style dataset, you can use [voc_annotation.py](https://github.com/david8862/keras-YOLOv3-model-set/blob/master/tools/dataset_converter/voc_annotation.py) to convert original dataset to our annotation file:
# cd tools/dataset_converter/ && python voc_annotation.py -h
usage: voc_annotation.py [-h] [--dataset_path DATASET_PATH] [--year YEAR]
[--set SET] [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH]
[--classes_path CLASSES_PATH] [--include_difficult]
convert PascalVOC
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
这是一个基于yolo-fastest模型的小车,主控是art-pi开发板,使用了rt thread操作系统 该小车能够识别特定种
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这是一个基于yolo-fastest模型的小车,主控是art-pi开发板,使用了rt thread操作系统。该小车能够识别特定种类的垃圾,并使用机械臂将其拾取并放置在垃圾筐内 演示效果 Demo 1 demo1存在一些问题: 如小车有时对不准,距离目标过远时容易走偏,车两侧的铝板使小车在旋转时不够稳定等等。 Demo 2 demo2对demo1中的问题进行一系列的改进: 对于小车对不准的问题,我们采用了在距离目标一定距离时进行第二次PID调整,这样使得小车积累一定误差后能将误差清零。在视频中, 可以看到小车在一定距离时有一明显停顿,这就是在进行第二次PID调整。 对于车身不稳,我们改进了机械结构,采用一个篮子并改变了摄像头和机械臂的位置,以及机械臂的初始状态,使得小车质量分布更集中。
这是一个基于yolo-fastest模型的小车,主控是art-pi开发板,使用了rt thread操作系统 该小车能够识别特定种 (2000个子文件)
cc936.c 697KB
cc949.c 546KB
cc950.c 434KB
cc932.c 240KB
ff.c 198KB
sockets.c 135KB
mib2.c 103KB
sockets.c 91KB
httpd.c 89KB
httpd.c 85KB
tcp.c 84KB
nd6.c 83KB
tcp_in.c 81KB
snmp_msg.c 75KB
mdns.c 75KB
tcp_out.c 75KB
dhcp.c 74KB
lcp.c 72KB
lcp.c 72KB
yconf.c 71KB
dhcp.c 70KB
sockets.c 69KB
tcp_in.c 67KB
nd6.c 67KB
api_msg.c 67KB
snmp_msg.c 66KB
tcp.c 66KB
ipc.c 65KB
mdns.c 63KB
dhcp.c 63KB
auth.c 63KB
auth.c 63KB
deflate.c 63KB
ipcp.c 62KB
ipcp.c 62KB
eap.c 61KB
eap.c 61KB
api_msg.c 60KB
tcp_in.c 59KB
lconf.c 58KB
usbdevice_core.c 58KB
ppp.c 57KB
uip.c 57KB
lcp.c 56KB
tcp_out.c 56KB
fs-ecos.c 55KB
wlan_mgnt.c 54KB
ip6.c 53KB
test_tcp.c 53KB
netif.c 53KB
dns.c 52KB
tcp.c 52KB
spi_msd.c 52KB
etharp.c 51KB
dns.c 51KB
tcp_out.c 49KB
pbuf.c 49KB
inflate.c 48KB
mqtt.c 48KB
ppp.c 47KB
smtp.c 47KB
ccp.c 47KB
ccp.c 47KB
ppp.c 47KB
pbuf.c 46KB
uffs_fs.c 45KB
api_msg.c 45KB
etharp.c 45KB
etharp.c 44KB
api_lib.c 43KB
trees.c 43KB
udp.c 43KB
msg_in.c 43KB
uffs_buf.c 43KB
mqtt.c 43KB
gc.c 42KB
snmp_core.c 41KB
rndis.c 41KB
ipv6cp.c 41KB
ipv6cp.c 41KB
snmp_core.c 40KB
ip4.c 40KB
makefsdata.c 40KB
ipv4_nat.c 40KB
lowpan6.c 40KB
pppol2tp.c 39KB
test_dhcp.c 39KB
nconf.c 38KB
netif.c 38KB
gconf.c 38KB
test_dhcp.c 38KB
ip6.c 38KB
pbuf.c 38KB
ip4.c 38KB
ipcp.c 38KB
pppol2tp.c 38KB
udp.c 38KB
altcp_tls_mbedtls.c 37KB
pppoe.c 37KB
pppoe.c 36KB
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