# e-Paper-Image-Display-Website
Raspberry Pi image display website using Waveshare e-paper 2.7 inch display.
# Features
- Website where users can upload images
- Approve images before displaying on e-Paper Display
- Process images to correct height before displaying
- Use queues to ensure each image gets displayed
- Displays queue information on website
# Getting Started
## Prerequisites
(These instructions assume that your Raspberry Pi is already connected to the Internet, happily running `pip` and has `python3` installed)
If you are running the Pi headless, connect to your Raspberry Pi using `ssh`.
Connect to your Pi over ssh and update and install necessary packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip mc git libopenjp2-7
sudo apt-get install -y libatlas-base-dev python3-pil
Now clone the required software (Waveshare libraries and this script)
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/waveshare/e-Paper
git clone https://github.com/foxzsz/e-Paper-Image-Display-Website
Move to the `e-Paper-Image-Display-Website` directory, copy the required part of waveshare epd to directory
cd e-Paper-Image-Display-Website
cp -r /home/pi/e-Paper/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/python/lib/waveshare_epd .
rm -rf /home/pi/e-Paper
Install the required Python3 modules
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
## Running the code
Run the main.py file
python3 main.py
If run successfully it will output that the Flask Webapp is running. To visit the website open the browser and enter
If approval of images is enabled ensure that you are connected via `VNC Viewer` or have the Tkinter window open using `MobaXterm` to approve and decline images.
## Connecting to the website from other devices on local network
Use the ip address of the raspberry pi in the url and add :5000 at the end of the url.
For example, your raspberry pi ip address is `` then your url would look like ``.
Find out the ip address using `ip config` on your terminal
## Limitations
Images are resized, they can look ugly sometimes
Images display as black and white.
# Credits
[foxzsz](https://github.com/foxzsz) - Creating the python code and html to run the website
[ss3387](https://github.com/ss3387) - Creating the code to display images on tkinter and on e-paper
- 粉丝: 6267
- 资源: 1819
- 计算机毕业设计:python+爬虫+cnki网站爬
- nyakumi-lewd-snack-3-4k_720p.7z.002
- 现在微信小程序能用的mqtt.min.js
- 基于MPC的非线性摆锤系统轨迹跟踪控制matlab仿真,包括程序中文注释,仿真操作步骤
- shell脚本入门-变量、字符串, Shell脚本中变量与字符串的基础操作教程
- 基于MATLAB的ITS信道模型数值模拟仿真,包括程序中文注释,仿真操作步骤
- 基于Java、JavaScript、CSS的电子产品商城设计与实现源码
- 基于Vue 2的zjc项目设计源码,适用于赶项目需求
- 基于跨语言统一的C++头文件设计源码开发方案
- 基于MindSpore 1.3的T-GCNTemporal Graph Convolutional Network设计源码